Rezin holds the lantern and follows the left wall, between the wall and the pillars. Rijo follows the straight wall from the left opening out into the vast dark of the chamber. The lantern light casts shadows from the pillars into the darkness. Rijo finds that the straight wall actually is the side of a staircase that leads upward back to above the antechamber with the carvings on the wall.
Stor-bten, Webster, and Ur uncertainly follow.
Who follows Rijo? Who follows Rezin?
At the base of the staircase, Rijo has reached the edge of Rezin's lantern light. Either Rezin needs to come off the left wall and out into the black, or else Rijo needs to move toward the light.
From further ahead comes the skittering noise, like claws on stone. You all see a pair of glowing yellow dots appear and vanish, probably a bowshot away from you. Their location might match the noise.