Heist the Colours (RP)

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Apr 24, 2023 11:03 am
It seems to me from your description and the way I have also seen this, the situation is that as long I will have him at my gun point he can't do much more then talk with me or shoot, but it's not his first choice as in that way he would already done that. I'm going with "keeping him in check and occupied" for now. Less enemies for rest of the group the better:)
Raf is keeping his trained shooting position(standing) with both hands on the gun, keeping Craig's chest in the center of his crosshair and says to him in calm and silent enough voice so the girl boss wouldn't be able to hear - what he is about to say:
"So your name is Craig... right? It's sometimes funny in what circumstances people do meet..." - saying that, Raf starts to walk very slowly and calmly to one of his sides, around Craig(circling around him) - with intentions to make Craig's back finally being turned towards GJ and rest of the party.

"I tell you... I really like this coat of mine... I'm really NOT looking forward for some blood stains on it... And what about you...? Do they pay you enough... so having a hole in your chest would be worth it?

Raf looks carefully at Craigs reactions and adds a little faster as he would like to preempt Craig's answer:
"Maybe turn off your comm. We don't need others to hear our... potential... deal."


Leadership(INT) - is Craig convincible that hole in chest is not the best breakfast ? - (2d6+1+1)

(21) + 2 = 5

Apr 24, 2023 11:12 am
Lio starts looking around for movement, trying to see if Craig, Rudolf or Nigel are revealing themselves. Someone looking for a sniper could be an easy target. Lio hates using his gun, but if the situation askes for it, he is not the one to surpass on an opportunity. He is a former soldier after all.
Apr 24, 2023 5:25 pm
When the woman starts to back away slowly, holding the hostage, Ronny grabs his phone. He positions himself behind a solid looking tree but keeps an eye on the situation. "I'm gonna call Bob." He tells Cat. "Then I'll be right there."

Seconds later, Ronny is calling. "Bob, it looks like they're heading to the other alley. I think we need some kind of distraction. What kind of honk-sound does that van have? You think it's loud enough to turn heads? That may just give us enough of an opening."
Apr 25, 2023 8:11 am
Gun in hand he moves to a safer spot, he walks carefully towards a small brick wall with stairs on one side. This must be the entrance to some sort of basement.
His eyes go from one spot to another.

where are you...


Spotting the sniper spotter recon+int - (2d6+1-3)

(65) - 2 = 9

Apr 26, 2023 1:53 am
- Lio -

Your eye finally settles on a high roottop across the street from the park. A man stands, one hand shading his eyes as he scans the horizon, looking for something. You don't think he was standing there before the order to look for your snipers, so chances are he is this 'Rudolf'.

You can't see his other hand, so you don't know what weapons he has, but you also judge that he barely within effective range of a laser pistol, even a nice one like yours.
You will have to move --at least the 12m you have available to you with both remaining Minor Actions-- to get him within Long Range (-2), else he is at Extreme range (-4).
Taking two Aim Minor Actions will also result in a +2, which will have a similar effect. Aiming might telegraph your intent more obviously than moving, though.
You currently have some cover from your brick wall.
Apr 26, 2023 6:32 pm
Cat wishes that she had a gun. At least she could bluff with it, even if she couldn't hit anything. Keep her talking, dummy! "Uh... who are your working for?" she calls out.
Last edited April 26, 2023 6:32 pm
Apr 26, 2023 8:22 pm
Lio adresses the team via coms: "Don't look, but there is someone on the rooftop across the street, I'm gonna try to take him out. Don't let him know we've seen him!"
Carefully Lio starts moving closer to the man on the roof, he tries to keep his eyes on G-J but glances now and than to see if he is still there. He tries to find some kind of bush to hide behind and take aim without being spotted as easily as on the open street.
Apr 26, 2023 8:45 pm
- Cat -

The woman appraises you appreciatively as she backs away, still covered by GJ.

"Who are you 'working' for'?" She rebounds your question with a grin. There is no reason for her to answer you, but she seems intrigued even if she does not really care about your answer.

Her mouth is close to GJ's ear and she whispers something into it. GJ does not seem more relaxed by what she said.

What do you do?
Apr 26, 2023 8:46 pm
- Lio -

Distracted as the woman is by Cat and other events she does not notice your intent or movement. 'Rudolf' has not looked down, he is still searching the rooftops and has moved a little closer to the edge and to you. You figure you are now within the Long Range capabilities of your snazzy pistol and there is some nearby foliage that may provide some Concealment if not any Cover.
It has taken all your movement to get within range. If you want to use the Concealing bushes you will need to use a Minor Action next turn to Change Stance.
You can still do any Free Actions, and Reactions.
May 1, 2023 9:43 am
- Raf -

Craig stands slowly, not breaking eye-contact as he confirms that you are willing to allow him to even the playing-field... and relieve his cramp. His gun wavers slightly, but mostly remains trained on you and follows as you circle him. His back ends up completely towards your companions.

"Uh? Yeah." He says when you confirm his name. "Funny. Yeah." He does not sound convinced. Standing there he suddenly looks very young.

