I do not see Baruman taking it and Eddisham claimed it so we will go with that

Yule Witch
Realizing you are of no use to her she croutches low, and muttering words presses her hands to the rot spreading at her feet. The blackness surges and waves of necrotic energies pulse along th floor. The black and green energies struggle against each other and a grey haze filles the circle.
You realize the haze to be spores form the fungus growing at the witches feet. The haze allows you to now clearly see th confines of the binding circle. However to your dismay, though not unexpected, you see small black spots poke through the barrier. These gaps are quickly sealed by the living enregies of the cirlce but
Elph sniffs the air and says
Stand back, the mist is poison
As you watch the escaping whisps of spores settle on various surfaces, take root, and begin growing outside the circle. The new black spots grow both out towards you and in to attack the circle from the outside..