Also, Did you muster out of Scouts because you were ready for a change? And are you going to continue into a different career?
Character Creation
Also, Did you muster out of Scouts because you were ready for a change? And are you going to continue into a different career?
Homeworld: Keramewa E8AA878-C Fl Ht
Background skills: Science 0, Electronics 0, Streetwise 0
Education skills: Engineering 0, Science(Chemistry) 1
Career skills: Drive 0, Vacc Suit 0, Broker 0, Steward 0, Persuade 0, Mechanic 1, Athletics(Dex) 1, Astrogator 2
Term 1: University student; homeworld; got a hobby; failed to graduate.
Term 2: Merchant Marine crew; ship and starports; gained a contact; promoted.
Term 3: Merchant Marine crew; ship and starports; made a good deal; promoted.
To-be-resolved: 1 new contact; DM+1 to one benefit roll
Most of Avi's life is spent in space now: in jump, on orbit, or travelling between the two. He works some shifts on the astrogation team, checking and re-checking the work done by the more experienced crew, looking for small improvements that will save a bit of fuel or increase the already generous margin of safety.
The ships he serves on are big, calling only at major starports or at those that lie on the shortest route between them. But in some of those ports he meets crew from smaller merchant ships serving places off the main routes, from free traders that travel further out still, and the stories they tell are of quite a different life.
Avi signs on for another term:
Term 3, Merchant skill, advanced education table - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Term 3, Merchant Marine survival (EDU 5+) - (2d6+1)
(25) + 1 = 8
Term 3, Merchant event - (2d6)
(64) = 10
Term 3, Merchant Marine advancement (INT 7+) - (2d6)
(52) = 7
Merchant skill, Merchane Marine table - (1d6)
(3) = 3
Home world:Verdant ####: B9685612 AG WA
Physical Characteristics:
(STR: 6) 0
(DEX: 8) 0
(END: 9 10) +1
Mental Characteristics:
(INT: 9 11) +1
(EDU: 3 4) -1
(SOC: 5 4) -1
Skills: Astrogation: 0, Drive: 0, Electronics (sensors): +1, Gun Combat: 0, Jack-of-all-Trades: 0, Mechanic: +1, Pilot (space craft): 0, Survival 0, Vacc Suit: +1
Gained Enemy Term 1, Gained Imperium Ally Term 2
Military Academy (END 8+): 5
Draft: 5 (Scout service-Surveyor)
Survival roll (END 6+): 7
Career Event: 3 - Ambushed (Pilot 8+): 11 Gain enemy/Electronics (sensors 1)
Advancement (INT 8+) 11 Promoted Scout 1 Vacc Suit 1, Personal Skill : 6 Jack of all Trades
Term 2
Personal Skill: 4 - INT +1
Survival roll (END 6+) 9
Career Event: 8 - gain extra intelligence on Alien (Electronics 8+): 11 Gain Imperium Ally
Advancement (INT 8+): 13 Promoted Scout 2, Personal Skill: 5 EDU +1
Term 3
Personal Skill: 3 - END +1
Survival roll (END 6+): 4 Mishap : 2 Psychologically Damaged SOC-1
Muster out: 4, 2, # - Weapon TBD, INT +1
The inhabitants of Verdant practiced collective child rearing and from a very young age Cassia could be found in company of one of her mothers or fathers working the growing pools. Cassia, more commonly referred to as Cas, had a quiet upbringing and was taught the how to become an algae farmer. She was fairly average in stature but was tough and could spend hours working out in the hot humid environs surrounding the algae pools. She had a knack for mechanics and learned how to drive and repair the various skimmers and algae harvesters needed on the farm. During the endless hours of operating the aeration crawlers that slowly crossed the pools, Cassia’s mind wandered and she imagined a more adventurous life for herself somewhere, anywhere, other than on Verdant ####.
So, when she turned 18 she decide to get off planet when the spring harvest was finished. After loading the last container of nutrient powder on the Imperium transport freighter she convinced the captain to allow her to stay on board. The trip through space was by far the most exciting thing that had ever happened to her. When she arrived a the ships destination she sought out the Military Academy to become a Marine.
Term 1) Cas failed her entrance examine to the military academy. Her life as an algae farmer on a backwater agricultural world did not adequately prepare her for the vigors of officer training. Despite flunking the test, her interview with the admissions officer went well. Evidently, they saw some potential in the young farmer and sent her information over to a friend in the Scout program. Somewhat surprisingly she was drafted to be a scout.
