Apr 4, 2023 8:14 am
No Cheif, this is not it. Not yet. Tereza will handle the amulet and then we have to visit this mansion. Jemma flashes the notebook that Mable stole. This will hopefully tell us something
Jemma is still going on adrenalin, not ready to accept that the battle is over.
Cheif, the shells I gave you? Jemma reloads the shotgun with the fay-killers. Will you cover me? Just in case. Then she hands the shotgun to Chief Sarah Sweeney as she starts to examine Braddock's body. After a quick check of the pockets, she calls up her own power and her eyes start to glow as she now examines the body with a magical sight.
Jemma is still going on adrenalin, not ready to accept that the battle is over.
Cheif, the shells I gave you? Jemma reloads the shotgun with the fay-killers. Will you cover me? Just in case. Then she hands the shotgun to Chief Sarah Sweeney as she starts to examine Braddock's body. After a quick check of the pockets, she calls up her own power and her eyes start to glow as she now examines the body with a magical sight.
[ +- ] Detect/Conceal Arcana
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5 (detect); one hour (conceal)
Trappings: Waving hands, whispered words.
Detect arcana allows the recipient of the power to see and detect all supernatural persons, objects, or effects in sight. This includes invisible foes, enchantments on people or items, weird science devices, and so on. With a raise, the caster knows the general type of enchantment as well—harmful, obscurement, magic, miracles, etc.
Detect arcana also allows a character to ignore up to 4 points of penalties when attacking foes hidden by magical darkness, invisibility, or similar abilities (or all penalties with a raise). Conceal arcana prevents detection of arcane energies on one being or item of Normal Scale (see the Size Table page 179).
Detect vs. Conceal: Detecting arcana against someone or something that’s been concealed is an opposed roll of arcane skills (roll each time it’s attempted, but no more than once per turn). If the concealment wins, the character
cannot see through the ruse with this casting, but may terminate this instance and try again.
**ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one viewer for detect, or item for conceal, for 1 additional Power Point each.
**AREA OF EFFECT (+1/+2): Conceal only. The power affects everything in a sphere the size of a Medium Blast Template for +1 points, or a Large Blast Template for +2.
**STRONG (+1): Conceal only. Detection rolls to see through the concealment are made at −2.
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5 (detect); one hour (conceal)
Trappings: Waving hands, whispered words.
Detect arcana allows the recipient of the power to see and detect all supernatural persons, objects, or effects in sight. This includes invisible foes, enchantments on people or items, weird science devices, and so on. With a raise, the caster knows the general type of enchantment as well—harmful, obscurement, magic, miracles, etc.
Detect arcana also allows a character to ignore up to 4 points of penalties when attacking foes hidden by magical darkness, invisibility, or similar abilities (or all penalties with a raise). Conceal arcana prevents detection of arcane energies on one being or item of Normal Scale (see the Size Table page 179).
Detect vs. Conceal: Detecting arcana against someone or something that’s been concealed is an opposed roll of arcane skills (roll each time it’s attempted, but no more than once per turn). If the concealment wins, the character
cannot see through the ruse with this casting, but may terminate this instance and try again.
**ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one viewer for detect, or item for conceal, for 1 additional Power Point each.
**AREA OF EFFECT (+1/+2): Conceal only. The power affects everything in a sphere the size of a Medium Blast Template for +1 points, or a Large Blast Template for +2.
**STRONG (+1): Conceal only. Detection rolls to see through the concealment are made at −2.
Spellcasting (Smarts) - (1d6, 1d6, RA)
1d6 : (2) = 2
1d6 : (5) = 5