The Island

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Feb 5, 2023 7:05 pm
Blue @ AB9 stairs lead down to the crypts you just came from
Yellow @ AB13 stairs go up to where you entered on the 2nd floor

Use the map grids to indicate where you wish to stand when the undead enter the room.
If you like you can quote this message and edit your characters coordinates and add your actions where I have the OOC

I wont always use maps in this game but as you have a moment to prepare you can use the map to plan
Feb 6, 2023 1:19 am
Eddisham leaps atop a casket, glancing at its carvings out of mild elvish curiosity. He holds his shillelagh ready to smash down on a skull. His orb of light hover above the stairwell.
Last edited Feb 6, 2023 1:20 am
Feb 6, 2023 7:46 am
Baruman backs up to
the steps where he came in. He climbs a couple of steps to give himself the advantage of higher ground and focuses on his dagger.
Feb 6, 2023 12:47 pm
@wilsric AB13 is 20 from where the undead will amerge. Depending on how the fight progresses you may be alone and surounded or have to move to get back in the action. If you are looking form some high ground the half stairs at AB11 wil do that and not take you so far from the fight.

To everyone. If the target is close, 10-15 feet from you, then you do not need to use one of your actions to close into melee and attack.
Feb 6, 2023 2:20 pm
Thanks, I'll go to ab11 then
Feb 6, 2023 6:50 pm
Is there a way that I could get "over" the entrance @AB 9 (blue) -> to AC9 over Z11/AA11 ...? The picture looks like it was sort of a 'gallery/arcade/courtyard'.
If yes, is there a statue or something we could tilt/toss/throw onto the enemies?
Feb 7, 2023 2:37 am
The first floor is comprised of a central open chamber with a dias to the east and smaller side chambers to the north and south. The stairs down go under the raise dias and there is room for two attackers, long weapons, like edishams Shillelaugh or ranged attacks, would be better suited but you can crouch down to swipe at them as they come up the stairs. There is noting loose to shift over and drop. The casket lids can be moved but are very heavy and it would take all of you to move one.
Feb 7, 2023 1:35 pm
We are going to go with this as the start of combat. I wont be updating this as it is just a reffrence for you to use in your characters actions.
Elph moves up to block the stairs with Eddisham and Baruman takes a couple of steps down so he can swing more easily as skeletons begin pouring up and out of the stairs into the room
Feb 7, 2023 1:42 pm
Eddisham Evades and smacks his shillelagh down at the head of the skeleton at Z8.


Eddisham: Test DC: 5 - Adv (shillelagh) - (3d6)


Feb 7, 2023 1:48 pm
The skeleton crumbles and another moves to replace it. Though the swamring mass of undead appears endless as they poor from teh stairs the sounds of feet comingup the staris indicate there should be an end.
The question is, will it the their or yours.
Evil Laughter

No need to identify your target, as I said the map was just to give you a frame of refference and apply any desired tactics. I'm just counting bone now.
Feb 7, 2023 2:25 pm
Baruman stabs at the nearest hunk of rotting flesh that he can see, but slips on a piece of slimy skin that drops from it, so his blade swings wide.
I've added an evade in case it's needed
Last edited Feb 7, 2023 3:04 pm


Baruman: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)


Secret Roll

Baruman: Evade - (1d6)


Feb 7, 2023 3:03 pm
@wilsric You hey 2 actions a turn. I added an attack
Baruman scrambled to recover swinging wildly to keep the undead at bay and manages to knock it's head clear off!
Feb 7, 2023 3:06 pm
Sorry, thanks, I thought I'd done that by accident! I added an evade in case it's needed
Feb 7, 2023 7:34 pm
So I'm upstairs, but have a Knife/Melee weapon? Am I even able to hit?
Feb 7, 2023 10:12 pm
@tergolap if that isn't where you wanted to be just adjust or ignore it
Feb 8, 2023 9:42 am
Psybermagi says:
@tergolap if that isn't where you wanted to be just adjust or ignore it
I just don't want to overcomplicate it
Seeing, that my move was quite a bad decision, I take a few steps down, to have those skeletons in reach.
I move to AB11 - 1st aktion
I try to hit the enemies in reach ...
Second Action: attack


Stabbing Skeletons in reach (weapon mastery) - (3D6)


Feb 11, 2023 4:42 pm
Thanks for your patience everyone! I've been tied up with theatre festival prep this week
Elph pauses a moment, reading the room (focus) and then hooks his foot around one of the skeletons to try and trip it(basic action vs 4+, I think?).


Elph: Check DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)


Feb 11, 2023 6:07 pm
Shmautz stabs a skeleton and it bursts into dust and another steps up to take its place
Elph knocks one down at his feet but another moves into take its pace.
The skeleton Elph knocked down turns to gnaw at his leg while another slashes at his with a fragment of a sword
Eddisham and Edisham are also attacked by skeletons.
At the back of the hoard of skeletons you see a robed figure move up the stairs cautiously(white). Though skeletal in form it reatains some skein and possibly some flesh over its bones. This figure at the back thrusts out his hand and a bolt of black energy strikes at Eddisham
Health : Eddisham 3/6 : Elph 4/6
@seanfsmith These skeletons are taken out with a single hit


attack 1 damage DC: 5 - Elph, Elph, Eddisham, Shmautz - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (6)

1d6 : (6)

1d6 : (5)

1d6 : (4)

Attack 1 damage DC: 5 - Eddisham + Save or have disadvantage next round - (2d6)


Feb 12, 2023 10:58 am
Seeing my friend, Eddisham, getting hurt again, makes me furious.
Ignoring the possible consequences for myself, I leap over to disturb the robed figure's concentration.
I want to jump right onto the figure White/AB:9 from my current position Orange/AB:11. Would be quite a move, I guess. Still an action to attack left?
Feb 12, 2023 11:55 am
Baruman swings his dagger at the undead next to him, knocking it out of the way so that he can move into position to attack the white figure


Baruman: dagger attack - (2d6)


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