Basic Training was tough. Cas was far behind many of the other people drafted with her. Those long hours spent tending the algae pools of Verdant #### gave her grit, stamina, and drive. She worked longer hours and studied later into the night than almost anyone else she knew. All that hard work paid of and was given a mission to survey a remote corner of system thought to be empty of anything interesting. On this mission disaster struck and Cas was ambushed by a hostile enemy ships. Once again, she relied on her endurance as she pushed her body and ship to it’s limits to out run and evade pursuit. During her escape she put her ship through a variety of high G maneuvers and navigated through the center of a nebula to confuse the pursuers sensors. To stay alive she had to make any number of fixes to the ship’s electronics, mechanical systems, sensory array, and succeed problem solving any number of non-ship issues. When she eventually returned to port many weeks late, severely dehydrated, but otherwise no worse for wear (thank goodness for that container of powdered algae she always carries) she felt as though she could take on the universe single handed.
Term 2) Cas’s Rank 1 Scout uniform had was still at the tailors when she received a new assignment. Evidently, another scout exploring the fringes of charted space had discovered a variety of anomalies which indicated the presence of an unknown Alien species. In light of Cas’s last run in with Aliens, the service thought she could be of use in this situation. This turned out to be a prescient decision and she was able to gather an abundance of information about the aliens thanks in part to the sensor skills she developed during her escape. The stream of data she provided earned her a friend in the imperium.
Term 3) Cas was only 26 and had found an exciting career in the Scouts. Things were going well for her but she new that bad things happened to scouts on the fringes of Chartered space. It hadn't escaped her notice that there weren't many old or even middle aged scout still flying. After much soul searching she decided to reenlist with the scouts for one more term. She was so close to entering into the elite club of being a Senior Scout.
She should have listened to her gut. Her last four years spent alone and isolated on the fringes of space did some to her. She found it increasingly more and more difficult to reintegrate into society upon returning from a mission. Her superiors noticed, they had seen this happen too many times before, and forced her to take an early retirement.
After spending so much time, more than half her life, exploring the outer reaches of space with nothing other than her ship as company, she couldn’t beat the thought of being stuck down a gravity well. So, she cashed in every favor owed to her and with some help from an old Ally and a hell of a lot of luck she managed to keep her trusty scout ship. Now if she could only figure out ac way to pay for fuel…
I wonder if Cas and Avi, could have crossed paths in one of the spaceports? Maybe, they just started a conversation in a bar for spacers, swapping stories of things they’ve seen in the black. These are the two characters from water worlds so that could be a way to start a conversation.
@Jomsviking Sycorax is a badass.
I’d like Cas to be pretty young when she joins up with this crew. It might be a nice contrast between her and some of the older more seasoned characters. That being said, I do want her to be a useful character so maybe she should go for a Third Term to improve some more skills. I haven’t decided.
Decided to go for a third term - didn't go well.
Term 2 -career event (retcon) - (2d6)
(53) = 8
Scout - Term 3 skill (personal) - (d6)
(3) = 3
Scout -Term 3 survival (INT 8+) - (2d8+1)
(21) + 1 = 4
Scout - Term 3 mishap - (d6)
(2) = 2
3rd (final) mustering out benefit - (D6)
(6) = 6
It's my first ever traveller game. Continuing a long trend of beginners luck that started way back in 7th grade for my first ad&d game I just got really lucky.
Bet he dies the first combat we get in.
Jobs that get us shot at are the type we should avoid unless we really need the money.
Also, at the end of the creation process is the 'Skill Packages', gives you a chance to pick up skills you might have missed.
From what I'm reading the skill package we choose influences our world state quite a bit, as the book tells us that Esidrix will be using that as the plot for our adventures in space. Combat skills are flashy and cool, but so is being able to control the area of operation. Flipping a table for cover or activating a fire suppression system may be far more valuable and have further reaching impact in our story.
Homeworld: Keramewa E8AA878-C Fl Ht
Skills: Electronics 0, Streetwise 0, Engineering 0, Drive 0, Broker 0, Steward 0, Persuade 0, Science(Chemistry) 1, Mechanic 1, Athletics(Dex) 1, Vacc Suit 1, Admin 1, Astrogator 2
Background skills: Science 0, Electronics 0, Streetwise 0
Term 1: University student; homeworld; got a hobby; failed to graduate
Science(Astronomy) 0, Engineering(Life Support) 0, Science(Chemistry) 1, EDU+1
Term 2: Merchant Marine crew; ship and starports; gained a contact; promoted
Drive 0, Vacc Suit 0, Broker 0, Steward 0, Electronics 0, Persuade 0, Mechanic 1, Astrogator 1
Term 3: Merchant Marine crew; ship and starports; made a good deal; promoted
Astrogator 2, Athletics(Dex) 1
Term 4: Merchant Marine crew; ship, starports, worlds; Legal trouble, avoided prison; promoted
Vacc Suit 1, STR+1, Admin 1
To-be-resolved: new contact from term 2; DM+1 to one benefit roll
Avi's employer also owns a number of smaller ships working subsidised routes serving more remote worlds. Less comfortable shipboard and starport conditions are compensated for by increased port freedoms that would give time to see more of the world beyond the starport.
