Kent Library

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Feb 8, 2023 9:37 am
"Four legs, tail, fur, teeth" Joe sort of gestures around pointing at his imaginary tail and making "vampire" fangs with his fingers to explain what a dog is... before just giving up. "Ah hell, I'll just smell it!" He turns to Janus, scratches his foot on the floor and points at Chuck and Lili "We probably should bury that rock soon before more pinkies get out"
off he goes to join the others unless something happens
Feb 8, 2023 5:25 pm
Chuck sighs, and says to the others "Ok, let's go find this damn rock and blow it to smithereens." Keeping his gun at the ready, but not in a threatening position, he starts heading toward the other door, glancing around as he goes looking for more pinkies or worse. Oh, and the rock. That damned rock that put him in this position in the first place. Thinking to himself, "Maybe it's time to start thinking about going back to being a paramedic? Yeah, that job sucked too, but at least I wasn't getting shot by pink freaks with crossbows."

Over his shoulder he says in a lower voice, "Sharp eyes... we don't have much time."
Let me know if I'm rolling wrong or unnecessarily. I figure Insight would be used for looking around?
Last edited February 8, 2023 5:29 pm


Looking for trouble or rock (Insight) - (2d6+1)

(33) + 1 = 7

Feb 8, 2023 10:08 pm
Janus lets Chuck and Joe take the lead. Despite himself he finds himself distracted by the beauty of the "other" library. The metals, the leather. It just looks cozy in a way.
"Change of plans. This does not look like a good place to scavenge. I don't mind grabbing artifacts from the strange incursions, but this stuff looks like it belongs to ... people."

He moves forward behind the lead. He turns to Lili. "I'm not saying you can't scavenge, I'm just saying... I'm not a thief."
He then consults the plumb and follows its pull.
Does the plumb also indicate distance? (i.e., the tug is stronger the closer we are?)
Feb 10, 2023 6:39 pm
The plumb pulls gently forward and slightly upward, trying to wiggle up out the collar of Janus shirt.

You can see daylight in a crack between the double doors at the far side of the room. It's about fifty feet away - only a couple dozen steps among the waist-high shelves and tables.
Feb 11, 2023 6:06 pm
Janus marches through the door and walks into the incursion. The shimmering chill that sometimes happens when crossing over makes his stomach go cold.

"The plumb is pointing up. Let's look for stairs.
"Chuck, what do you see? Anything to worry about?
"Lili, what do you think our best retreat path is going to be?
"Joe, did you want one of these crossbows?"

Janus offers up one of the weapons to his teammate.
Janus is looking around. Where is the best way to go up? Is there a way to block, lock or barricade those other doors-- or does it feel like we need to go through those doors to go up? I'm imagining that is the way outside but our target is something inside this incursion library. The last thing Janus wants to do is to announce their presence to whatever population is outside that library.
Last edited February 12, 2023 4:53 pm
Feb 13, 2023 1:28 pm
Joe sniffs the crossbow for a moment. "No pinkie weapon for me" he says as he readies his hunting rifle. "I'll scout the area for more of them"


Scouting (if insight instead of prowess, -3) - (2d6+2)

(46) + 2 = 12

Feb 13, 2023 2:08 pm
[ +- ] WILD
Joe smells pinkies who used to be in this room. They got frightened and left. He doesn't know where they went.

Something moves among the shelving to the right. It's about the size of a dog. It's out of sight now.
Feb 13, 2023 2:27 pm
Chuck is looking around as Janus and Joe are discussing the crossbow. Addressing Janus he says, "I got nothing boss." He keeps looking around for some stairs or something to climb in the direction the plumb is sending them.
I'm going to assume Joe is the only one who picked up on the dog thing moving among the shelves due to his roll?
Feb 13, 2023 4:06 pm
There are no visible stairs. There's a door in the wall to the left, through the stacks. It might lead to a stairway, or a bathroom.

There are the doors to outside.

One of those doors swings open and a pinkie with a crossbow steps in, sees you, and darts back out. The door starts to swing closed where they were.
Feb 14, 2023 9:18 am
Joe tilts his head at the moving door as the pinkie hides away and then suddenly stops. He sniffs the air as he tries to pinpoint a sound from within the library. Then he turns to his right, staring at the shelving, motionless. After a moment he gestures to the others and readies his rifle... waiting for his prey to come out of hiding...
Feb 17, 2023 3:54 am
Janus notices Joe freeze and instinctively freezes as well-- his eyes dart about trying to see what Joe has noticed, both glad to have Joe along for his uncanny senses, and a bit creeped out that Joe isn't entirely human anymore.
If something doesn't happen within a minute or so, Janus will cautiously head toward the doors with the goal of getting rope ready to tie them shut. Did the doors swing in or out? I'm imagining like big double metal doors, with long handles running horizontally. Does that sound right? But he won't plan on tying them shut if the side door does not lead to stairs.
Last edited February 17, 2023 3:56 am
Feb 18, 2023 1:50 pm
Chuck notices Joe "on point" and pauses to look in the same direction, "Whatcha got Joe?"
Did the pinkie come in/out the outside doors or the one that may lead to stairs or a bathroom? I was going to have Chuck check out the single door, but I wasn't sure where the pinkie was seen. Also, don't want to get mauled by whatever Joe is checking out! LOL
Last edited February 18, 2023 1:50 pm
Feb 18, 2023 4:04 pm
The inquisitive pinkie came in and left by the "out" doors

also - see OOC thread
Feb 19, 2023 1:56 pm
Joe points his rifle to where he noticed the movement, answering Chuck's question. Carefully, he starts moving closer to the shelving
Feb 23, 2023 6:58 pm
This feels like a Prowess roll.


Joe: PROWESS - (2d6+2)

(13) + 2 = 6

Feb 23, 2023 7:01 pm
It comes out of the high shelf, a near-horizontal arc of ferocious motion. Pink and scaly, fang-mouthed, clawed, barbed tail. The size of a medium dog, lizard-shaped. It strikes Joe in the face. Teeth and claws all scrabbling at the lupine operative.


Standard harm - (d6)

(6) = 6

Feb 24, 2023 9:25 am
Joe tries to shoot the dog thing as soon as he notices it pouncing his way. though he manages to take two or three quick shoots, he is too slow to get his face out of the creature's claws!
I have hp8 and harm 6. does that roll mean I'm down to hp2?


PROWESS - (2d6+2)

(11) + 2 = 4

Feb 24, 2023 12:18 pm
CESN says:
I have hp8 and harm 6. does that roll mean I'm down to hp2?
Feb 24, 2023 2:42 pm
not good 😅
Feb 24, 2023 3:13 pm
Chuck flinches when the pink dog thing jumps at Joe, then he jumps forward and tries to punch it off of Joe's face.


Prowess - Attack pink dog thingy - (2d6)

(33) = 6

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