@seanfsmith Stor-bten stands dumb faced, watching the cockatrice flap into darkness.
@satanicpanic Ur feels searing cold and a great sense of anger as the ghost passes through him. The anger abruptly fades when the ghost leaves his body, but the cold remains. He shivers deeply.
I marked the sheet to deduct 2 health.
@Qralloq, Rijo strikes at the ghost as it emerges from Ur's body, but his axe seems to pass right through the semi-solid form.
@BaboonsandMoons,@Eyes Webster and Rezin act ineffectually.
The ghostly dwarf responds to Rijo's axe stroke with an abrupt lunge toward the headsman.
The cockatrice crows in the distance of the vast chamber, its call echoing from left and right walls.
You all hear a scraping of stone against stone from somewhere in the darkness across the room, possibly at the height of the balcony.