Abraham 'Avi' Vila, 295996, ex-Merchant Marine 3rd Officer, Age 38
Homeworld: Keramewa E8AA878-C Fl Ht
Skills: Electronics 0, Streetwise 0, Engineering 0, Drive 0, Broker 0, Steward 0, Persuade 0, Gunner 0, Science(Chemistry) 1, Mechanic 1, Athletics(Dex) 1, Vacc Suit 1, Admin 1, Flyer(Grav) 1, Astrogator 2
Posessions: Cr7000, Gun, 3 ship shares
[ +- ] Timeline
Original UPP: 295886
Background skills: Science 0, Electronics 0, Streetwise 0
Term 1: University student; on homeworld; failed to graduate.
Pre-career event 9: Took up a hobby (Astronomy)
Skills gained: Science(Astronomy) 0, Engineering(Life Support) 0, Science(Chemistry) 1, EDU+1
Term 2: Merchant Marine crew; on ship and various starports; promoted.
Merchant event 6: Unexpected connection outside normal circles. Made a contact.
Skills gained: Drive 0, Vacc Suit 0, Broker 0, Steward 0, Electronics 0, Persuade 0, Mechanic 1, Astrogator 1
Term 3: Merchant Marine crew; on ship and various starports; promoted.
Merchant event 10: A good deal ensures you are living the high life for a few years.
Skills gained: Astrogator 2, Athletics(Dex) 1
Term 4: Merchant Marine crew; on ship, various starports and worlds; promoted.
Merchant event 8: Embroiled in legal trouble. Avoided prison.
Skills gained: Vacc Suit 1, STR+1, Admin 1
Term 5: Navy Engineer/Gunner; Aga Lua system conflict; promoted.
Navy event 9: Foiled an attempted crime on board. Made an enemy.
Navy mishap 2: Placed in frozen watch and revived improperly. Remain in career. STR-1.
Skills gained: Gunner 0, Flyer(Grav) 1
Mustering out: Cr7000, Gun, 3 Ship shares, INT+1.
To-be-resolved: new contact from term 2; details of enemy from term 5
As his term ends and Avi ponders life outside the Merchant Marines, he gets news that Aga Lua, the world he has come to see as a second home over the last four years, has been red-zoned. There is conflict in the system, too dangerous for commercial trade, his ship will not be calling there this run.
The ship jumps; by the time it returns to n-space Avi has decided to volunteer for the Aga Luan Navy.
Navy qualification has DM-2 for age 34 and DM-1 for second career.
Summary or Avi's short Navy career:
Enlisted in Aga Lua Foreign Legion and completed Navy basic training on a friendly world outside red zone. [Gained Gunner 0 skill]
Shipped out to Aga Lua system aboard a converted merchant ship. Somehow foiled an attempt to sabotage the jump. Made an enemy (the saboteur) who was released after the war.
Event 9: You foil an attempted crime on board, such as mutiny, sabotage, smuggling or conspiracy. Gain an Enemy but also gain DM+2 to your next advancement roll in the Navy.
Placed in frozen watch for first mission aboard an in-system defence boat, by the time he was revived the conflict was over. A hard revival due to damaged cold storage casket resulted in muscle wastage. [STR-1]
(In the future Avi will sometimes use this event to explain his low strength, not mentioning that it was already very low before the accident.)
Promoted and served the remainder of the term operating a grav lifter as part of the rebuilding effort. [Gained Flyer(Grav) 1 skill]
Aga Lua orbits one star in a binary system. The conflict was with a world orbitng the far companion star. He still doesn't really understand the reason for the war, and while Aga Lua prevailed, the community and the places Avi knew best are gone.
He musters out and leaves Aga Lua to seek a new life as a Traveller.
Last edited December 27, 2022 12:27 am