Avi begins the new term as astrogator aboard one of these ships.
He explores as much as he can of each world on the subsidised route whenever he has port leave. Some of the worlds are airless, some have a higher surface gravity than he us used to, he gets plenty of experience using his vacc suit and his strength increases with the unacustomed exertion.
Avi becomes aware that the captain is involved in some shady dealings. He naively goes along with it, but when the ship comes under suspicion by starport authorities he finds himself the target of their investigations. He manages to escape charges by arguing a bureaucratic technicality, but the reports of the incident that reach the company officers don't read well for Avi and he is not invited to renew his contract at the end of the term.
Gained Admin-1. Avi might have got into other legal trouble too, in case anyone wants to connect with this event in some way.
(I mistyped the dice for the event consequences roll, so added a new roll to correct it)
Term 4, Merchant skill, Merchant Marine table - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Term 4, Merchant Marine survival (EDU 5+) - (2d6+1)
(63) + 1 = 10
Merchant event - (2d6)
(44) = 8
Event consequences: avoid prison (3+) - (2d)
() + 2 = 2
Event consequences: avoid prison (3+) - (2d6)
(33) = 6
Term 4, Merchant Marine advancement (INT 7+) - (2d6)
(45) = 9
Term 4, advancement skill, Personal Development table - (1d6)
(1) = 1
Term 4, aging effect - (2d6-4)
(14) - 4 = 1
I think Sycorax has the shooting covered. Hopefully he’ll kill anything before it gets to us.
I think we definitely need a pilot. Technically Cassia should’ve had this covered but I sort of nerfed her during character creation because I only rolled on the personal development table because I didn’t know what I was doing and apparently I’m bad at this.
Also, everyone has negative SOC which might be a problem if we want to talk ourselves out of a fight.
Homeworld: Keramewa E8AA878-C Fl Ht
Skills: Electronics 0, Streetwise 0, Engineering 0, Drive 0, Broker 0, Steward 0, Persuade 0, Gunner 0, Science(Chemistry) 1, Mechanic 1, Athletics(Dex) 1, Vacc Suit 1, Admin 1, Flyer(Grav) 1, Astrogator 2
Posessions: Cr7000, Gun, 3 ship shares
Original UPP: 295886
Background skills: Science 0, Electronics 0, Streetwise 0
Term 1: University student; on homeworld; failed to graduate.
Pre-career event 9: Took up a hobby (Astronomy)
Skills gained: Science(Astronomy) 0, Engineering(Life Support) 0, Science(Chemistry) 1, EDU+1
Term 2: Merchant Marine crew; on ship and various starports; promoted.
Merchant event 6: Unexpected connection outside normal circles. Made a contact.
Skills gained: Drive 0, Vacc Suit 0, Broker 0, Steward 0, Electronics 0, Persuade 0, Mechanic 1, Astrogator 1
Term 3: Merchant Marine crew; on ship and various starports; promoted.
Merchant event 10: A good deal ensures you are living the high life for a few years.
Skills gained: Astrogator 2, Athletics(Dex) 1
Term 4: Merchant Marine crew; on ship, various starports and worlds; promoted.
Merchant event 8: Embroiled in legal trouble. Avoided prison.
Skills gained: Vacc Suit 1, STR+1, Admin 1
Term 5: Navy Engineer/Gunner; Aga Lua system conflict; promoted.
Navy event 9: Foiled an attempted crime on board. Made an enemy.
Navy mishap 2: Placed in frozen watch and revived improperly. Remain in career. STR-1.
Skills gained: Gunner 0, Flyer(Grav) 1
Mustering out: Cr7000, Gun, 3 Ship shares, INT+1.
To-be-resolved: new contact from term 2; details of enemy from term 5
As his term ends and Avi ponders life outside the Merchant Marines, he gets news that Aga Lua, the world he has come to see as a second home over the last four years, has been red-zoned. There is conflict in the system, too dangerous for commercial trade, his ship will not be calling there this run.
The ship jumps; by the time it returns to n-space Avi has decided to volunteer for the Aga Luan Navy.
Enlisted in Aga Lua Foreign Legion and completed Navy basic training on a friendly world outside red zone. [Gained Gunner 0 skill]
Shipped out to Aga Lua system aboard a converted merchant ship. Somehow foiled an attempt to sabotage the jump. Made an enemy (the saboteur) who was released after the war.
