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Dec 20, 2022 11:36 pm
When do we get to start playing? Just curious.
Dec 29, 2022 8:39 pm
A nice and comfy OOC place and any other discussion, if you prefer a dedicated OOC, tell me I'll had a thread.
Jan 3, 2023 4:58 am
I have no clue why Lucinda is shown inside the post instead of the main character (replacing Game Master), I did the exact same thing last, time (at least I think I did.)

Just found out, I need to post as player to get Lucinda as main character...
Jan 5, 2023 8:59 am
For information to everybody, I do not accept any roll outside of posts. For example if you want your hp to be made by roll, you will have to add the rolls in your character creation thread.
Jan 6, 2023 6:10 pm
I know patience is a virtue. And I just don't have it. So please bear with me and tell me it's a nasty thing to bring this topic up, but here it comes:
I am trying to have fun in this game, but all I can think of is that players have been posting their PCs trying to figure out how to help town with their true problem - the elves. But DM keep ignoring those attempts to impact the story and keep throwing at use minor events that don't seem to have further impact on main story.
I keep telling myself that everything that has been happening, even major who don't keep their their words or the inevitable dwarf death will eventually help us to fill in pieces of puzzle in the bigger picture, but my optimism is dying every day.

Could a DM please give me some hope that we will soon feel like our PCs are driving the story?
Jan 6, 2023 7:29 pm
Yeah I feel the same way. Cuz instead of having NPCs helping to explain to us what is going on, we keep getting obstacles in the way of the main story like the dwarves and the little kid.

Also we were supposed to be able to talk to the mayor at the tree and now we are going to her house. I've been trying to have fun too and I believe the true threat is the monsters that attacked the village too but lack of communication and information kind of sucks.

Hope we can start the story again soon and that what we do as our characters matter in this game. Will continue to stay patient though cuz I am trying my best as my character.
Jan 6, 2023 10:56 pm
I am following the script given by the scenario, it is suppose to give a feel of the town. Once in the Mayor's house, I promise to keep faster pace and to ignore any other minor event given in the book.
Jan 7, 2023 3:28 am
Didn't know this was a module. Seriously thought this was homebrew dnd. Like I like both but enjoy homebrew dnd more.
Jan 7, 2023 6:33 am
Yeah if it wasn't for GreyWord posting the map himself I would have kept thinking this was homebrewed. After the map, I was oh this is an actual module.
Jan 12, 2023 2:50 pm
YullyBear says:
The homes of Newville are all in a state of collapse and disrepair.
Should this mean that the Halfings have simply been too lazy to maintain their houses for the last decade? It is probably my language barrier, but this description doesn't suggest damage done by riding party, does it?
Jan 12, 2023 10:23 pm
AS you were told, they stole every single thing in iron, so there is no more hinges for doors and windows, any eleent that helped keep a home together is gone, roofs are not held by any nails. This is a a catastrophe.

So no it is obvious it is not neglect, and people have no idea how to repair the damages, they don't have any nails or tools anymore.
Jan 13, 2023 8:59 am
Thanks. I just didn't imagine they not only steal the available iron, but also disassemble the one that is incorporated into the buildings. Most probably they used magic for that. Anyhow it is clear now.

Could I do a follow-up question. My as a player feeling is that even if we get tools and nails back - it will not be just a matter of fixing the houses, they will basically need to rebuild them. Should I take that attitude into the game or assume they will easy manage to restore their housing in a few days despite winter.
Jan 13, 2023 12:08 pm
You're right, it will be a long job, for now they are quite frantic to find a way to keep things together not knowing how to fix things without any iron anywhere, let alone survive.
Jan 16, 2023 5:25 am
Sorry about changing thread, next time I will write it.

As usual Mondays and Tuesdays I have a harder time to answer, so I may only respond late and short.

And since we are only four, I will bring the party to level 4, I'm afraid level 3 may be a little hard. I'll explain all in your character private thread. But I post here a table for minor magic objects owned 1d100 : 1-50: 1 magic object, 51-75: 2 magic object, 76-98: 3 magic objects, 99-100: 4
Jan 18, 2023 2:18 pm
I'm about to go celebrate my dads birthday with my family so posted for today. Hope you guys have an awesome day today.
Jan 22, 2023 9:38 am
Amberthegirlgeekgamer87 says:
Let me know when it's my turn in the fight and if I saved that Wisdom saving throw.
Looking forward for DM to fix me if I read situation incorrectly, but this is how I read it:

THere were reasons for DM to bypass this PHB rule
The DM makes one roll for an entire group of identical creatures, so each member of the group acts at the same time.
And each snowman has their own initiative. As a result turn order and it's execution progress is this:
1. Elias (19)
2. Snowman 3 (19)
3/4 Nog / Wyce (19)
5. Albo (16)

6. Snowman 1 (15)
7. Gimdrus (14)
8. Snowman 2 (10)
9. Anne (6)
10. Snowman 4 (2)

We are now waiting for DM to post Snowman 1 turn, then I will have to post mine, then again back to DM before Anne could do her turn.
Jan 22, 2023 2:48 pm
Yep. Cuz I thought it was weird he had me do that saving throw and never told me the result of it. Lol.

So I guess we'll find out later. Cuz he asked me to do that when I was offline. Lol.
Jan 23, 2023 5:48 am
Sorry I have some problems I was not very present this week-end; nothing too bad but things to take care of.

@Amberthegirlgeekgamer87 Yes, I have answered you, it may not have been very clear, but I added on the post where you thrown the dice that "The snowman gaze does not disturb her at all.", I will try to be more precise in the future.

@GreyWord It is an error from my part, I'm too much used to DD 3.5. We keep it that way for this fight.
Jan 23, 2023 10:23 pm
Am I too too old and used to forum having static content?
I eoul like to ask DM not to edit player posts. It is inconvenient to need to re-read the older posts. i.e. I'm asking DM narrate player action in a separate post instead of editing player post to add narrative and ask questions

What are other player preferences ?

Editing player posts to add narrative/questions is fine with me
I prefer DM post new messages with narrative/questions
Either way works for me
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