The Island

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Dec 6, 2022 6:06 pm
"Purrrfect. Take this you rotten flesh!"
Dec 8, 2022 2:48 am
Degs watches in annoyance as the skeleton begins to reform.

"I put ya down once already!" Degs shouts at the skeleton while swinging his sword.
Degs will focus to try to make this hit count.


Focused Check DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)


Dec 8, 2022 3:29 am
Nixly frowned, seeing one of her arrows miss its target.

"Hey, no dodging! That's cheating!"
Sorry about the mistake. Nixly shoots again, against the same target.


Nixly Bow Check DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)


Dec 8, 2022 3:45 am
The skeleton is struck by the the two blows and the bones scatter as it collapses.

As stillness settles around you and you take stock you notice that the tops of the fortress battlements can be seen over the tree tops. You were told the cemetery is along the river shore almost directly north of the fortress.
Dec 9, 2022 3:40 am
"Which way were we going?" Eddisham asks the others. "Is the cemetery this side of the fortress or beyond?"
Dec 9, 2022 4:42 am
Degs looks around at his fellow party members, accessing any damage or wounds.

He glances over at Shmautz and says, "Ziggy, the lizards name is Ziggy. He's not really a pet...I mean he does his own thing mostly but he's stuck around for awhile now and we kind of look out for each other'. I dunno where he's run off to this time, sometimes he finds things even I miss when I'm huntin'"

Degs searches for anything left behind by the vanquished foes.

"Well Eddisham, Degs muses as he rifles through rotted flesh and shattered bone fragments, if we follow the shore a bit north it should take us to the Cemetery. I dunno how I feel about this cursed place though...seems someone should have figured out what is causing all this mess here? If ya let an infection like this fester too tends to spread.."
Dec 9, 2022 7:23 pm
Nixly seemed slightly concerned by Degs's words.

"That's not good. We should be careful. Personally, I prefer to be one hundred percent alive. Apparently, being half dead affects your ability to dance, let alone sing. The undead don't seem to be able to carry a tune."
Dec 9, 2022 9:31 pm
I clean my dagger and put it back under my robe again. Then I turn around to the others.

I'm really grateful that I had been able to meet Ziggy.
Otherwise I would never have met you, Degs. I'm glad that you've been next to me.

I hold out my paw to the honorable goblin.

In fact, I'm glad that all of you are here.
I don't want to imagine what would have happened, if I was out here with bigoted humans.
Thank you. I highly appreciate, that we're fully alive

, and I twinkle towards Nixly.

Eddisham, I don't know where this cemetery exactly is.
However, I see wisdom in master Degs' words. Why are the guys from the camp constantly sending scouts over to this place?
Any ideas?
And: what's next? I know that we're supposed to clean up here and that we are just a hired 'cleaning service'. But my life is too precious to me as that I would just gamble with it.
Adventure? Yes. Suicide squad? No.
This was just a small encounter and I already took wounds. If this gets more dangerous ...

I leave the sentence unfinished.

... I think we have to be smart. Or at least smarter than a horde of undead corpse. They'll outnumber us sooner or later. Maybe we should find a way to get rid of them without putting ourselves in danger.
Should we take a rest in the castle? Maybe we can overhear something?
Dec 9, 2022 10:30 pm
"I am puzzled by the strictures about the fortress," Eddisham comments. "Its denizens are undead, like those we just killed, except that they do no harm to the living and should be treated with respect. Something about this situation does not make sense. Why should we kill the unliving who roam about the island, but behave as guests to those in the fortress? Why should we respect the fortress dwellers, but scourge those who walk about? I think we - and the camp - may be pawns in some weird breathless politics."
Dec 9, 2022 11:06 pm
The skeletons left a couple of rusty swords that must have been maintained by the same magic that animated them for they have rusted beyond use in mere moments.
Dec 12, 2022 9:44 pm
Degs quickly drops the rusty sword he was examining as it begins to wither and decay in his hands.

"Well, I don't think we'll be findin' much loot here. We can continue clearing some more of the island and look for clues mayhaps lead to the solving the riddle of this island? Or maybe the safer option is to ask around? Maybe some other 'venturers know a thing or two?" I 'dun think will have much to show for with the small amount of undead we have destroyed here though, may be too soon to head off the island just yet. Shall we take a vote?"