His eye is drawn to your coat and then the armour under it. He is wishing he had armour right now. "Uh? No." He agrees that chest-holes are not on his todo list today.

"I, uh, have to push a button to talk on the comms." He explains as though this is complicated stuff. One hand moves towards his ear before he swiftly pulls it away again, not wanting risk your thinking he is 'communication without your consent'.

What do you do?
May 1, 2023 9:47 am
Walking backwards and 'dragging' GJ, the woman stumbles slightly as she leaves the path, but she regains her footing and vanishes into the bushes and trees.

"Tell me when." Bob replies, sounding nervous.

New Round.

What do you all do?
May 4, 2023 2:11 pm
"Scratch the honk sound. I have a feeling nobody would care." Ronny tells Bob, still concealing himself behind a tree and peaking out every now and then to see what's going on. "Looks like they're starting to back away. Say, Bob. That thing on top of your van. Any chance that's one of those speakers to play songs on? Like an ice cream van?" Ronny remembers seeing something sticking out on top of Bob's van, but he's not quite sure what it was.

"If you can, turn it up to full volume and blast some of that Swedish-latin-reggae music out of it. That's sure to turn some heads!" Swedish-latin-reggae music was some of the worst music Ronny had ever heard. But it was 'hip with the kids' as they say.

Let's hope this works. "Let 'er rip, Bob!"
May 4, 2023 5:31 pm
A low bamboo-like patch of weed catches his eye. Slowly he moves towards the bush, doing his best to keep hidden from the eye in the sky.
Lio kneels between the plants holding his gun stable with 2 hands.
''I think I have a shot,... No wait, damn...
The guy disappears behind an air vent.
c'mon... Show yourself...
May 5, 2023 3:42 am
"Ice-cream van!" Bob exclaims in (mock?) outrage, but you can hear the enthusiasm in his voice as he continues. "Yes! I will give them some of the good stuff! And there is only one 'volume'."

The sound of Abby's groan on the comms is overwhelmed by the roar of 'music' from the far side of the park. If the woman holding GJ reacts in any way, you can not hear it.

What do you do?
May 7, 2023 9:45 pm
To be honest its my 2nd evening that I'm thinking what Raf would do in this situation. But finally I think I found the reason I was feeling stuck with my thinking. The problem is that I don't know how Craig will react to the "music". So I will write my behavior in two variants.
1. Craig is distracted by the music. Loose focus, maybe even turn his head towards the source of nice for a second:
"Damn I should have start training ju-jitsu the last time I was thinking about it." - Raf thinks seeing how useful could be such skill now, he could try lunch at Craig an try to disarm him. But know Craig is back looking at Raf with gun still pointing at him.

"Well... I guess... if you are not good with your fist, you have to be good with your mind." - Raf thinks before smiling broadly and yelling over the noise to Craig:
"You see. You can trust me. Now lower your gun. And tell me: are you guys after the man or the briefcase? Maybe we can share?"
variant 2. Craig didn't flinched even for a sec - maybe it is the tunes he enjoys? ;) In that case Raf will do something risky... like...
"Damn... my only chance... and I have to take it... to break this draw." - Raf thinks before aiming at Craigs gun to try to disarm him.
I have read in "Traveller companion" that aiming at specific body parts is DM-2... but I'm not sure it is the same as aiming at the hand or pistol? :) But maybe considering that distance is very short(short range +1) it could stay this way? Preferably I would like to take aim short action(s) - in round before if I had any left, as Raf was considering this move already or in current round - before firing Raf weapon.
May 9, 2023 8:53 am
- Raf -

Craig jumps slightly when the sudden noise-assault arrives, his eyes dart all around for a moment and you see his finger tense on his trigger --this is why one keeps the finger off the trigger right up until the moment one intends to pull it-- but he has enough self-control to not quite shoot you by mistake.

It does not take him long to realise it is just music from the street, before his eyes snap back to you.

You might have a moment of distraction to use to your advantage if you act quickly.

What do you do?
The momentary distraction could give you a Boon (roll `3d6h3`)if you take the discussed Disarming Shot.
May 9, 2023 8:55 am
- Lio -

Your target is poised in about the best position if you still intend to take the shot. He is leaning over the edge looking down at the street. A good shot might cause him topple from the roof to the concrete several stories below. He might also be able to report to the boss about Bob's van, but that assumes they know about the connection between that van your party, is that likely? You can't know for sure.

What do you do?
May 9, 2023 8:55 am
- Cat -

The woman has dragged GJ into the bushes. Right now, in such close quarters and concealment, a gun is less useful than a blade. If you go after her you would have the edge. The noise of Bob's 'music' will cover any the sound of your footfalls, but will cover hers too, your advantage is that you know she went in there while she does not know what you will do.

What do you do?
May 9, 2023 8:56 am
- Ronny -

Your aural-assault has begun. Your contact and the computer you came for has been dragged away into the bushes. Movement on the path will be faster than in the bushes, so you may be able to circle round and cut them off if you can predict where they aim to come out.

What do you do?
May 9, 2023 7:09 pm
Cat scrambles to her feet and breaks for the bushes, baring her blade as she goes.
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