Mar 29, 2023 4:44 pm
With more voices urging to continue on, the party moves forward towards the ruins. Upon arrival, at the end of the day, they can just barely make out the glow of a small fire from behind a rocky outcropping, likely some travelers that had happened upon the site and decided to stop for the evening. Wardhall seems skeptical of investigating, suggesting instead that you camp on the far side of the ruins; he is clearly shaken from the fight.
Medwyn and Theophroneus, you had met each other in a tavern some weeks north, and had heard the rumors of this destroyed monastery. It took you some time to make your way here, and along that road did your companions meet their ends. You now sit here by your fire, eating some of the last of your rations, hoping that a new plan comes along. For you recognize it is far too dangerous to explore within with such a small party. If only some adventurers would fall into your laps.
Medwyn and Theophroneus, you had met each other in a tavern some weeks north, and had heard the rumors of this destroyed monastery. It took you some time to make your way here, and along that road did your companions meet their ends. You now sit here by your fire, eating some of the last of your rations, hoping that a new plan comes along. For you recognize it is far too dangerous to explore within with such a small party. If only some adventurers would fall into your laps.