Character Creation & OOC

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Aug 9, 2023 10:02 am
Oh feel free to if you can but if your vacation still has you too busy don't worry
Aug 9, 2023 10:02 am
Oh feel free to if you can but if your vacation still has you too busy don't worry
Aug 16, 2023 7:12 pm
Kind of an odd question, but here goes...

Can you alter a fetish without "breaking" the fetish?

Like, can you change pieces to it... rewrap a sword grip, change out sights or trigger assembly on a firearm, and so on?

Patrick has been meditating with his pistol at the caern (to increase his gnosis), so if anything he can ask around... but the idea is to change out the barrel. That said, he will only consider it if the fetish won't be broken.
Aug 17, 2023 2:14 am
I. . . do not have the answer to this.

Obviously you have to be able to assemble/disassemble the pistol for it to function, but how much of it changing makes it a "different" gun?

I'll have to dig in on the question this weekend and get back to you.
Aug 17, 2023 3:45 am
No real rush, I'm just trying to make sure one bad run in with human law enforcement doesn't suddenly link us to 17 unsolved crimes or anything.

That said, I'm also not trying to have a "Ship of Theseus" debate. Lol
Aug 22, 2023 2:19 am
So, skipping the Going Nukular adventure it will be another month (at least) in game time until another active story happens-- unless your characters have more active routes they are going to push on their own?
Aug 22, 2023 2:53 am
Patrick has his senior year of school to focus on, his spiritual side to try and cultivate, hoodlums to recruit, product to sell, and trouble to cause. 🤷
Aug 22, 2023 3:13 am
Paul is probably ready to carry on with the group.
Aug 22, 2023 9:23 am
Sorry guys I'm feeling a bit drained at the moment.

Think I made a character for a different campaign than the rest of you all, especially when when one player gets to control whether we just ignore what the DM has bothered to prep for us.

Been debating for a while to drop or swap character, on holiday at the moment.

I get someone tension between characters and NPCs but ngl the amount of antagonism has been exhausting at times, even though I have enjoyed some bits of rp as well.

On holiday atm and will try nd decide after, just felt like I needed to get thoughts out as been sitting on it for a while.
Aug 22, 2023 11:17 am
Ah, if we're at the point where we table some concerns, mine is that I feel I'm shouldering the game together with the ST, which in a way mirrors LoM's concern that I 'control everything'. Which I do because no one else is stepping up so I'm the only one left making the calls. I understand some of you guys are way more comfortable in the role of just tagging along. That's fine. But if you're quiet, I got nothing to act on. And you guys are very, very quiet. The more you showcase your character, what they stand for, what they want, and the more vocal they get about it, the more it will get woven into the story.

So if your character thinks Misha is an arse for tossing aside Garou society's concerns, bitch about it. You may not convince her, but if enough members of the pack say they want to go to the nuclear power plant, I (being a responsible player), will have Misha begrudgingly go along with the 'stupid idea'. I'm not going to pull the Alpha card on something like that. And if you actually happen to agree with Misha I'd love to hear it too, because then your character is involving itself in the decision rather than admiring the scenery in the background and it creates pack dynamics.
Aug 22, 2023 11:55 am
I mean I did try and come to one of the meetings to be able to give input and got told no so *shrug*.

I'm not always in a mood to get into in character arguments so I can play tbh.

When I am worried every time Diana says somethings she's going to get snapped at and I've got to plan a witty retort or just put up with it it's tiring so yes thats why I haven't been posting much recently.

I'm sorry if she's not a character that fits in with a the group. She was meant as a character who had a lit of expectations on her shoulders and is struggling under pressure to meet them, with the idea she would realise that maybe not all of that is necessary. So yeah was expecting sone conflict but also wanted to be able to resolve that conflict - hence the offer to teach Misha to try and maybe open up some RP like with Patrick.

Sorry if that's not come across properly it seems, hence why might be retiring her.
Aug 22, 2023 12:19 pm
At best she'll tell the others what the meeting was about.
This sort of sums up the issue, as I see it.

The phrasing implies that Misha telling the pack about the issue at the nuke plant is a possibility. Not that Misha will tell the pack, or did tell the pack. It's an important distinction.

