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Jan 21, 2023 2:36 am
Hi all,

I'm a 37 year old married father of three looking to get some gaming in in what little spare time I have. Ive always been interested in TTRPG going back to being a kid, but never really got the chance to play them. Ive dabbled in some PBP to get into gaming recently, mostly on discord and the rolegate app (D&D5e mostly), so I have some PBP experience. Now I'm looking to find a place for PBP games with a little more permanent feel and community then random discord groups.

My main genres of interest are fantasy and sci fi, but especially sword and sorcery. I'm also considering trying my hand at DM'ing a game at some point.

Looking forward to some good adventures!
Jan 21, 2023 2:42 am
Welcome TrantorTheTroll. There is a range of game mechanics and settings. Hope you find what you are looking for.
Jan 21, 2023 4:29 am
Since our usual Welcome Wagon Mod is currently unconscious, I'll drop her usual list of helpful links here for you, Trantor.

I highly recommend joining us on the Discord channel and getting to know the community!
bowlofspinach says:
Welcome, MicMic!

Please be aware that while we do have a fairly sizable Italian userbase here (just going off my perception, no actual data), this is still primarily an English language website for people from all over the world. You're free to use any language you want in a game, but in public forums, it's expected common courtesy to provide at least a translation if you're going to be posting in a different language, just so nobody is out of the loop :)

If you want to see how GP functions, here are links to the New GP Member Guide, the forum rules, this video introduction made by user Qralloq and a little helpful formatting guide made by user Adam. You might also be interested in looking through some public games as well to get a feel for the site.
If you have any questions about how to use the site, you can put them into our Questions and Help subforum.

To join a game, keep your eyes on the Games Tavern, where GMs advertise their games and look for players.

You're also invited to join us on the Discord server for some friendly conversation, about the site, RPGs in general or anything else!

If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to contact any of the following moderators:

Keleth (site owner)

Happy gaming!
Jan 21, 2023 5:04 am
Since I am temporarily conscious again: Welcome, Trantor!
Jan 21, 2023 5:23 am
Jan 21, 2023 6:28 am
Welcome to GP!
Jan 21, 2023 7:10 am
Welcome! I hope you’ll enjoy your stay
Jan 21, 2023 9:08 am
Howdy, hope you enjoy the games!
Jan 21, 2023 10:56 am
Jan 21, 2023 2:53 pm
Welcome to GP!
Jan 21, 2023 4:09 pm
Jan 21, 2023 5:49 pm
Hi and welcome!
Jan 22, 2023 5:20 am
Welcome to the fold!
Jan 22, 2023 5:30 am
Thanks all for the welcome!
Jan 22, 2023 11:41 am
bowlofspinach says:
Since I am temporarily conscious again: Welcome, Trantor!
were you trippin' on 'shrooms?
Jan 22, 2023 11:42 am
I don't think it's the season for mushrooms, even if I had been walking in the forest. And I usually watch my step.
Jan 23, 2023 6:39 am
Welcome aboard the GP barge, TrantorTheTroll!
Jan 23, 2023 2:10 pm
Welcome :)


Jan 23, 2023 6:16 pm
Welcome to the community, Trantor!

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