(In the future Avi will sometimes use this event to explain his low strength, not mentioning that it was already very low before the accident.)
Promoted and served the remainder of the term operating a grav lifter as part of the rebuilding effort. [Gained Flyer(Grav) 1 skill]
Aga Lua orbits one star in a binary system. The conflict was with a world orbitng the far companion star. He still doesn't really understand the reason for the war, and while Aga Lua prevailed, the community and the places Avi knew best are gone.
He musters out and leaves Aga Lua to seek a new life as a Traveller.
Term 5, Navy qualification (INT 6+) - (2d6-3)
(56) - 3 = 8
Term 5, Navy Engineer/Gunner survival (INT 6+) - (2d6)
(12) = 3
Term 5, Navy mishap - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Term 5, Navy event - (2d6)
(63) = 9
Term 5, Navy Engineer/Gunner advancement (EDU 6+), DM+2 from event - (2d6+3)
(46) + 3 = 13
Term 5, Navy advancement skill, Engineer/Gunner table - (1d6)
(6) = 6
Term 5, aging effect - (2d6-5)
(56) - 5 = 6
Mustering out, Merchant cash table x3 - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (2) = 2
1d6 : (1) = 1
1d6 : (1) = 1
Mustering out, Merchant benefits table x2, one DM+1 from term 3 event - (1d6+1, 1d6)
1d6+1 : (3) + 1 = 4
1d6 : (2) = 2
Mustering out, Navy benefits table x2 - (1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (1) = 1
1d6 : (6) = 6
Now how do we meet this dangerous agent guru guy? Cassia suffered psychological trauma in deep space and Sycorax saw something weird out their so maybe she’d sought him out?
Take your pick. Sy would attempt to help as he was able.
STR: 5. -1
DEX: 8
END: 7
INT: 8
EDU: 7
SOC: 5. -1
Background Skills: Electronics 0, Mechanics 0, Seafarer 0
Pre-Career: School of Hard Knocks (Traveller 2E Companion, pg 32)
Entry - Automatic (due to SOC 6-)
Skills: Streetwise 1, Melee 0, Athletics 0
Pre-Career Event: Major Partying - Carouse 1
Graduation (INT 7+)? No.
Attributes - (2d6)
(35) = 8
Attributes - (2d6)
(32) = 5
Attributes - (2d6)
(16) = 7
Attributes - (2d6)
(43) = 7
Attributes - (2d6)
(14) = 5
Attributes - (2d6)
(35) = 8
Secret Roll - (2d6)
(32) = 5
Previous was Event, this is graduation - (2d6)
(33) = 6
It occurs to me that having gone through medical school and studying advocacy Sy could have been the Therapist she was issued to help her with her feelings of isolation.
An attentive ear and someone who can guide through meditation can do wonders for a person with PTSD. Sy is an incredibly patient individual.
Because it might be important at some point, I'm generating my character's homeworld.
Name: Devros
Size: 5 (bit bigger than Mars with a Low Gravity (.45))
Atmosphere: 5 (thin)
Hydrographics: A (Waterworld)
World Temp.: 5 (Temperate)
Population: 2 (Hundreds )
Government: 3 (Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy)
* Rivals, Factions, Connections, Colonies: Notable Participating Democratic
Cultural Differences: 13 (Artistic – art and culture are highly prized. Aesthetic design is important in all artefacts produced on world.)
Law Level: 0 (No restrictions)
Starport: 4 (Class E - Frontier)
Tech Level: 9
Profile: Devros XXXX E55A230-9
Size - (2d6-2)
(25) - 2 = 5
Atmosphere ((2d6-7) + 5) - (2d6-2)
(43) - 2 = 5
Hydro (2d6-7)+5 - (2d6-2)
(66) - 2 = 10
Temp (2d6 -1 (atmos 5) - (2d6-1)
(15) - 1 = 5
Population - (2d6-2)
(31) - 2 = 2
Gov - (2d6-5)
(35) - 5 = 3
Rivals, Factions, etc... - (1d3)
(1) = 1
Faction Gov. - (2d6-5)
(34) - 5 = 2
Faction Strength - (2d6)
(35) = 8
Cultural (d66) - (1d6)
(1) = 1
Cultural - (1d6)
(3) = 3
Law Level - (2D-4)
() - 2 = -2
Starport (2d6 -2) - (2d6-2)
(33) - 2 = 4
Corsair Base 10+ - (2d6)
(16) = 7
Tech Level (1d +2 +1) - (1d6+3)
(6) + 3 = 9