The Island

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Feb 17, 2023 1:57 pm
The Necromancer collapses under Shmautz attacks but the last two skeletons remain a threat and attack Shmautz but he is able to avoid their undead fists


Skelton attach - (1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (4) = 4

1d6 : (4) = 4

Feb 17, 2023 2:39 pm
Baruman looks on in glee as Schmautz bring the necromancer to the ground.

"Ha! Your master is dead! and now you will die too!"

He turns on the remaining skeletons and strikes with his dagger..


Baruman: Dagger attack - (2d6)


Baruman: Dagger attack - (2d6)


Baruman: Evade - (1d6)


Feb 17, 2023 3:00 pm
@wilsric 2 attacks or 1 attack and evade
one of the Shelton's is shattered, again, by the spunky fey
Feb 17, 2023 3:06 pm
I get the evade for free if I am hit by an enemy because of the duende agility I think. I put it in, just in case one of them lands a blow, let me know if that's incorrect, or not how you want it done
Last edited Feb 17, 2023 3:12 pm
Feb 17, 2023 3:39 pm
yep, sorry I forgot about your heritage.
Feb 19, 2023 9:49 pm
The last skeleton is quickly dispatched by the party. Upon the collapse of the last undead you feel a tremor through the ground and hear a soft and gentle woman's voice that possessed a strength and commanding quality calling you to from up the stairs. Brave adventurers, Come to me. I have information and gifts of gratitude to bestow upon you. But fist search the necromancer. He should have a magic item that I must investigate to aid you.
Feb 19, 2023 11:33 pm
The dagger plunged into the skeleton's body and a feeling of exaltation flooded Baruman as he watched it collapse to the ground. Finally these unnatural fiends are gone! The feeling quickly changed to a chill in his spine, then he realised This is no chill, the very ground itself is shaking

Just a few days before, the disembodied voice would have frozen Baruman to the ground with fear. Now he felt so numbed with the bizarre events of the last days, and the unworldly things that he had seen, that he searched the body, just as the voice had commanded.
Feb 19, 2023 11:49 pm
The only thing on the necromancer is the old tattered leather cloak. Untying then removing the cloak you hold it and and a few pieces fall from it to the floor. With the robe removed it is plain to see there is nothing else on the necromancer.

Artenia Lien


Feb 22, 2023 1:35 pm
Taing the tattered cloak up the stairs cautiously you move out of the dark crypts into the first floor that has some of the days sunlight filtering in though decorative gaps in the stone walls and from the staris to the 2nd floor. On the stairs continuing up to the 2nd floor you see a floating translucent woman. Around and behind her you see other spirits, of animals, plants, and fey. You feel a sence a serenity and vitality eminating from her.
Artenia Lien
Welcome and thank you. I am Artenia Lien. I was a keeper of the lands during the Great War. I know not what has traspired in recent times but my spirit was disturbed by a foul spell that sought to bind me in service several day gone by. I and my companions were able to resist but the necromancer defiled my ancestors remains tuning them into mindless undead servants. He continued to lay enchantments to enslave me and create more undead slaves. This pointing to the rotting leather cloak is one of his tools. May I have it a moment?
Feb 22, 2023 4:31 pm
Baruman felt a feeling of peace and tranquility wash over him, and all the effort of the previous fight seemed to vanish. In awe of this strangely beautiful apparition, he walked to the base of the stair, his eyes mainly cast downwards, only rarely being brave enough to flick up for another crew of the wondrous woman. When he reached the bottom step, he knelt, and held the tattered cloak with his arms out "Please, take this and do whatever you must to right this evil and allow the dead to rest"
Feb 22, 2023 7:32 pm
Was her name on one of the tombs that we examined?
Right out of one battle we meet this ... what is it anyway? I'm a little concerned, but the aura that floating woman has, revives me. And I hope Eddisham too, as he's taken some wounds.

I watch and listen, while Baruman hands over the cloak to the lady. But I also keep an eye on the party. We've just defeated skeleton after skeleton and also that robed figure. Somehow I believe it was luck, as our little group does not look like battle - tested mercenaries.

My whiskers twitch, I take a deep breath and purr. That calms me down. I even see some cat spirits behind the woman.

Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)


Feb 23, 2023 1:12 am
Shmautz and Eddisham recognize the name Artenia Lien as being prominently diplayed outside this mausolleum. It was also on th 2nd floor.
Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)
She reaches out and the cloak rises to hover next to her folded in light. Floating back up the stairs while facing you she gustures Come let me reward you first. The you can help my companions watch over me as I delve into the secrts of this necromancer.
As you move cautiosly up to the second floor you are startles as it no longer resembles a structure so much as a doorway to various lands. Each window or door to balcony is no longer barred and leads to a divverent vista. Mountans, plains, the ocean, caverns, a forrest, jungles, etc. Into and out of each of these poratls pass a variety of beasts ad plants fill the interior. All are vaguely discernable as spirits when they enter the structure but beyond the portals they look quite real.
Let me heal you first and green, blue, yellow, and red motes of light break off from various spirits and fall onto each of you Any wounds start to close and the fatigue of the batle is washed from you to be replaced with the urge to move about and roar! Then it passes and you see the lady peering at each of you.
You have yet to awaken your full potential. Let me help you with this. I shall call to your souls and give you an oportunity. Focus your mind and calm your heart. Your sould will know best of its own potential. Find what my spell will bring to the surface and bring it into the light of day.
If you feel you are not ready then I have a few trinket that may be of use to you and help you in the future.

With a wave of her hand 4 items float out of various efffigies in the room.
A scale armor curias decorated wiht images of spiders
A dagger that glows faintly bue white and eminates cold
A staff of wood and bronze worked to appear as a dragon with the head atop leaking whisps of flame
A small pendant carved in the shape of a fox head. About this dances a small fox spirit.

Choose your reward. Enter the circle or take up an item
Basically a magic item or unlock another trait of your choice
Feb 23, 2023 1:17 pm
Baruman tried to calm his mind as the spirit instructed, but it still buzzed with the events of the last days and he could not focus. He felt he had not awoken his potential, as the spirit had said, but he had only left his home town a few days before, and knew so little of the wider world that he didn't really know what that potential was. Besides, could you trust this magic? a thing in your hand was surely worth more than an idea? His eye kept being drawn to the pendant with a fox frolicking and playing around it, now that was a thing of beauty, and a friendly looking spirit.

"Ma'am, If I may?" Baruman moved forward to take the pendant
Feb 23, 2023 1:27 pm
The spirit explains each item as you examin them but you must choose only a single reward. 1 item or an awoken trait.
[ +- ] Venombane Armor
[ +- ] Cold Snap
[ +- ] Forgework Dragon Staff
[ +- ] Foxfire Charm
Feb 23, 2023 4:13 pm
Elph shivers looking at the dagger and moves towards to take it, looking to check that noone else wants to instead
I've been laid low with norovirus this week: do let me know if there's something in particular I've missed!
Feb 23, 2023 8:48 pm
seanfsmith says:
Elph shivers looking at the dagger and moves towards to take it, looking to check that noone else wants to instead
I've been laid low with norovirus this week: do let me know if there's something in particular I've missed!
Fine for me, as I'm looking for a new trait. Hope, you get well soon!
Feb 23, 2023 8:54 pm
"Lady, let me offer you my shillelagh in return for this fine staff," says Eddisham as he lays down the walking stick and reaches out to grasp the dragon staff. "It is a well-worn stick, a gift from my grandfather. May it sometime be useful to another." He holds the dragon staff carefully. "This is a thing of power," he says. Is there a hint of greed to his voice?

Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)


Feb 24, 2023 2:37 am
Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)
As Elph takes the dagger and Eddisham the staff the lady nods in thanks as she takes his Shillelaugh in return, bowing over the wooden stick. This shall rest in the Feywild for some seasons. Its shitory of service has built a stable foundation for the energies of the fey to grow from. In time it may serve another and she turns and calls through a protal that soon emits a walking flower who takes the Shillelaugh and smiles at Eddisham before returning through the archway.
When you are ready good cat. and a glowing circle surronded by a strange assortment of glyphs and spirits glowss on the floow after she waves her hand. Step in and remain it will take a few minutes.
@tergolap let me know what trait you would like to add in your personal character thread
Feb 25, 2023 9:58 am
Reluctant I step forward. I don't sense any danger, but I'm somewhat overwhelmed.

"Good lady ..." is all I can say. A deep purr comes from my throat and I blink slowly.

Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)


Feb 26, 2023 1:07 pm
Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)
She looks at Shmautz and chuckles a bit before replying Yes, good catkin? You have questions? and she waits patiently
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