Heist the Colours (RP)

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Feb 2, 2023 7:25 pm
"Sounds good," Cat nods her assent. "I'm ready to go."
Feb 2, 2023 7:38 pm
Lio looks over his shoulder to see if no one is eavesdropping , but the people left in the bar are clearly too busy with there drinks and companions to pay any attention to what they are talking about.

'' This friend of yours, Bob. Does he know which ship we want to take, I can't stress enough the importance of boarding the right vessel! If the codes don't match we will be sitting ducks.''

Lio entrusted Raf with the mission he is on, he will tell the others when they are well on their way. He just can't risk Cat or Ronny aborting the heist and knowing about the secret aboard.

He wishes they would have more time to prepare...
Feb 6, 2023 9:32 am
"Bob only knows what he needs to know: that we need our lift to the Depot. And we have some errand there to do. Maybe he even things that we are there to do some actual job for depot's officials... but he have seen enough in his life that it is highly unlikely." says Rafael with not small dose of certainty about Bob stance towards their action.
Maybe it's time to give this Depot some name? Would be easier to refer to it - I think.
"I have exact ID numbers for our ship and the half of the starting codes. The second part was supposed to be in Cat hands... right around... lets see... the date... today! Catherine?" - that was the question Raf wanted to ask Cat the moment he saw her... so the tension and excitement naturally resurfaced on Raf face and in his words... even though he have done everything he could to hide it.

Trying to move his thoughts on different things other then bad answer that he could get right now, he added:
"So it means two things:
- First: we really must have a legit job order at the Depot - not to leave Bob in a bad light... and possible life time prison after we finally leave this damn planet. He is not my friend. But I don't betray people I work with. I hope you have came here with it Lio?"
I had a thought that if Ronny is bringing Hacker-gal, Cat the codes maybe it was Lio who was fixing the proper work order? If it wasn't or you have other ideas: just tell me who was - I will edit this post.
"- Second: We really need the hacker to find the ship and unseal it when we will be up there... - as Lio rightly pointed out. So some computer love will be necessary. But as Ronny said - it looks like we have his friend on board for this.

So... Cat: do you have them?"
- Expectation was etched on Raf face.
@WhtKnt ?
Yet again, I hope I didn't take too much liberty about our actions, but wanted to put some frames on them - that we can change and develop of course. And moves us towards action:) But I hope it is what we were talking about earlier? Of course other PC simply can not agree with Raf _in fiction_ too:)
Feb 7, 2023 10:56 pm
Ronny watches, drink in hand, while the others talk about the ship codes. He was glad the others had that sorted already.

When 'the hacker' is mentioned, he speaks up. "Right. Let me go and call her. I'll see if she's available for a chat in person. Best not to discuss these things on the phone. You never know who's listening in." His job as a spy had made Ronny a bit paranoid. He wasn't sure yet whether that was a good or a bad thing. Some things you just can't get out of your head once you know about it.

10 years ago, as a bit of a shady merchant, he would have just cowboyed his way through. But he had new skills now. Deception and diplomacy can get things done with a lot less backlash, he found out.

He pulls his phone out of his inner pocket, gets up and heads to the restroom. "I'll be right back."
I'm guessing we don't need to RP the phone call.
Feb 8, 2023 5:40 am
"I have them," Cat replies, assuring Raf. She was getting more nervous by the minute and was ready to be underway.
Feb 10, 2023 6:30 pm
Lio is getting anxious.
"I would like to suggest that we split up when Ronny is back, I have some stuff to acquire for the trip. Now that I think of it, do any of you want me to buy specific medicines? I have the standard stuff, but drugs like anti-rad or stims might come in handy too. Then, in the morning I will make the phone-call to the depot with the message that our team can start earlier than expected. Make sure you all look like construction workers!!! Put all your gear in sturdy boxes or crates, a construction worker with a briefcase is a bit suspicious"

He smiles when he makes that last remark, he knows they are not stupid.
Ronny will be informed when he returns
Feb 11, 2023 12:20 pm
Ronny returns just in time to hear the last bit Lio says about their appearance tomorrow.

"Alright, we're in luck. I mentioned that things are going south faster than we expected. She's not happy about it, but agreed to meet up with me in half an hour to work out what can be done in such a quick timeframe."

He looks at the others and adds. "Thanks for the drink." At this, picks up his glass from the table and downs what was left.
If nobody has anything left to say to Ronny he will leave the bar.
Feb 11, 2023 1:21 pm
"Good plan Lio. We will indeed… construct our future tomorrow…" - Raf smiled to this thought that happened to come out loud from his mouth. Then he continued referring to Lio: "we really don’t know in what state the ship will, serviceable- that’s for sure - but that doesn’t mean flawless unfortunately. So some ani-rads in case of some emergency thinkerking with reactor would be needed - won’t hurt. Also… I hope it will be a fast action, but you never know… so something to keep us at high performance for the job time, not making us addicts in the same time… you know? And maybe you have some combat drugs left from your lovely time at the army? Could be fun too…" - RAF winked to Lio ending last sentence. "Tell us how much it will cost you. I’m sure everyone here will be happy to add some funds to our life insurance account."

