Story - Part 1 - The way to Icespire peak

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Jun 19, 2023 1:03 am
Growing more and more enraged with the frogmen, Sprout continues his onslaught against them.


2 attacks on frogmen - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (145) = 10

3d6 : (414) = 9

Jun 21, 2023 10:33 pm
Vierne sees Goog possibly weakening and chooses yo attack them once more.
apologies, busy week so far


Attack Goog - (3d6)

(661) = 13

Attack Goog - (3d6)

(421) = 7

Jun 21, 2023 10:33 pm
Vierne sees Goog possibly weakening and chooses yo attack them once more.
apologies, busy week so far


Attack Goog - (3d6)

(334) = 10

Attack Goog - (3d6)

(145) = 10

Jun 22, 2023 1:48 am
Judging that Garic and Vienne can probably handle Goog in her weakened state, Martina turns to fire on the nearest frogmen.
Oof, some crappy rolls there...
Last edited June 24, 2023 4:50 pm


Attack (focused) - (3d6)

(221) = 5

Attack (standard) - (3d6)

(231) = 6

Jun 22, 2023 7:28 pm
While Sprout is keeping the frogmen at bay, Martina fires two bolts but Goog can dodge both. But this tiny distraction gives Garic just enough time to ram his two shields into Googs knees. Goog slumps onto her knees but is about to get up which is prevented by Vienne's chakram that delivers the final blow, ending the life of the strange froggy being that wanted to eat her.
Goog drops to the ground and then there is silence. For a few seconds.

Then the remaining frogs scream and run out the gate.
You are now alone in the "room" with Goog. Outside the walls you can hear a lot of commotion going on but it sounds like the frogmen are rather panicked than aggressive.
What do you want to do?
Jun 23, 2023 12:46 am
Looking aroung Garic declares It feels to me that we have liberated these frog men from and oppressive, and glutonous dictator. with hints of self righteousness that stugle with doubt and unease. This is the first person Garic helped kill. While it was self defence he does not like killing people but that Goog gave them not choice. I hope the Goog hasn't waylaid too many victims.
Garic moves to the door to peer outside and keep an eye on the frog men. But he is a bit distracted by memroies of stories running through his head. The hero always gets a reward after defeating the villan in their lair but this situation is not quite what Garic expectd for his adventure. Still he can't help looking around the room, Maybe there was something left from previous adventurers that Goog waylaid. See if there are any personal items. We can try and return them to their families That seems the best compromise between honor, his fantasies from the stories, and the reality of the situation
Last edited June 23, 2023 12:49 am
Jun 24, 2023 1:45 am
"Vienne, you landed the killing blow. Maybe you can try and command the remaining frogmen. It would be great if they could at least help us get out of this place and back on track."
Jun 24, 2023 5:17 pm
Martina nods. "This settlement of theirs may be primitive, but I can't help but be impressed by what they built here. It would be a shame to leave the place in chaos." She turns her eyes upward thoughtfully. "Goog said something about advisors—halfway literate ones, apparently. If we want to talk to representatives of this community, perhaps that's who we should look for."
Jun 24, 2023 8:39 pm
Good idea but those are likely to be involved in the middle of the chaos. Any who were unhappy with the Goog may take this opportunity to take it out on the Good advisors or the advisors could now be contending for the position of becoming the new Goog. I'm not that great at politics but I loved hearing war stories and many of the great wars began with the fall of a leader. If you have an idea I will help out.
Garic likes the idea of getting the frogmen settled down. Maybe if they did then they could establish peaceful trade with their neighbors.
Jun 24, 2023 9:07 pm
"Um..I can try." Vienne moves to the room exit and looks out at what she can see of the froggy chaos. As she speaks, she attempts to use her magic to make her voice louder so that all of them can hear her. If it works. "I am Vienne the...Mystic, slayer of Goog the Tiny!" Well, one of them anyway. She gave herself the title simply to mimic Goog, just incase it was a cultural thing. Ahki raised his head from her shoulder to let out a hiss of support. "I need all of you to stop what you're doing and remain calm." If they could anymore...
and if the voice thing is something I can actually do with spell touched :)
Jun 24, 2023 9:43 pm
Garic quickly sifts through the chests. Most of the contents seem to be benign items like damaged clothes or simple jewelry made from bone, wood or crude metal.
Three pieces catch his eyes though.
-A finely crafted heart-shaped amulet that can be opened and contains a tiny but detailed painting of a bearded man carrying a child on his shoulders.
-A simple golden ring with the word "Maria" carved in the inside
-A sturdy leather tube with a carrying strap. The top can be screwed off and you can see that it contains a letter.

Meanwhile the frogmen seem to frantically discuss among each other until Vienne magically enhances her voice and tells the frog people to stop. They all immediately stop and stare at her. After a minute of slightly awkward silence a frogman with a staff steps forward. The staff is as big as the frogman with a wicker basket at the top which contains fireflies that whizz around inside it. It uses the staff to push four smaller and by the looks of it, younger, frogmen towards Vienne.
It begins to talk Oh Vienne the Mystic! Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Kroxa, shaman and former advisor to Goog. In the most subservient way possible I want to offer my services to you. Not that you need them, as your wisdom is as unlimited as the skies, but just to take the weight of tasks from your shoulders that are too mundane to bother you*Ribbit*
But first: We see that you and your circle of warriors are truly worthy to lead and protect us *Crooooak*
It is only just to offer you a fitting meal after your exhausting fight to replenish your strength. Please take these four younglings! They gladly offer themselves to nourish you.

