Chapter 1

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Mar 16, 2023 5:14 pm
Tannis can feel his eyes start to widen when the Headmaster says he has a favor to ask. Quickly composing himself, he answers. "What favor would you ask of me, Sir?"
Mar 16, 2023 6:24 pm
"I was very close with Gavarenth." he pauses, looking wistful "She was a pupil of mine. My protégé if you will. I was overjoyed when she decided to become a master at the Academy. It would bring me a measure of closure if you could let me see her final moments." Sternova's eyes become glassy with tears, which he somehow holds back.

"And as to the help I might offer." his voice beginning to break "I am precluded from having you here at the Academy. But if you wish to continue your studies independently, I may be able to offer you some assistance."
Mar 16, 2023 9:05 pm
Tannis softens at the request. "I am not sure you want to see that, Sir. Far be it for me to counsel you, but all things considered... shouldn't your last memories be of a happier time?"

Tannis exhales slowly. "If it is what you truly want, Sir... of course. But I encourage you to hold your last memories -- happier memories -- dear, and spare yourself this suffering."
Mar 19, 2023 9:37 pm
"You are probably right. But I do not feel inclined to spare myself this suffering. I deserve to feel the pain I will feel when I see. I will hold on to that pain for the guidance it will bring."
As per the Telepathy spell "you and the target can instantaneously share words, images, sounds, and other sensory messages with one another through the link", so Tannis should be able to project his memories via the link. As it's a backstory thing, I'm happy to do the description, but obviously it's Tannis' memories, so up to you whether you describe. Below are the descriptions so far. I had imagined that Gavarenth had been cut in two by some kind of flaming blade, perhaps by the Flame Blade spell. I've not prepared any other backstory of relevance.

And then his teacher, Gavarenth, cut in two from left shoulder to right hip, the flesh cauterised by the blow.

Finally, coming to Gavarenth's bisected corpse, Tannis's heart leaps to see not only her focus, but her spellbook, whole and untarnished. The spellbook is a hefty tome with a gold-plated metal cover, styled as scales to reflect Gavarenth's lizardfolk heritage. Her focus is a vaguely humanoid shaped wooden game piece, set with a sizeable ruby. Remembering back to their first class, Tannis thinks to look in Gavarenth's satchel and finds the game board and other pieces which make the set.
Mar 19, 2023 10:06 pm
That sounds right. Tannis will simply "open" his memories of his teacher's final moments to the Headmaster as he remembers them.
To say the battlefield is loud and chaotic would be the understatement of the century. People shouting commands, or just in anger... screams of pain... explosions... metal clashing against metal... and innumerable other noise from spells and arms. Smoke and dust drifts across the field, and when combined with the perpetual motion as the sides surge and fall back, it makes seeing much of anything a chore.

Tannis turns when he hears a familiar voice cry out in pain, only to be drowned out by the roar and crackle of flame. As smoke drifts by, Tannis sees his teacher even as a line of fire burns through her body in the same arc one might expect to see a greatsword swing at. He tries to move towards her, only to be flung back as a mighty clap of thunder momentarily deafens Tannis. When he gets back to his feet, an enemy soldier rushes at him as a sharp pain bites into his shoulder, and he spits out the arcane words and reaches forward to touch the soldier...

His next memory, his last memory of his teacher, was finding both pieces of her body. The fire had cut... melted?... clear through, charring everything it touched -- clothes, flesh, bone... all of it. He remembers finding Gavarenth's spellbook, as well as her gaming set. His gaze had lingered on her before he fled, and the point at which he begins to leave is whereTannis ends his memory.

"I am sorry, Sir. I couldn't even reach her."
Mar 20, 2023 7:36 am
Sternova sits for a moment, tears rolling slowly from his closed eyes. He makes no attempt to hide is sorrow or wipe away his tears.

"Her family live near Teiseiernau, on Newbore's northern shores. I will let them know her fate. You may wish to return her effects."

After pausing for a moment to collect himself, Sternova continues.

"If I am to help you, you will need a way to contact me. If you wish to learn the Sending spell, I will hold this image for as long as it takes for you to note it down. It will take some practice of course."

With that he brings forward an image of a page of a richly illustrated spellbook, the script as clear to Tannis as if the book were right in front of him. Sternova himself is unmoving, he is not looking down at his spellbook - it seems he can recall the page, with its detailed illuminations, perfectly from memory. Tannis sees the page's heading reads Sending.
For clarity, Tannis can still see the physical world around him, as well as an image of Sternova sitting in a tent and an image of a page of a spellbook
Mar 20, 2023 2:55 pm
"Yes Sir. Thank you."

Tannis will begin working to copy down the page, meticulously transcribing the spell formula into his own spellbook. When he finishes, Tannis will close his book and stopper his ink well.

"I have no doubt that with some practice, I'll be in touch Sir."
Mar 21, 2023 8:43 am
"Thank you for your time Tannis, and for hearing me out. I am sorry that this situation has arisen. I wish you the best of luck in your next steps."

With that, the image of Sternova becomes cloudy, and then diminishes as steam merges into air, leaving Tannis alone in his chamber and alone with his thoughts.
Mar 21, 2023 1:41 pm
Tannis sits on the bed, and exhales. "I truly don't know what to do next," he mutters to himself. "But whatever it is, I feel like I'll need whatever magical ability I can master. The headmaster doesn't think my family would become a target if they learn the truth, but I don't know that I can trust the King. He has already shown himself to be a liar and -- if his threats are to be believed -- willing to kill to maintain his lies. I can't risk putting them at risk..."

Pushing memories of his family out of his mind, Tannis digs Zanros' spellbook out of his bag and begins to study, holding the bloody joker card as he does.

Tannis has much to learn, and his survival may well depend on it.
Last edited March 21, 2023 1:42 pm

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