Establishing Shot - the camera swoops in over the snow covered pine forest. Two vehicles pull to a slow to a stop on what's, little more than, an access road. There's already a squad car on the scene, with an officer leaning on the trunk. There is a second car already at the location as well, still mostly covered in snow.
Scene opens with everyone exiting the chiefs squad car, or the coven's truck. The snow the new arrivals crunch through, as they approach the already waiting squad car, is ankle deep.

Chief Sarah Sweeney
The chief talks as you go, breath misting in the air.
"This is still a crime scene, so go easy, O.K."
"We've identified the two decedents, from I.D.s found in the car." The group closes in on the snow covered car.
"And you all know Officer Hadley, I think." She gestures at the young man.

Officer Hadley
He nods to the coven as he approaches. His face clearly shows indifference. Maybe forced tolerance.
Hadley leads you over to the driver side door and shines his flashlight in through the window.
Inside the car you see a man and woman--age indeterminate by the level of desiccation. The victim's have looks of surprise on their faces, and hairy strands extend from their exposed skin. The interior of the car, including the victim's bodies, is covered in a layer of a shiny yellow substance.

Officer Hadley
"You can open the door if you want." Hadley offers to anyone listening.
This is a scene of investigation, that has already had an amount of telegraphing. Just approach it with natural language and don't worry about rolls. You can always @ me, or hit me on the Gamersplane Discord in the Savage Worlds thread if you have questions that need an immediate answer from me!