OOC and Character Chatter

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Tereza Hrabikova


Dec 22, 2022 8:38 pm
We probably all will multitask and help each other out a bit with everything, but I like running the in-house store for my character, plus at least partial responsibility for events and marketing.

I'm sure Caroline could do all the cleaning. She likes to flaunt her magic around.
Not 100% sure about it yet, but I'm thinking of this as my avatar
Tereza Hrabikova
Dec 22, 2022 8:43 pm
I'm thinking of bringing in my character in at 23-25 years old. So maybe he could be the "Head Bartender" or possibly even "Brewmaster" if no one claims that job.
Solid idea Bowl! My character could be Head Bartender and assist with the Brewing and other jobs.
Dec 22, 2022 8:46 pm
bowlofspinach says:
I'm sure Caroline could do all the cleaning. She likes to flaunt her magic around.
Absolutely not. :P
Squadfather44 says:
Has anyone claimed Brewer or Bartender?
Rune was looking at head brewer.

Was looking at Caroline being on business side/ management so may have also been lumped with staff schedules/ handling complaints, unless anyone particularly wants to be in charge of staff.

Thinking maybe Jemma and Caroline met somehow, with Caroline's buisness degree + Jemma's skills decided to go into the brewery together. Tereza got scoped up for the ride to help with the marketing. Sarah just came to town, maybe stumbled into finding the coven and has been 'adopted ' into group? Then need to just work with Squad
Last edited Dec 22, 2022 8:46 pm
Dec 22, 2022 8:56 pm
Given my character's nature, I'm going to change my job idea up. Deacon Shaw will be the Head Bouncer of the bar room as well as help tend the bar and with the other odd jobs that pop up.
Last edited Dec 22, 2022 9:34 pm
Dec 22, 2022 8:56 pm
How do you find other witches when you get to a new place? Is there like a secret thing you put on your tinder profile? Is there a subreddit? Do we have to rely on divination magic?
Dec 22, 2022 9:00 pm
Could there be like....a sixth sense? One that makes you feel drawn to an area.

Perhaps the Coven that vanished had something similar to a mystical object that sensed our abilities and "called out".
Dec 22, 2022 9:00 pm
Also...anything interested with tie-ins to Deacon?
Dec 22, 2022 9:31 pm
I think there a absolutely secret (or at least only know by those who'd know) you put in profiles etc! Witch tinder profiles are a thing for sure. But there's obviously lots of posers out there too. People who dig deep and stumble upon the subculture but aren't actually witches (at least yet).

There are also 100% ways to sense magic, but lets say not to sense magic users. This allows for some anonymity for folks who don't want to show what they are!
Dec 23, 2022 12:01 am
In SWADE, an option is to grant modern characters 15 skill points to account for more skills in the modern era. Is that the case here?
Dec 23, 2022 12:24 am
In the SWADE under races, it says Humans get a free Novice edge. Will that rule be utilized?
Dec 23, 2022 11:35 am
I'm a bit behind, so I'll try to catch up with the conversation
Dunko says:
For some world background, and this was just my thought, the idea is that there was an old and wise coven who once protected Salem--until recently. I don't know what happened to them, and why they are gone, and I don't think we, as players, need to know right now. Maybe one or two characters know :shrug
I like this idea. I imagine that my characters grandmother knew of the coven, but they had a mutural agreement of don't bother eachtoher and everyone is happy. There is properly some history between grandmother and the coven.

It easly ties in with bowlofspinach idea of the coven = family unit.
Squadfather44 says:
Has anyone claimed Brewer or Bartender?
Yes I see Jemma as the head brewer, but I'm going to pump up her age to the midt twenties
bowlofspinach says:
How do you find other witches when you get to a new place? Is there like a secret thing you put on your tinder profile? Is there a subreddit? Do we have to rely on divination magic?
Put up some pentagrams or moon symbols and those in the know, will reconise that this is a place to ask witchy questions.
I'll write some more tonight, but now I must get back to work
Dec 23, 2022 12:14 pm
Squadfather44 says:
Also...anything interested with tie-ins to Deacon?
If he also come from an esta lish family, it could be there families got along so they knew of each other before Caroline travelled. Alternatively they could actually be from same family and cousins/siblings?