Degs holds the amulet around his kneck and it begins to emit a soft blue hue.
He is attempting to get a feel for which way Ziggy may have wandered.
Dec 13, 2022 2:55 am
Degs pauses for a moment and locates Ziggy poking his head out from between some tree roots and scoops him up as the party wanders on aiming for a point north of the fortress to get a lay of the area between the cemetery and its walls. As you move on you avoid making any excess noise and listening for any other movement. As you get closer you notice that the area around the fortress is clear of tress and any brush above the kneed of a human. The walls are over 30' tall of stone with 50' towers and a gatehouse on the western wall. The tops of the walls, towers, and gatehouse are all manned by fixed and patrolling guards. A squad of armored guards stand in front of the open gates to the fortress interior.
You finally find a small thicket where you pause to look north to the cemetery. The cemetery begins over a hundred yards north of the fortress, 50 yards beyond its cleared area. The forest has grown into the cemetery but this is obviously more recent as the trees are more sparse and thinner. The cemetery has a wide variety of burial stiles from simple cairns to headstones and even mausoleums. The larger and more elaborate markers and structures become more frequent further to the north. The cemetery continues up to and beyond the shore. Some of the taller structures appears small islands in the river with a few even standing and entire story up out of its waters.
Dec 15, 2022 8:05 am
Cratchet says:

"Well, I don't think we'll be findin' much loot here. We can continue clearing some more of the island and look for clues mayhaps lead to the solving the riddle of this island? Or maybe the safer option is to ask around? Maybe some other 'venturers know a thing or two?" [/ooc]
The fortress is safe for us to visit, isn't it? I think, we should go there first. As you say, master Degs: maybe some other's know a thing or two.

I don't see the benefit in just heading over to that graveyard and see what happens. Even if we don't get any new information in the castle, we possibly can get onto the wall and have a better sight on the things happening down there.

Maybe there's nothing in the cemetery, maybe there are way more of those undead than we think, maybe there are even more dangerous creatures and ... maybe they have some sort of rhythm between day and night. So we just have to be safe in the castle and keep an eye on the cemetery to study what's going on there.

What do you think?

I wait for the others to decide.
Dec 15, 2022 1:58 pm
"I am curious about these hospitable undead soldiers in the fortress," Eddisham says. "What is the deal with that? I think we should find out whether they're talkative, I don't remember any info on that."
Dec 16, 2022 3:26 am
With Shmautz and Eddisham both expressing an interest in the fortress the party heads over. moving into the clearing that surround the fortress you find the west gate open but manned by a squad of 4 undead in plate armor. As you approach the undead turn their helmed heads to watch and you hear one call back into the open gate. A tall pale man in leather armor and an officers uniform walks forward to greet you. As you near you notice his eyes are black with red pupils and he greets you with a smile, revealing unusually pronounced canine teeth.
Welcome. The commander has ordered that the courtyard and smithy are free for your unescorted use. However before entering each of you must give your parole not to attack any of the guards, enter restricted areas which are guarded, or damage the fortress or any of it's facilities. If you will give me your bond to obey these restrictions you may enter. And he gestures into the fortress while glancing at you with a bit of curiosity and expectancy. His accent is unusual, sounding archaic and formal, but not too different from the common speech you all use.
Dec 16, 2022 2:55 pm
"So you lot do talk!" Eddisham says cheerfully. "I have so many questions. Will anyone answer them?"
Dec 16, 2022 8:00 pm
The man(?) chuckles at your comment. If you have questions I best take you to the commander. To do that I must insist you swear to do no harm to the fortress or it's defenders. Do you so swear?
Dec 16, 2022 8:53 pm
"Of course!" answers Eddisham, "I respect the laws of hospitality."
Dec 16, 2022 9:25 pm
The others agree, some more cautiously than others after the Lieutenant assures you that your oaths only hold while in the fortress and are in return guarantee your status as a protected guest. While a guest the rules are simple in that you can stay as long as you like in the courtyard and the smithy, which is off of the western courtyard and has been set aside for "guest" use. The magic forge in the smithy keeps it warm at all times. You must not interfere with the undead or try or break anything you find.

The Lieutenant escorts you counter clockwise around the west side of the keep and points out a door on the east exterior wall and indicates it is the smithy and the best place for you to stay and rest while here. Don't enter any of the adjoining rooms though. You are only permitted the courtyard and smithy, except under escort

You notice most of the defenders are skeletal like the gate guards but most wear chainmail. There are also small squads of ghostly soldiers that patrol the area either walking or floating high in the air. You estimate there to be several hundred undead in the fortress, none of which look to be as simple as zombies or the basic skeletons.

Entering the keep you pass more full plate guards in front of a door that leads to the keeps main hall. It has a cross shape to it and you are taken to the middle where there is a large table placed and several undead confer with each other in low voices that stop as soon as you enter. Turning to look as you and receiving a signal from the Lieutenant approaches. Behind him another of the undead stares at you then waves a claw like hand causing mist to fill the intervening space cutting of your view of the area beyond the lone approaching undead.

Ferran Martinel


Dec 16, 2022 9:26 pm
Ferran Martinel
This undead is taller and wears impressive armor with a massive blade on its back. As you near he says is a cold rasping voice. I am commander Martinel. I assume you, like the others brave and curious enough to enter here were once again uninformed or do not believe what you were told of us. Very well. I have time. What is it you would like to know?
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