The four younglings gaze at you expectantly and you are not sure how to interpret their facial expression
Jun 24, 2023 11:20 pm
Suddenly inspired Garic steps forward and mimics Vienne's spell
Vienne the Mystic does not rely on the consumption of others to augment her might! She refuses them as a meal but will instead take their life of service, until she has no need of them!
Pausing a moment he Continues
Vienne the Mystic will now take council with Kroxa! Approach shaman that wisdom may grow through the sharing! and gestures for the shaman to enter the Goog hut while waving for the 4 younglings to join him to the side of the tent.

Rather proud of his performance he sneaks a peak back at Vienne and the others and whispers I will try to get a feel for tribe life from the youngling who are less likely to be crafty as the shaman while you negotiate with him
Jun 25, 2023 12:09 am
Pleased with Garic intervening, as she had no idea how to handle being offered froglings as food, she waved to the shaman in an indication to come forward. She whispered to Garic as he passed by.

"Thanks, and good idea. Hopefully this will prove useful."
Jun 25, 2023 6:20 pm
Sprout steps behind Vienne's right shoulder, keeping his imposing presence looming over the conversation.
Awesome job guys! Great posts!
Jun 25, 2023 6:29 pm
Kroxa bows down deeply and loudly exclaims Your wisdom is without limits! Of course the younglings are better used as your most loyal servants than as food! They will gladly join! Now let's hold conference!
You still have difficulty to interpret the facial expressions of the young frogmen but you think you see a glimmer of relief on their face.

Vienne and whoever want to join go back into the walled off area. Kroxa beckons you to sit down on the platform while the shaman sits down in front of it, right next to Goog's corpse.

The shaman speaks again *KROAX!* Please allow me Kroxa, your most loyal servant, to welcome you again as our new leaders. Now more than ever we need your wisdom and strength to guide us. Our tribe is troubled by two main problems that only your highness can help with
At first the Fey are still hunting and gathering in our grounds. I even invented a sign that tells every passerby to get off but they simply ignored it.

The second on is that the mountain
Kroxa points at the Icespire Peak still has the mystical lights at its top. They bother our kind and since they've appeared trolls have come down the mountain several times. They only linger down here for a short time but they've already eaten more than twenty of our kind.
Can I, your most loyal servant, bother you with thinking about how to address these problems?

Meanwhile, to the side of the wall, the 4 younglings stare at Garic expectantly with their big, black eyes
Jun 25, 2023 7:37 pm
Having opted to join the conference, Martina speaks up. "Then we should arrange a meeting with a representative from the Fey. Perhaps they will be more amenable to negotiation with Vienne as leader than they were with Goog. Do you know where the Fey settlement is?"

"And the lights — yes, we've seen them too and already intend to investigate. Though perhaps we should quicken our pace, to stop these trolls attacks as soon as possible." She looks to her companions as she speaks this last thought.
Last edited June 25, 2023 7:39 pm
Jun 25, 2023 7:38 pm
Garic looks around the village to see what the locals are doing and takes what looks to be a comfortable relaxed position, motioning for the youth to do likewise. He will chat with them until those inside have concluded their business or summoned him
[ +- ] Chat with the younglings
I will keep up but wont post till the others call me or finish up. I am not good at politics and negotiations, neither is Garic so he/I will stay out of it for now. Good luck!
Jun 26, 2023 2:00 am
She took a moment and nodded to agree with Martina. "Indeed, I think speaking to a representative would do good, perhaps we can broker a truce between you and the Fey. Or at least the beginnings of one, as trolls coming from the mountain does seem to be a somewhat larger problem. As we were headed there to investigate on our own, the group of us shall continue to head that way when we are able."

Vienne pauses for a moment before asking Kroxa more. "What is it that Goog had planned for these issues?" It might prove entirely useless, but it could also give an idea of the feelings between the groups.
Jun 29, 2023 6:43 pm
Kroxa bows down so deep that the head of the frogman nearly touches the ground.
Of course a truce! Goog had me paint and hang up signs that told the Fey to keep out but your plan is clearly better. They have a giant fortress just outside the swamp the the west. There you could broker a truce.
But the trolls are of much greater concern. The fey only trespass and hunt our food. The trolls clearly terrify our people. Goog was about to create an army to fend them off when you disposed her in your wisdom

Garic meanwhile learns a bit about the culture of the frogmen

- The younglings don't have a profession yet but one of them wants to become a craftsman and learn how to produce wicker work. Their names all are very similar croak sounds.
- The tribe mostly lives from gathering or hunting small animals. They hardly cook them but rather eat them raw.
- The frogs don't seem to be too concerned with politics. Usually the strongest frogman takes over the tribe and in exchange for food and other amenities they coordinates defense, talk and trade with strangers and sometimes sort out quarrels amongst the frogmen. Seldomly a not so strong but tricky frog takes over the tribe. Sometimes the tribe leader demands some kind of sacrifice from the population usually food or crafted goods, very seldomly frogmen themselves are sacrificed. Other than that the frogmen live their life rather unconcerned by their leadership
- The only 'army' the frogmen have are the personal guard of the tribe leader. They usually take care of most threats to the tribe. In extraordinarily threatening scenarios the rest of the population is armed or the frogmen flee to an other place.
- Religion is practically non-existent. Frogmen are more concerned with their day-to-day life rather than worshipping deities
- While the personal guard seem to sometimes rob passer-bys on order of their leader the rest of the population don't seem to participate in such deeds.
- Most frogmen are concerned with gathering food. Some are concerned with crafting simple goods like wicker work, weapons, pottery, clothes and tools.
- Most of the buildings are made with wicker work.
Jun 29, 2023 6:55 pm
"Do the trolls threaten the fey as well? Common enemies often make for stronger allies."
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