2: Return to the Monastery of the Iron God

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Apr 2, 2023 11:17 pm
Theo votes for going east, since it seems to connect to the rest of the map and might be worth clearing that.
Apr 3, 2023 3:23 am
Wilric nods his approval to Theo’s suggestion, as it sounds as good as any idea.
Apr 3, 2023 11:14 am
I'm totally fine being out front unless someone with a pole wants to be out front sweeping for traps.
Last edited Apr 3, 2023 11:14 am
Apr 3, 2023 1:38 pm
With Theo leading the way, the party follows the hallway to the east and finds that it merely loops around the cluster of rooms they had been investigating. The dimensions don't quite add up to what they have seen, though there is still the door in the tapestry room (the octagonal room) that might fill in that space. The dwarf recalls hearing some sounds from this hallway many days ago, but whatever had lurked here is long gone.
[ +- ] Map of Hallway, including Secret Doors



Apr 3, 2023 2:32 pm
Are my eyes just getting too old, or am I not understanding how that octagonal room can have been entered peviously?
Theo scratches his head. "Should we go back and try to fill the gap in our knowledge? I'm afraid the blank spot on our map will keep me awake."
Apr 3, 2023 2:33 pm
Ah! It was a secret door that had been stumbled upon. Let me go and update it to reflect that door, instead of showing a wall.

Edit: Forgot that I had created the map in Dungeondraft and pulled it into Foundry. The entrances are in the northwest and northeast diagonal walls.
Apr 3, 2023 2:49 pm
Ah, okay! Well my vote is to clear the black spot. I smells mystery and treasures, I does.
Apr 3, 2023 9:18 pm
Knodding in acknowledgment of Theophroneus Benightus, Horace chimes in.

"Indeed, we should leave no crevasse untouched. I am sure there is more here than just goblins and as such, we should gather as much information as we can. Any missing sections of our map could spell our doom."
Apr 3, 2023 9:57 pm
I am nothing if not thorough. Lead on, you intrepid souls.
Apr 3, 2023 11:40 pm
It takes very little time to loop back around and into the octagonal room, where one door remains unopened. The two thieves begin their work of searching and listening, and after several minutes shake both their heads. No traps nor sounds were found nor heard. As Theo opens the door, it becomes quite clear why neither were found. Ten skeletons stand armed inside this 20x20 foot room, and their heads swivel towards you immediately. Their rusted swords glint menacingly in the lantern light.

What do you do?!
We agreed as a group previously that, for the sake of speeding up PbP, I'd help move things along following your patterns and instructions.

The skeletons look like they're about to attack, but you're literally holding the door open.


Wilric - Delicate Tasks (20%)

Czespecem - Hear Sounds (3 in 6)

Apr 4, 2023 12:05 am
Thank you, DM! I'm happy with how you guys are handling that stuff. Seems to be the only sensible way to handle a PbP dungeoncrawl.
Theo is going to try and slam the door closed, brace his back against it, take out a flask of oil, and ask for a torch. (However many of those things he can accomplish in a round.)

"Medwyn, any tricks up your sleeve for about... Ten skeletons?"
Last edited Apr 4, 2023 12:10 am
Apr 4, 2023 1:38 am
Esteemed DM, I had not remembered to prep any specific spell for the day. Is it cool if I just pick one from my known spells on this occasion?
Apr 4, 2023 12:24 pm
Wilric’s eyes widen a little at the sight of the skeletons, "Some holy water would be good about now!"
Just remember that my first character had some on them, maybe we should have searched them lol
Apr 4, 2023 1:43 pm
Theo remembers suddenly that the party has a holy man with them, and locks eyes with Horace.

"It must be your lucky day! Got some friends here for ya."
Apr 5, 2023 3:03 am
Assuming I'm good to just go with one of my spells, I do have a Hold Portal readied that could be of some use. Let me know if y'all would like me to set that off; it'd buy us some time, at any rate.
[ +- ] Hold Portal
Apr 5, 2023 3:25 pm
Good idea Medwyn. What else do you have, just out of curiosity? I was thinking of firebombing them, and I am assuming Horace greatly desires to smash them to bits.
Apr 5, 2023 3:33 pm
Let's assume that Medwyn memorized Hold Portal, and both of us remember to select spells before we dive into the dungeon next time. Timing can be weird online.
Apr 6, 2023 3:03 am
DocFleg says:
Good idea Medwyn. What else do you have, just out of curiosity? I was thinking of firebombing them, and I am assuming Horace greatly desires to smash them to bits.
Here we are:
Charm Person
Detect Magic
Hold Portal
Magic Missile
Read Languages
Read Magic
cowleyc says:
[ooc]Let's assume that Medwyn memorized Hold Portal, and both of us remember to select spells before we dive into the dungeon next time. Timing can be weird online.
And agreed, haha. If Medwyn lasts long enough to sleep, he'll make sure to memorize another spell in the morning.
Apr 6, 2023 3:36 am
Medwyn traces imaginary lines through the air as he rattles off an incantation in a long-forgotten language.

The door to the skeleton room slams, and a quick tug on the handle confirms it to be stuck fast.

Well, that should hold them, I think. Never can tell exactly how long, though. I'm afraid physical altercations are not my forte, so I welcome input from the more rugged members of our party at this juncture.

He then draws a dagger that looks to be ceremonial in nature, and in any case has obviously never seen any real use, as if plucked from the gilded belt of an elderly statesman.
Last edited Apr 7, 2023 3:30 am


Hold Portal round duration. - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Apr 7, 2023 1:38 pm
The door shuts and then a faint glowing around the edges marks it as warded shut. You can hear scratching from behind as the skeleton attempt to break through to no avail. The magicks will not last for long, and you can either fight or fly.
What do you do?
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