The Island

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Feb 26, 2023 3:28 pm
"I don't want to be unthankful. But I have hardly any use for mundane things. But look at me.", I say and make a gesture with my hands.
"Outcast by my tribe, the connection to my ancestors was cut.
I can't find my totem animal. Are you able to help me? Find that one spirit to accompany me and guide my soul to G'ar-Field?"

I bow, then kneel down and stare into the ground, hoping that noone can see the tears ...

Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)


Feb 26, 2023 10:25 pm
Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)
Looking on Shmautz Artenia consoles him Do not concern your self unduely over your troubles with your tribe. The spirits care little for mortal conflict among their chosen as long as your heart is put. I will see what I can do.

The glowing circle surrounds Shmautz and a dazzling light fills the circle for several minutes. As the light dies the figure of a sleek mountain lion can bee seen in the air above him. The cougar releases a roar and leaps into the air before sinking into Shmautz who falls to his hands and knees as the pressure of the spirit fills his body. The pressure fades and the pride of the mountain lion fills Shmautz heart and he rises strong and proud.
[ +- ] Cougar Totem
Feb 28, 2023 12:57 am
@wilsric just verifying you are taking the fox amulet
Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)
Very well. You have been rewarded but now I must ask you assistance one more time.

I wil be performing a ritual and the necromancrs cloak to temporarily allow his splls to take hold of my mind. My companions are too suseptable to the necromancers magics so they wil seal the portals so the infection can not spread to my other pets. I ask that you keep me bound within the ritual circle for as long as possible then break the purity gem. This wi release a wave of purity that will negate the necromancers spells. This will allow me to peer into their plans and methods.

Will you assist me with this? Remember keep the circle whole as long as possible then as soon as it is openedbreak the gem

Extending he hand a crystal ball full of green, blue, white, yellow, and red lights floats for all to see as she awaits your answer.
Feb 28, 2023 7:21 pm
"Spirit, you have done us well. I offer my help," Elph says, idly playing with the handle of Coldsnap
Feb 28, 2023 9:23 pm
"Of course!", I answer.
Feb 28, 2023 10:23 pm
Placing the fox amulet around his neck, Baruman readies himself to protect the circle, and draws his dagger to smash the gem if required "We will do what we can spirit lady"
Mar 1, 2023 2:47 am
Artenia Lien (Druidic Spirit)
Chanting and gestuing the sprit bgins her ritual. All of the portals begin retracting and after several minute the spirit hands you the crystal orb before setting asside several items and stepping into a circle she has created. Taking the tattered cloak she places it on her shoulders and reaises the hood.
Imediately the cloack conceals the sprits figure and sinks to the floor shaking as groans and unintelligable cries come from the figure under the cloak. The shaking and cried turn to moans and then shrieks as the minutes pass Then all is still. Slowly the figure rises up and pushes back the hood exposing a set of antles that now grow from her head.

Yule Witch
Looking around at you and glancing down at the circle that contains her an eirie smile plays across her now ghastly face. Reaching out her hand she say Hand me the crystal. I have leaned wht is needed now.
Mar 1, 2023 7:47 am
Suprised, I do a little step backwards, away from the circle the Yule Witch is in.

"Keep in mind, we must keep that circle whole. This witch must not get out of it!" , I shout.

I feel frightened by the sudden transformation and wonder if the cougar inside of me is some sort of trojan-horse.

"Cougar, are you here?", I think to myself, hoping for a telepathic response.
Did I get this right:

- There's some sort of magic circle (hermetic circle/influence sphere/summoning), the Yule Witch yet can't escape easily.
- She might try to get out / break the circle: we need to prevent this. But can we 'cross' the circle's border?
- Once she breaks the circle, wer're supposed to destroy the gem. This would be @wilsric 's task, right?
Mar 1, 2023 12:36 pm

Yule Witch


Mar 1, 2023 1:53 pm
Yule Witch
The once fair spirit , now tuned foul witch, thrusts he hand out impatiently Give me the crystal!
As he hand passes the above circle border green flames are ignited on her out stretched hand and the circle begins sproutingsmall green tendrils. Snatching her hand back she snarls and glared at you and glancing down at the cicle stops a foot. Back slime and fungus begins growing from the impact and soon spreatds to fill the circle and eat into the green there.
Calmin herself she reiterates Give it to me and we can dispense with this silly circle
Who is holding the crystal sphere?
Mar 1, 2023 5:57 pm
Eddisham clutches the strange glowing sphere in one hand, grasping the new dragon staff with his other hand. The sphere feels unusually heavy and cold. "I do not think you would want us to give you this," he says. "Your instructions are clear."
Mar 2, 2023 8:09 am
Psybermagi says:
Who is holding the crystal sphere?
Baruman / Wilsric, IIRC

Yule Witch


Mar 2, 2023 1:16 pm
I do not see Baruman taking it and Eddisham claimed it so we will go with that
Yule Witch
Realizing you are of no use to her she croutches low, and muttering words presses her hands to the rot spreading at her feet. The blackness surges and waves of necrotic energies pulse along th floor. The black and green energies struggle against each other and a grey haze filles the circle.
You realize the haze to be spores form the fungus growing at the witches feet. The haze allows you to now clearly see th confines of the binding circle. However to your dismay, though not unexpected, you see small black spots poke through the barrier. These gaps are quickly sealed by the living enregies of the cirlce but Elph sniffs the air and says Stand back, the mist is poison
As you watch the escaping whisps of spores settle on various surfaces, take root, and begin growing outside the circle. The new black spots grow both out towards you and in to attack the circle from the outside..
Mar 2, 2023 2:23 pm
"The mist attacks the sssercle!"

Elph treads on a rooting spore and tries to smear it across the ground.
Not sure if test needed so here is regular test:


Elph: Check DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)


Mar 2, 2023 2:27 pm
The sprouting fungus gets crushed but Elph realizes, mold and mildew are hard to kill with a leather boot, as the now stained boot begins rotting.
Enemys like this are often fight with soaps and sunlight. Indeed you not the areas in direct sunlight are free of the dark growth
Mar 2, 2023 3:43 pm
Baruman instinctively steps back from the circle when he hear's Elph's warning "Get ready to smash that thing!" he screamed in panic as he looked around the room to see if he can smash through the shutters or the roof to allow more light into the room.
I've rolled advantage for the perceptive trait, ignore the last dice if that is inappropriate. Are the other lands still visible through the windows?


Baruman: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)


Mar 2, 2023 4:12 pm
All the magical portals are closed but the 4 balconies have large doorways into the chamber. The one you came through had its iron grill blocking entry turn open. The other 3 have vines covering much of the grill and block the view outside.

Baruman rushes to a balcony and using his small dagger begins cutting away the vibes and leaves to allow more light in.
Mar 2, 2023 7:53 pm
Eddisham watches for the circle to break. He holds the crystal sphere poised to hurl it down against the floor.
Mar 4, 2023 4:50 am
Though the sunlight slows the growth of the decay the power of the circle slowly fades till it winks out. As the line fades the witch screams releasing a massive wave of dark energy shattering the line and exploding outwards . . .

Ed throw the orb (give a roll with focus)
Everyone else post any actions/reactions
Mar 4, 2023 5:52 pm
"NOW!" screams Baruman as the energy throws him backwards. He grabbed at the amulet around his neck for emotional support I really need to re-evaluate my career choices, I never got blown up while I was begging or stealing.
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