Mathfuric says:
After my examination of the statue I walk over picking up the mummified head, and carry it back to the statue checking if the head will slip between the the jar and the floor.
The jar opening is large enough for an entire person to slide down, so the head will absolutely fit down the chute. If he means to put it between the jar and the floor, it will be a tight squeeze, but still possible.
tibbius says:
Czespecem moves along with Edgar and examines the stonework around the door. Surely if there are traps in the frame, his dwarf knowledge should reveal them ... (plus he is a thief as well as a fighter) ...
As Czespecem takes his time examining the door and the stonework, he slowly but carefully pokes, prods, shifts, slides, taps, and perhaps even tastes everything in the localized area. At the end of his examination, he is not entirely confident about his findings, but the dwarf did not find any traps or secrets. The door does not seem to be locked.
cowleyc sent a note to cowleyc