"I will contact Bob immediately we left this place. Do you think we need some heavier gear loaded on his ship in advance? From tomorrow morning?"
- Raphael thought for a moment. "Or you will show us some hidden locker with some combat drone only at Wilsons - Lio?" - Raf’s eyes flashed for a moment, even though he new it was highly unlikely, he knew that asking the right questions in the right moment could… bring some amazing effects… or nothing at all.

"Good to hear Ronny. You need my assistance with this meeting? Or someone’s else? But I wouldn’t suggest Cat for this role… we don’t know how BunBun would take this… change… in composition of our ranks." - RAF was known for being sometimes to honest or blunt for his own good… depending how one is seeing it.
Feb 14, 2023 7:53 am
To those at the table who don't know, Ronny explains that BunBun is what Abby goes by online. "It's not a weird pet-name I came up with if that's what you're thinking." He checks his watch "I'm good on my own, Raf. I'll see you all tomorrow. 1700 hours." and heads out the door.

Ronny finds his way through the streets to Abby's house. She looks happy to see him, but it's highly likely that that's just a facade. He tells her the things that they discussed at the bar. Things that were a bit too sensitive to say over the phone. After going over the 'plan', Ronny says an awkward good night and takes a cab home to get some rest.
Feb 14, 2023 8:31 am
Abby was a little flustered, but that is expected, what with being woken in the wee hours of the morning with the sudden news of a timetable shift... and that this plan is actually a reality that is happening and no longer a game.

There are probably things she should have said, and will later wish she had, but she promises will try to be ready.
Feb 14, 2023 8:57 pm
- Ronny -

You awake to messages from Abby, reminding you that she still needs 'special software' for 'the job'. She has said before that hacking into a Ship's Computer is no small feat, so she does not need to spell out here what she is talking about. She said she really needs it, but also--when pushed-- suggested she might be able to do the job without it, never having done such a job she can not be promise, though.

Her contact/fixer has not yet arranged the transfer --such high Bandwidth software can not easily be 'copied'-- but has been persuaded to put her in touch with his source. This source sounds a bit nefarious to you, but that is to be expected from a 'black-market hacking-software seller'.

Do you agree to take her to see this seller? She needs to verify the product. If you go, do you take your team with you?
You also know she had her eye on a prototype (TL10) Computer. But they are not available to the public, so you don't know if it will be possible to get one, she was excited about the possibility though, and it would make a great gift, if you wanted to try.
Feb 14, 2023 9:00 pm
- Rafael -

Bob, your shuttle pilot's message says that he is currently in Ruby Capital, same place you are. He says he can head out to the spaceport as soon as you say you are ready. His Gig is waiting on the landing-pad, ready to launch, just as you requested. He reminds you that it has a Cargo capacity of 8.6 Tons, but that should be plenty, right?

The spaceport is about three hours from the capital, but you know that Bob regularly boasts about doing the trip in "under an hour", with daring runs from the cops.

He knows you are planing on having 'civilians' on this trip, and has allotted three and a half days to get to the Depot at 1G. His Gig is capable of frightening higher Thrust, but you know that even experienced flyers suffer under higher acceleration --and Grav Plates can only do so much.

You are paying him enough that he does not ask questions about the work-order.
For the use of his Gig, and for remaining on standby, and for his time ferrying you to the Depot, he has asked for Cr2,000, which you know is about one-third of his normal monthly salary.

Do/did you agree to the amount or do/did you negotiate?
Feb 14, 2023 9:02 pm
- Lio -

The people in charge sound distracted when you call to tell them the good news. You are instructed to "email the work-order through when you get a chance" but to "go ahead and start if you have everything you need". Apparently no one other than the caretaker and his family will be available to help you at the Depot, they apologise if this is an inconvenience, but don't go into detail about what has them stirred up.
Feb 15, 2023 2:02 pm
At the time negotiations took place:
"HOW MUCH!?! Bob... fuck... you are real pain in the ass. Why don't you support hard working people like yourself and only want to screw us off?? You know that we are going to install there some medical facilities for emergency cases? You could be using one of those yourself some day... not that I'm wishing you this... but you know... it's better to have an option."

After taking a deep breath:
"Sihhh... don't be a complete asshole and do it for Cr1,500 like every decent person would do... and I know deep down, under this ugly face... there is somewhere this decent guy that I have seen once when we were up to our necks in shit, back in the day at Fiberville's sea docks. You still remember this action?"
"Ugly face" remark doesn't necessarily mean that Bob is indeed ugly - it's just the way Raf usually talk with him. In very manly, harsh and mockery way. I hope you know what I mean:)

I took another liberty to imagine our capital city as seaside city... as we are leaving soon, I hope it won't matter to much:/

Probably this requires my first roll in this world - which one? Persuade? Exciting! :) Will edit post with a roll, after knowing this.

Do I get any "+x mods" for my good RP and using our common past with Bob? ;) ;)

If that doesn't work I have another strategy for this negotiation and Bob. Was wondering if I should have put it in one post... as this is PbP... but maybe we will wait for the first roll? How to approach such situations?

