May 20, 2023 1:56 pm
At a nod from the human with the clipboard the lead dwarf waves you in through the gates. As you enter you see the other human wave you in as well. Only how he does it you learned in your time "working" the city streets means you are being watched. The trouble is this indicates an faction you are not a member of has eyes on you. It can either mean the city watch or another gang.
As you pass through the thick stone gatehouse and into what you know to be the outer city you can tell by the 2 pairs of guards in sight that this area of town has a bit of respectability. The wide street is paved with neatly laid stonework and wide enough for 2 wagons with room to spare. The buildings are mostly clay on the first floor and look to be shops and businesses with a mix of wood and clay on the second and have the look of businesses and and occasional residence. Moving down the street you can tell this is a healthy city and doing good for itself. Some of the towns and villages you have seen since leaving your own were much worse off or just getting started.
Though the shattering has been over for over 50 years it has been a rather difficult time from what Athria has heard. Trouble with the gods and magic abounded not to mention entire regions being rearranged. But that was then and things are looking up now.
As you pass through the thick stone gatehouse and into what you know to be the outer city you can tell by the 2 pairs of guards in sight that this area of town has a bit of respectability. The wide street is paved with neatly laid stonework and wide enough for 2 wagons with room to spare. The buildings are mostly clay on the first floor and look to be shops and businesses with a mix of wood and clay on the second and have the look of businesses and and occasional residence. Moving down the street you can tell this is a healthy city and doing good for itself. Some of the towns and villages you have seen since leaving your own were much worse off or just getting started.
Though the shattering has been over for over 50 years it has been a rather difficult time from what Athria has heard. Trouble with the gods and magic abounded not to mention entire regions being rearranged. But that was then and things are looking up now.
Moving through the commercial district Athria finds her way to a large market square that looks to be the hub of the outer city. With the warehouse and dock district off to one side and the residential and commercial districts on the other. The square has 4 roads into it each from the commercial that Athria just arrived on, to the dwarven inner city, to the warehouse district, and to the docks. The market area is wide open and looks to have held many stalls in the early morning. In the mid day head only the permanent structures are present along with a few vendors pushing carts.