Story - Part 1 - The way to Icespire peak

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May 23, 2023 6:22 am
Sure, I'll give the tree-climbing a try.
Martina approaches the alder, takes off her gear, and rubs her hands together, preparing to climb.


Climb - (2d6)

(42) = 6

May 24, 2023 12:53 pm
"Akhi says he didn't see anything, just some birds." She left out the 'tasty' part after noting how Martina backed away. Too soon, perhaps. Viennes sees that Martina is going to climb the tree and decides to give it a try as well.
I'll roll but could also just give Martina help - either works for me. Vienne has acrobat which gives her advantage for this, I think?

edit: pffft
Last edited May 24, 2023 12:54 pm


climbing - (3d6)

(311) = 5

May 24, 2023 6:33 pm
Garic closes his eyes and tries to sense the magical energies around him he think he can feel something if he's able to concentrate for long enough...

At the same time Martina tries to climb the alder, Vienne follows suit. Martina pulls herself up a branch, Vienne follows; occasionally helped by Martina who lends her a hand.
After they've climbed about half the height of the tree Martina reaches for a branch that's just out of reach. She does a little jump and grabs it but her grip slips and she begins to tumble down the tree. Vienna wants to catch her but the combined weight of both breaks the branch beneath her and she too falls down the tree. The fall is somewhat dampened by some of the branches that you bounce against on your way down but it still hurts like hell.
Garic is rudely pulled out of his concentration just as he thought he was able to connect to the arcane weave around him.
Additionally you scared a flock of birds that was resting in the tree and it flies off. So if someone is watching the skies they'll know that something or someone scared them...
Hilarious rolls XD
Martina and Vienne take 1 damage each
May 24, 2023 6:45 pm
Fate says ignore the sign. I agree Garic grumbles. Adventuring is about taking risks, overcoming challenges, and having fun. Trading dumb signs is not fun.