If Jemma has som connection/awareness to old coven Caroline could have run into her whole researching theey lines/through profile signals, and they discovered a shared interest in craft beer (Along with Deacon if he also has an active intrest in it?)

I also have Caroline set to 24/25ish, with the idea had been in town for a while but can lower if fits better with stories of others.

Having looked at the powers looks like none are that flaunt able (yet, when she gets telekinesis that is getting abused). Thinking of setting her up for some utility, like summon ally and mind read. Although sadly summon ally doesn't seem to last long because I can absolutely see her abusing it to do the menial tasks she's lumped with.
Last edited Dec 23, 2022 12:16 pm
Dec 23, 2022 2:27 pm
Squadfather44 says:
In the SWADE under races, it says Humans get a free Novice edge. Will that rule be utilized?
Yes, still use the free Adaptable edge.
WhtKnt says:
In SWADE, an option is to grant modern characters 15 skill points to account for more skills in the modern era. Is that the case here?
We shall stick with the 12 skill points.
Dec 23, 2022 2:39 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
Although sadly summon ally doesn't seem to last long because I can absolutely see her abusing it to do the menial tasks she's lumped with.
So, I consider "casting powers" (i.e., spending Power Points) to be something that's done when there are stakes--I actually consider rolling to be something that's only done when there are stakes. So, you can use any of your powers in a narrative sense at anytime, and you can even use them to make tests against characters, without having to spend Power Points. It's a homebrew I've used for a long time, and has actually become codified as cantrips in the SWADE for Pathfinder book.

It's all given permission by your Trappings, of course. You could start a fire with a Fire trapped spell. You could have a Summoned Ally who is trapped as a human like figure sweep your floors. You could ice the floor to test an opponent into being Vulnerable with an Ice Trapped spell. All without spending power points and with no worry for duration, etc! It's when the dramatic aspects of the power come into play that we'd worry about duration and power point cost. Just a heads up; so abuse that summoned alley and make them mop the floor!
Dec 23, 2022 2:49 pm
Do we need a Summoned Ally Rights group?
Dec 23, 2022 3:13 pm
@LightOfMidnight- we can definitely tie our characters together with either idea. Which one is easiest for you?
Dec 23, 2022 3:18 pm
I submitted a character sheet. It's definitely not finished yet, though. Just the start.

Dunko, what are your thoughts on Hindrances. Because some are basically just narrative prompts that give you points. Is that an issue for you or should we just go wild on them?
Dec 23, 2022 3:39 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Do we need a Summoned Ally Rights group?

But that is good to hear, makes it easier to fit the using magic where ever she can.
Squadfather44 says:
@LightOfMidnight- we can definitely tie our characters together with either idea. Which one is easiest for you?
Don't mind. Siblings/cousins could be interesting, especially if you are more blast and shes more versatility (Though I have currently grabbed bolt two that can be changed, especially as her ally can support in fights), but does mean having to pair backstories where otherwise we have more freedom. The other options gives a connection but allows more more freedom.
bowlofspinach says:
I submitted a character sheet. It's definitely not finished yet, though. Just the start.

Dunko, what are your thoughts on Hindrances. Because some are basically just narrative prompts that give you points. Is that an issue for you or should we just go wild on them?
I know that feeling.. I literally described her as stubborn already so that immediately got put on. I guess the thing with hinderances is if its codified on the sheet you've got to try and make that trait actually cause problems at times?

I currently have a minor phobia bookmarked but trying to decided what would be fitting, and actually come up. And literally as I;m writing this one has come into mind that could tie back to Squad with him doing elemental stuff, which would the be fire. The other was insects which could be a little stereotypical, but also come up.

Also if anyone hasn't;t already found it Savaged.us is great for char generation for those who fid a generator helpful.
Dec 23, 2022 4:47 pm
Okay, last question. Is Arcane Background a free Edge or do we have to pay for it, since every character has it?
Dec 23, 2022 5:35 pm
Could be your free Human edge. But good question
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