It's important because characters can't act on information they don't have. More to that point though, @LightOfMidnight did try to come to a meeting and was shut down. I can understand as a player we understand the game is the game, but as a character why would someone keep trying?

Patrick has plenty of stuff to do in the downtime to keep him busy, so he's good either way. It's why I as a player don't worry too much about the pack opting out.

That said, players can only work with what their characters know. You can't really complain that you're the only one doing anything, when thus far you have chosen to more or less exclude others.
Last edited Aug 22, 2023 12:22 pm
Aug 22, 2023 12:21 pm
I'm not gonna lie, this has been a pretty a typical Werewolf game.

Yes, in Werewolf usually the Alpha gets the missions and brings them back to the pack, which does put Misha in the spot to tell the Sept leadership to eff off, which has definitely changed the direction I expected this game to go and is making me struggle to bring the action out.

I've got a new plan to get things rolling so I'll kick that off shortly.

Aug 22, 2023 12:40 pm
@LoM: Well I did try to initialize some 'bonding' when Misha wanted to learn how to use the Sword of the Meth King and drove Diana to vampire town but that didn't take off.

@MJ: Misha isn't out of the meeting yet. Also, it's a very small effort to make a 'So, what did he want to talk about?' post once she steps out of it. Clearly it's important what's talked about with the Sept elders.

Heck, anyone of you can make a post RIGHT NOW to showcase what your character's thoughts are about what's possibly happening in that meeting, the character's feelings about being excluded, how they feel about Misha calling the shots so far, or just some introspection about how they feel about being a Garou. Brood a little World of Darkness style. Or start an activity for themselves, however trivial. There are plenty of times in multiple games where I have nothing to do, really no input to bring to aid in the situation, but I make a post anyhow to show that I'm involved and offer up my character's perspective on what's unfolding in the scene or the grander scheme of things. You don't have to wait until you're explicitly called out to act. Just post! *Shia LaBeouf intensifies*
Last edited Aug 22, 2023 12:40 pm
Aug 22, 2023 12:54 pm
In character we don't know the meetings happening. She got caked out while in an alley and didn't mention it to the rest.

Addmittedly on the investigation I was entering the start of the rl fun I'm currently happening, but was waiting to see if anyone else was going to aid in the investigation before it petered as didn't want to lead a one man show when others weren't there tbh.

And yeah Diana basically attempts to help out with meetings/give input have been met with backlash and insults, so as noted in posted she's got quite low morale on the situation right now in regards to sticking her neck out/trying to force Misha's hand.
Aug 22, 2023 1:12 pm
I have to second that no one even knows you're at the meeting. 🤣
Aug 22, 2023 1:45 pm
Then at least you know she's gone half a day and took her car. Come on!
Aug 22, 2023 1:52 pm
Ok, so Misha was gone for half a day with her car.

Nothing about that screams "I had a meeting at the Caern." Even if you rule out people coming and going as they please (not everyone lives at the warehouse, after all), being gone for a while is pretty unremarkable. Hell... Patrick is still in school, trying to actually graduate. Depending on the "when," Misha could have left and come back all while he was in class. He'd never know.
Aug 22, 2023 1:58 pm
Patrick is in school? Sounds like you can make a Teenage Werewolf post!

Oh, and what does he do with his significant other (his gun) when he's in class? Asking for a friend.
Aug 22, 2023 2:09 pm
We're trying to point out you can't just blame everyone else for things. Yeah as a group we can all change things, but as it is we have no info about the meeting, and it's not necessarily odd for Misha to leave. Diana has been stated to often be with the sept or training elsewhere.

Putting the onus in us to ask get the info out of your character rather than mentioning it or aiding in getting the information out isn't helping.

Rather than. 'Oh Misha went with Diana for maybe binding but nothing happened.. Start the conversation off maybe? I admit I could have two, but that's on both of us not just me. I did actively in character offer the sword lessons and didn't get a icresponse which did make me wonder if I should bother trying again,

Yes some people are quieter rpers. Instead of blaming them give out opportunities for them to latch onto and build up practice and confidence. It can be quiet intimidatibg for some especially when someone has a forceful character.

I'll try and do the same aswell.
Last edited Aug 22, 2023 2:14 pm
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