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Feb 11, 2023 7:18 pm
Last minute question, but are there skill rank caps? I assume I can't dump 16 points into one skill at level 1.

Nevermind, found it.
Last edited February 11, 2023 7:21 pm
Feb 11, 2023 8:49 pm
Alright... submitted, I think I found everything I needed and got it worked out...

Except for Moonlighting. I took the feat, figuring he works at the hospital on weekends or some night shifts, but we need to figure out what the partial benefits are I guess.

Oh, as for Occuption Wealth calculation... does the skill ranks used to determine wealth include the 2 phantom ranks? It says they don't apply to qualifying as prereqs for feats or occupations, but says nothing about wealth calculation.

Also... do we round up or down?
Last edited February 11, 2023 8:55 pm
Feb 11, 2023 9:12 pm
Phantom Ranks do count towards wealth.

Unless otherwise specified, always Round Down.

Let me look up Moonlighting...
Feb 11, 2023 9:15 pm
You work two jobs.
Effect: You may select a second occupation. This second occupation grants you half the Wealth bonus of a standard occupation and you may only select two of the occupation’s Improved Feats.
Feb 11, 2023 9:20 pm
Nice, that is easier than I figured it would be. Lol

I assume if it isn't mentioned in the feat write-up, it applies normally? (Professional skills, professional training, etc.) Also assuming there are no perks from the secondary occupation?

I guess I'll need General Practicioner then.
Last edited February 11, 2023 9:24 pm
Feb 11, 2023 10:17 pm
I guess so! No extra perks though.

I got up General Practitioner
Feb 11, 2023 10:53 pm
Much obliged!
Feb 12, 2023 3:03 am
Ok, stupid question regarding wealth and the moonlighting feat.

Moonlighting says the second profession only provides half the wealth bonus of the occupation.

Initially, I took that to mean the bonus as calculated by the most ranks in one of your professional skills... you would effectively get 1/4 (round down) of your skill ranks as a wealth bonus (as opposed to tbe standard 1/2)... but then I remembered you get a wealth bonus for taking Improved Feats. Is that a +1 instead of +2?

Lastly, part of the starting equipment for a general practicioner is a +4 wealth bonus. I wouldn't think that would be halved (it's listed as starting gear) but... moonlighting just says "half the wealth bonus."
Last edited February 12, 2023 3:04 am
Feb 12, 2023 8:17 am
Hmmm...you're correct about the first part.

For now, I just think that it applies to those things and not the starting equipment.

Oh, also, I forgot to give them proficiency with Laptops, Mobile phones, and pagers. And to give them a pager. And a Mobile phone charger.

Sheesh. How silly of me!
Feb 12, 2023 9:16 am
Honestly, I sort of figured a charger was implied. Back in 2003, every device came with one.

Near as I can tell, the sheet is ready (barring oversights and mistakes).
Feb 13, 2023 3:58 am
@MaJunior :

For my own sanity, I added a note next to all of your professional skills that they contain ghost ranks. If you really hate it, feel free to delete it.

I've checked my math a few times, and I'm quite willing to say I'm wrong, but it LOOKS like you're 3 points over on skill points spent.
9 points from all your ability score modifiers
16 points from Intelligence score
9 points from Background
4 points from Hobbies

Your reputation is listed as 5, but I believe it should be 4:
-1 Charisma Modifier
+1 Level
+4 Professional Reputation

You still need to assign Tool Training and/or Specializations from your skill ranks.

You should know that on average it takes 13-16 years to become a surgeon. If he really pushed it, he could have been getting college credits at 16 in high school, and with enough credits and dedication, he could finish his undergrad at 19. From there, again, by pushing himself to the limit, he could finish medical school in about 4 years instead of 5 or 6, making him 23. Residency takes 5 to 7 years, and that can't be rushed; at the minimum, that would make him 28...oh, that tracks! Anyways, it sounds like someone who should more ranks in Endurance, and especially Resolve.