Also: I know that this negotiation isn't very important for the main plot, so I presume it is happening in parallel to the current situation - as retrospection. Yes?


Routine(TN +6) Persuade(INT) - (2d6+1)

(15) + 1 = 7

Feb 15, 2023 2:13 pm
Text massage to Lio:
Lio, are there any meds that could help us withstand in good condition higher gravity then 1G for prolonged periods of time? You know if we would like to have some fun... with thrusters?
Feb 16, 2023 8:33 am
Ronny reads Abby's messages in the morning. He writes back while drinking a cup of coffee. "I'll join you, I need to do some shopping myself anyway. I'll meet you at the corner of 42nd and Heverlee in 45 minutes." He grabs his things, making sure he's got his gun with him and heads out the door to walk to the subway.
Ronny isn't going to directly ask anyone in the team to join them. But if anyone wants to join for this black-market trade, just RP that you accidentally bump into Ronny on the subway or something like that :)
I presume there are still subways in sci-fi?
Feb 16, 2023 8:52 am
- Raf -

"I have costs." Bob exclaims, but you can see he is mainly doing it for show and habit. "Fuel, and wear and tear on Ginger, and you have me waiting the whole week for your say-when, I can't do other work while waiting for you." You know he is not too put out by the week of paid sitting on his ass --or whatever he does as entertainment.

"But, OK. And only because you are a friend... and because of the 'docks thing'... fifteen hundred it is."
Feb 17, 2023 12:18 am
Raf feels that he could barter down the price even more. Opens his mouth to say something about the very important information that he will share with a Bob, just after the job. And that he could pay him Cr1000 in advance and they will talk how this information is indeed valuable at that moment. But...

Rafael takes a moment to look at Bob... Looking at him... and seeing a real person, with his joys and cares - not only some persona that Bob is "wearing" all the time.

Yes... indeed... he is one of those - not so many - people on this damn planet he probably, could, even... call a... friend. Even though he don't like him that much in general. But still he is someone he can count on. Day and night. And he can never see him again if Bob decides to not join them...

"Who knows what war will bring?"

"Good. Bob. We have a deal. It is a pleasure doing business with you!" - Raf says and leaves Bob's cabin. Probably leaving him a little mesmerized by the nice tone of his last words. Because it was a habit for them to throw the most elaborate insults at every possible opportunity at each other.
Last edited February 17, 2023 12:20 am
Feb 18, 2023 12:30 pm
Abby's reply to Ronny's message bears out the concerns you guys will have started having.

The subway is not running --though the automated ticketing booths happily take your money and let you in. One train trundles by, but it is on the wrong platform and going in the wrong direction. People check their watches impatiently. There are vague, apologetic announcements that don't do into any detail. With your foreknowledge of the incipient civil war you are in a better position than most to grasp what is starting to happen.

The general populace don't seem to have any hints, but, after a cabby is eventually willing to pick you up --they eye potential fairs warily and many drive by without stopping-- from what you can make out from the chatter on the cabby's radio, there is talk about 'unusual movements' and 'people leaving their posts', and you have to help the cabby pump his own fuel after thee fuel-stations all have no attendants.

It seems those with their ear to the street have realised something is happening and decided to stay with their families, or something.
At Abby's building the customary door-man/security is absent and you can walk right in.

Ronny, you know that, confident in her building safety, Abby --like most of the other occupants-- usually does not lock her door when at home, and you are accustomed to walking right in. Do you --and any companions you have with you-- knock and wait or enter directly?
It seems like getting out of town quickly is highly recommended. Abby is not packed, so the news that she needs to bring with her to the meet all her travelling possessions causes some consternation. She also has lots of stuff, more than all of you together can easily carry.

What do you do?
Feb 18, 2023 1:46 pm
Lio is on his way to his local (underground) pharmacist when he gets Raf's text.
Hmm gravity blockers, I think I've read about this once, small chance Phill will have those in stock. No harm in asking though...
He doesn't take the effort of texting back.
Around the corner a long line of grey buildings pops up, each with a covered staircase on the outside leading down to its basement. Lio counts the closed shutters and stops at the fifth house.
He takes a moment to look around, the street is empty, except for the homeless woman sleeping under a tree at the corner of the street.
Lio opens the shutter and walks down the stairs. A second door gives blocks his path. He's been here lot's of times and holds his eye to the retinascanner without thinking. The door slides open and a light breeze carrying the stench of different types of chemicals fills his nose.
Love it

-"haven't seen you in a while!" Phill smiles as he thinks of the Credits he's about to receive.
°"Yeah I know, been busy with doing nothing... Sorry Phill but I don't have much time, I have a list of stuff I need"

Phill holds out his hand to receive the list.

°"It's in my head Phill, I'm not an idiot. I need a pack of stims, 12 doses, 8 doses of anti-rad, 10 panaceas and one dose of no questions asked" Lio Laughs at his own joke.
"If possible I'ld prefer a package price. Oh, and do you have anything to counter gravity disease?"
price should be 10600, let's hope my fellow workmates chip in ;)
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