Inviting the sign Garic simple reevaluates the best path to take to teach the mountain and takes a couple steps that way before looking back to see how the others react. Well, push on, or go around? he asks the others. His opinion only all to obvious
May 25, 2023 6:00 am
Martina picks herself up and brushes herself off. "I guess I'm out of practice." She laughs nervously as she begins to pick up her gear and prepare to move onward. "Whatever you think, Garic. You lead the way." she offers in reply to the goblin's question.
May 26, 2023 7:30 pm
Vienne, while sore, bursts out laughing. "I haven't fallen from a tree in...oh years. Great fun! I'm fine with continuing on." She brushes herself off and strikes a pose to indicate just how healthy she still is, and is ready for adventure.
May 27, 2023 6:30 pm
You push deeper into the forest. The ground becomes murkier the farther you venture. Soon you have to carefully look for paths through the forest as more and more ponds and puddles are scattered across the area. You can hear frogs croaking, insects buzz around you and your steps are all accompanied by the sound of the soggy ground giving way when stepping down and then sticking to your soles when you lift your feet back up.
A stagnant smell that reminds you of foul eggs is wavering in the air.
Just as you enter an "island" of solid ground in the middle of a particularly murky area six creatures jump out of the mud.
The are bipedal humanoids but generally have the appearance of frogs. The creatures are a bit shorter than you but seem to be pretty bulky, especially the legs look pretty muscular. They are wearing shirts that looks like chainmail made from plant fibers, caked in mud.
In their hands they hold crude spears.
Three are on each of your sides.
One of them opens its mouth and it begins to talk in a very deep voice.
You are in the territory of Goog the Tiny. *Ribbit* Come with us and Goog will decide your faith for the crime of trespassing
May 28, 2023 1:26 pm
With a smile at the frogmen Garic replies We do not mean any harm. We are just on our wat to Icespire peak and he points out the mountain. What is the usual punishment for trespassing? he asks innocently
Garic gives his comrades a look to get ready for action if things get violent.
May 29, 2023 9:32 pm
Punishment is decided by Goog's wisdom. Sometimes Goog decides that you have to pay gold. Sometimes Goog locks you in a cage to think about your crime. Sometimes Goog makes your stuff hers and you leave our lands naked.
Now... less questions, more following us.
the frogman replies
Three frogman crawl out of the mud and position themselves in front of you while the other three take positions behind you
May 31, 2023 3:53 pm
Martina turns around, eyeing up the assembled frogmen. "I suppose we could meet your leader." she says cautiously."If she's as wise as you say, I'm sure we can come to an amicable agreement."
May 31, 2023 6:29 pm
Garic nods in agreement but keeps his shields ready
Jun 1, 2023 7:57 pm
Vienne doesn't want to leave the land naked, so she hopes Martina is right. Also....Goog the Tiny? This is the first time she has heard 'tiny' as something to be proud of. She speaks quietly to the group, unable to keep her thoughts just to herself. "Why not 'the Wise' or 'the Powerful'? Can this Goog control their size, and smaller is better?"
Last edited June 1, 2023 7:58 pm
Jun 2, 2023 11:04 pm
Sprout moves slowly along with the others, quite enjoying the refreshment of the water on his lower roots. He isn't enjoying the spears pointed at him though. He answers Vienne's question with a nervous and shaky tone. "I'm uncertain... perhaps her size indicates her intelligence?"
Jun 3, 2023 5:16 pm
The frogmen lead you through the swamp while you wonder who this Goog the Tiny is. The ground is getting murkier and is littered with puddles and slippery tree roots. The trees are getting denser too. The only really positive thing is that you are getting closer to Icespire peak. It takes a while during which the sun is getting so low that you have to shield your eyes from it.
Finally you arrive at what you presume is the hometown of the frog people. A large area has been freed from most of the trees. Huts made out of wickerwork are strewn over the area. In the middle of the area is a circular palisade wall made out of tree tree trunks. Two frogmen with spears are guarding a door in the wall and you are being led there. On the way there you see that some frogmen have set up workshops where they create spears, wickerwork and other items for everyday need.
Your escort croaks at the two guards and they let you into the area behind the palisade wall.
The ground here is rather dry compared to the rest of the swamp. Along the walls you see several chests in all shapes and forms. The inside of the palisade wall has been decorated with some paintings and drapes but due to the moist atmosphere in the swamp they are all quite heavily damaged.
In the center of the area is a massive wooden platform that sits on massive wooden stilts about as high as you are. On top of the platform is a massive specimen of the frogpeople. It is about triple your height and looks quite overweight. The skin is green with purple streaks. Two massive arms are holding a wicker basket in which some slimy animals are crawling around. The frogmen are constantly pouring water on it with small cups that they refill from a barrel at their side.
The massive being sits up from its lying position and croaks something, your escort replies with some croaks and then it turns to you.
Who dares to wander my swamp? The swamp of Goog the Tiny! Have you not seen the signs my advisors made? Are you ready to pay for your actions? Goog says with a deep growling voice.
Jun 4, 2023 3:47 pm
Sprout observes the giant frog-like being for a moment and then lowers his head in humility towards Goog the Tiny. "We offer our apologies to you, great Goog the Tiny. We are but humble adventurers who know not where we have wandered into. We would offer you tribute for our actions. Perhaps we might pay a toll or perform a task?"
Jun 4, 2023 4:31 pm
Make a test to see wether your words sway the opinion of Goog. If someone can think of any item or skill that could make this task easier you can do the test with advantage
Jun 4, 2023 4:51 pm
I'm going to go ahead and roll regularly. If anyone thinks of something that may help then feel free to roll an add-on d6.


Persuade Goog the Tiny! - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Jun 9, 2023 3:24 am
Garic has no idea how to impress the already impressive Goog the Tiny so he just bows low.
Jun 11, 2023 11:04 pm
Goog ponders Sprout's words for a moment and then says There is one thing that will satisfy me. A good snack and one of you will suffice to satiate me. How about you?
Goog gets up and walks towards Vienne. The frogmen watch the spectacle with great interest.
Time for battle! Goog is going for Vienne. Roll your initiative and if it's above 7 you can act before Goog gets her hands on Vienne


who to eat? - (1d4)

Initiative Goog - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Initiative Frogmen - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Jun 11, 2023 11:24 pm
Ah, poop. Time for some heroic action.


Initiative - (2d6)

(43) = 7

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