The World of Gise, as known to Tannis Greycastle

Feb 22, 2023 9:17 pm
I'm going to use this thread to provide some background worldbuilding information that Tannis would know.

Tannis referred to Southam as being "the rear", but that's not 100% right (not that it's a big deal, and it reflects my lack of explanation). The Kingdom of Newbore and the Dominion of Felinland have a border than runs roughly East-West. The middle portion of this border is the Hawley Mountains and surrounding hills - the border is largely impassable and not enforced - whilst the territory is nominally that of Newbore and Felinland, in reality it is mostly wilderness, filled with monsters. At the Western edge of the border, the hills drop to more passable terrain - it is here that the original incursion by the Felin took place, in Onigsberg County, advancing towards Redckingra. The Western edge of the border is the sea. The land between Felinland and Newbore is marshy, hence why an attack was not expected.

I will follow-up with a world map. In the meantime, the world is called Gise, and it consists of six "great islands" as well as many thousands of lesser islands. Newbore is on the eastern side of the great island of Krutoi, which is shared with the Dominion of Felinland, part of the Steimons Empire and the Federation of Senschwand.
Mar 4, 2023 10:55 am
Alnerwick Academy of Magic

The Alnerwick Academy of Magic is situated in the City of Newbore, near the East Gate, along the Eastway Road.

The Academy takes students from all over Newbore, and sometimes visiting students from other Kingdoms. The school is divided into 7 years by a mixture of age and ability, and the number of students in the nation showing any magical aptitude. Each year has between 10 and 20 students, and a single master.

The Arch Master of the school is Danrer Sternova, the most powerful wizard in the Kingdom, and an advisor to King Brakrel III of Newbore.

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