Alright, this feels petty on my part, but I'm doing this anyway, but not in a mocking manner, I'm open to renaming Animal Ken, I just didn't like calling it Animal Handling:
Ken = one's range of knowledge or sight.
"such determination is beyond my ken"
This is also NOT a hill I want to die on, I'm more explaining my thought process. Modern20 flat out removed the Animal Handling skill, which I disagreed with, and replaced it with the Influence skill and a Feat. π€’ I didn't like that; Modern20 basically put ALL Social interactions under one skill. It was honestly one of the system's only, and biggest, failings, at least in my eyes.
FlyingSucculent says:
EugeneGM says:
This one's on me, there is nowhere for carrying capacity, or a push, pull, and lift score.
I can't find the rules for them. :(
Sorry sorry! I'll post it here, it's buried in the Athletics skill.
How much a character can lift is dependent on his Lifting Score. Calculating your Lifting Score is simple: Strength Modifier + Athletics RANKS + Athletics Skill Bonus + Athletics Equipment Modifier + Athletics General Modifier. These all use their Static modifier.
The table below lists the maximum amount a character can move or lift. How much weight a character is hauling around will also affect his movement and/or defense, as explained below.
Light Load: Your character can lift and carry this amount of weight without penalty.
Medium Load: If your character is carrying this amount of weight he suffers a β10 ft. movement penalty, a β3 Equipment penalty to Defense and a β3 Equipment penalty to the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Arcana (when casting spells), Conjuration (while conjuring), Endurance, Heavy-Weapons, Legerdemain, Maneuvering, Melee, Occultism (when casting rituals), Resistance, Reflexes, Riding and Stealth.
Heavy Load: If your character is carrying this amount of weight he suffers a β20 ft. movement penalty, a β3 Equipment penalty to Defense and a β3 Equipment penalty to the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Arcana (when casting spells), Conjuration (while conjuring), Endurance, Heavy-Weapons, Legerdemain, Maneuvering, Melee, Occultism (when casting rituals), Resistance, Reflexes, Riding and Stealth.
Max Load: If your character is carrying this amount of weight his maximum movement is 5 ft. per round. Your character is also always considered Surprised and has a maximum Defense of 10. Also, your character cannot actively perform any of the skills modified by a heavy load, and take a -10 Equipment penalty when using them reactively.
Push/Drag: Your character can push or drag this amount of weight with a movement penalty of β10 ft. per round, modified by terrain.
Lifting Score | Light Load | Medium Load | Heavy Load | Max Load | Push/Drag
-5 | 3 lb. | 6 lb. | 10 lb. | 20 lb. | 50 lb.
-4 | 6 lb. | 13 lb. | 20 lb. | 40 lb. | 100 lb.
-3 | 13 lb. | 26 lb. | 40 lb. | 80 lb. | 200 lb.
-2 | 20 lb. | 40 lb. | 60 lb. | 120 lb. | 300 lb.
-1 | 26 lb. | 53 lb. | 80 lb. | 160 lb. | 400 lb.
0 | 33 lb. | 66 lb. | 100 lb. | 200 lb. | 500 lb.
1-4 | 43 lb. | 86 lb. | 130 lb. | 260 lb. | 650 lb.
5-8 | 58 lb. | 116 lb. | 175 lb. | 350 lb. | 875 lb.
9-12 | 76 lb. | 153 lb. | 230 lb. | 460 lb. | 1,150 lb.
13-16 | 100 lb. | 200 lb. | 300 lb. | 600 lb. | 1,500 lb.
17-20 | 133 lb. | 266 lb. | 400 lb. | 800 lb. | 2,000 lb.
21+ | 173 lb. | 346 lb. | 520 lb. | 1,040 lb. | 2,600 lb. |