I'd revisit his quirks. They're all kind of...blah, and not really quirks. Personally, I'd redefine them like so:

Level-Headed: Doesn't like being rushed Determined: Stubborn, or, Doesn't know when to quit Proud: Prideful Helpful: Self-Sacrificing Good Natured: Non-confrontational

You've named his wife and son, but I still need a description for his best friend, (even if its minimal). His unit is more of his bond with a life outside of Motivation.

He has a lot of combat feats for someone who joined the marines a little less than 1.5 years ago. Maybe drop one and take something else. Personally, I vote for Efficient sleeper...which I see I never added. *Sigh* Let me get that completed...

Edit: Minor quibble, can we call it Limited Government instead of Limit Government? One sounds like he hopes and possibly even strives for a future with a more Limited Government, one that doesn't restrict the rights of others in the name of freedom and safety, and the other sounds like he is dedicated to a one-man crusade to Limit the Government.
Feb 13, 2023 5:48 am
Yeah, I underlined the professional skills. Figured that would be sufficient annotation for the "ghost ranks." Notes are fine though, if you prefer.

+1 Reputation from the Career Advancement feat?

Tool training/specializations. Crap, ok yeah. Not sure what to take for those.

I'll redo the quirks I suppose.

The bond to his unit is just that... the people under his command. Camaraderie, Esprit de Corps, Brotherhood, call it what you will.

As for combat feats, neither seems particularly unreasonable... Marksmanship and shooting defensively are pretty basic. Officers carry sidearms, hence focus on small arms. By the time you finish snap-in week, live fire week, and qualifying (that's just in boot camp), then depending on various factors you possibly attend either School of Infantry (9 weeks) or Marine Combat Training (5 weeks), and you qualify with your unit annually (which may happen twice in a year and a half depending on when you join the unit), plus the time the unit put in at the range and training for things like MOUT... there's a surprising amount of weapons training.
Feb 13, 2023 6:46 am
MaJunior says:
+1 Reputation from the Career Advancement feat?

To his unit, upon reviewing my character creation rules, yeah, that tracks, I said you could have a bond outside of Motivation. Could you define them? Also, could you also define the patients bond? These summer colonies tend to be part tight-knit communities, part tourists, and part summer residents (with Motivation having an extra 3 month bump into Autumn, due to it's ties to the occult.) They should normally not see much worse than heart-disease patients. Instead, he'll have already seen some weird-ass shit that shouldn't be at that magnitude, like gorings and horrid animal bites, frost bite in the middle of the summer, exsanguinations, and a staggering number of cases of amnesia to accompany all of that.
Feb 13, 2023 7:01 am
I guess I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for in terms of defining his unit? Like, do you need me to do a quick and dirty breakdown of structure?

The bond for patients would be a sense of responsibility for anyone he's currently treating. If you're under his care, he gives his all to get you what you need. From fighting with insurance companies to arguing with administration. (From a TV perspective, I see him sort of like Dr. Cox, in that he won't let rules or red tape keep him from doing the right thing.)
Feb 13, 2023 7:21 am
Like names? Or is it too many people?
Feb 13, 2023 7:37 am
It's too many.

As a Leutenant, you're still looking at having like 30+/- Marines under you.

And those are just the ones you're in charge of at that rank. When you pick up Captain, you can have about 3 to 4 times that. Etc.
Last edited February 13, 2023 7:39 am
Feb 13, 2023 8:02 am
Kay, makes sense 'den
Feb 14, 2023 2:09 am
So, if I'm right, all I have left is training/specializations... 9 total.

As I'm not entirely sure what to do with them, I may just take weapons specializations?

Tool training is weird to me... like some of them make sense -- you need training and tools to collect evidence or repair a computer... but training for a mobile phone? Everyone knows how a phone works.
Feb 14, 2023 4:52 am
Upon further reflection, I think I've gone a bit off the path with tool trainings. For now, Mobile phones shouldn't be a tool training. I'll be examining others and tighting them up.
Feb 15, 2023 4:41 pm
Alrighty... took 8 trainings, and a specialization. That... should finish me off?
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