Amberthegirlgeekgamer87 says:
Let me know when it's my turn in the fight and if I saved that Wisdom saving throw.
Looking forward for DM to fix me if I read situation incorrectly, but this is how I read it:
THere were reasons for DM to bypass this PHB rule
The DM makes one roll for an entire group of identical creatures, so each member of the group acts at the same time.
And each snowman has their own initiative. As a result turn order and it's execution progress is this:
1. Elias (19)
2. Snowman 3 (19)
3/4 Nog / Wyce (19)
5. Albo (16)
6. Snowman 1 (15)
7. Gimdrus (14)
8. Snowman 2 (10)
9. Anne (6)
10. Snowman 4 (2)
We are now waiting for DM to post Snowman 1 turn, then I will have to post mine, then again back to DM before Anne could do her turn.