The Island

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Feb 3, 2023 5:39 am
Psybermagi says:
Sigh, no, nothing useful here.
Try just a bit further. You might funny something fun to play with 😉 ignore that maniac in the corner cackling gleefully with a maniacal gleam in his eye. 👹
Whaaaaat!? o_0 :)
Does that mean we've overlooked the other guy and he was watching us burning his "pet"?
I thought we where alone and now might turn to the other 3 doors.
Feb 3, 2023 12:54 pm
Eddisham feels darkness still emanating from further down the crypt tunnels . . .
Feb 3, 2023 8:29 pm
"Whew," Eddisham says to Shmautz, "for just a moment I thought someone was standing in the corner watching us ... but there's nobody there! This place is messing with my head." He looks toward each of the three doors in turn. Does anyone look different than the others?
Feb 3, 2023 8:43 pm
The stairs curled around so that this room is just below the 1st floor entry with both entrances about lined up. The doors head to the left, right, and back of the structure but underground. All 3 are closed. As you look around you realize this room has been cleaned, or the floor at least. Likely to allow the diagram to be placed directly onto the stone floor.
Feb 4, 2023 1:40 am
[ +- ] Baruman & Elph search the graveyard
Feb 4, 2023 1:57 am
[ +- ] Elph & Baruman in the Mausoleum
Feb 4, 2023 2:06 am
Psybermagi sent a note to seanfsmith,wilsric
Psybermagi sent a note to tibbius,tergolap
Feb 4, 2023 2:18 am
OK we have two scout teams meeting up in the crypts beneath a partially submerged mausoleum with an undead battle taking place above and evil ritual somewhere in the tunnels deeper in the crypts.
@seanfsmith playing Elph
@tergolap playing Shmautz
@tibbius Eddisham
@wilsric playing Baruman
Have fun storming the crypts! Think it will work? It will take a miracle. :)
Feb 4, 2023 1:15 pm
Are we meeting each other right now, or are we just in the same building on different levels?

If we're still apart - can Shmautz sense the noises from the upper levels?
Feb 4, 2023 3:10 pm
The two teams are encountering each other. The other pair was moving quietly enough that you did not notice them till they were just outside the door.
The door has swung closed but not latched as it was when Eddisham and Shmautz arrived
Feb 4, 2023 5:37 pm
Elph, a snake lad with the body proportions of an upright stoat, raises his hands and addresses the others "Hello hello. We are living we aren't corpse men."
Feb 4, 2023 7:51 pm
"Oh, hi," says Eddisham cheerfully, "nice to meet you I'm sure."
Feb 4, 2023 8:28 pm
I'm quite suprised by the sudden appearance. Snakes make me feel unconfortable and I feel the hair in my neck going wild.
Shmautz is a cat-like creature and I just want to reflect the fact that he's afraid of snakes/lizards and such. However, he's a friendly fellow.

I answer. The fact that other living beings also found the way down here is a good sign.
So I try to be nice. My shoulders go down and I relax a little ...
I show my empty paws.

"Are you also Adventurers sent out from the base?"
Feb 4, 2023 10:20 pm
"Adventurers?" says Baruman "Yes, I guess that's us. They were worried about you, you were expected back a while ago"

An elf, he has come across before, but the strange cat creature is another race that he has never encountered. It looks friendly enough. It's fur is quite beautiful, but he manages to wrench his eyes away to look around the rest of the room. "Are we alone in here? Are there any of those corpse men about?"

Entering the room, his small duende figure moves quickly around the walls, examining and listening at each of the doors, all the while keeping a suspicious eye on the 2 scouts.

"My name is Baruman, and this is my friend Elph. Have you found anything of interest so far? Anything of value?"
Feb 5, 2023 12:17 am
"Hah, no, we are focused on finding a ritual circle that the Commander back at the fortress thinks may be causing these mindless undead to roam. We just dispatched an undead ogre, it was quite violent."
Feb 5, 2023 6:02 am
As you chat you hear faint sounds coming from the 3 other doors. Eddisham and Shmautz recognize the sounds of skeletons, having fought some on the island. The sounds are getting closer.
Feb 5, 2023 9:42 am
Taking up the pike, Baruman jams it into the ground in front of the doors from which the sounds seem loudest, and rests the other end against the door in an attempt to stop it from opening.
"Hopefully that will slow down these ones at least, so we don't have to deal with so many at once"
He draws his dagger and focuses on attacking the first undead that he sees.
Feb 5, 2023 3:41 pm
From all 3 doors? Damn ...
"Bonesmen again!?", I sigh in disbelief.

"We should gather at the door to the stairway and slip out, before they overrun us. This would be one narrow passage for them. Any more ideas on how we could block the other doors?", I say whilse moving to the door and getting out my knife again.

As Shmautz and Eddisham heard the noise - can we estimate the number of enemies?
Feb 5, 2023 6:42 pm
@wilsric, What pike?
@tibbius,@tergolap Eddisham and Shmautz have mastered their primary weapons so have advantage on attacks using those from now on.
Baruman takes a stout wooden from his pack and wedges it under the door across from the entrance. There are multiple footsteps coming from beyond each door. You estimate 3 to 4 from the left and right with more than 4 beyond the now wedged central door.
Everyone like Shmautz's idea of fighting enemies only coming from a single passage sounds and quickly retreats back up the stairs to the first floor, leaving the door open to hear the enemies progress.


Listen Check DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)


Feb 5, 2023 6:43 pm
Baruman starts to back towards the doorway to the stairway "That sounds like a plan, erm... cat-person"
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