Character Creation & OOC

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Apr 6, 2023 10:00 pm
Feel better soon... Misha may or may not become pack leader while you're gone. :p

Ooc On the one hand Diana is built with leadership etc stuff in mind... On the other hand it will be hilarious if Misha gets it, and she may be humbled... Eventually, when/if she stops sulking.
Last edited April 6, 2023 10:18 pm
Apr 6, 2023 11:36 pm
We had a bad ice storm here, and even though the electricity is back on, it's Easter weekend. I doubt we'll be back online quickly.
Apr 7, 2023 12:48 am
Have a happy easter everyone
Apr 7, 2023 2:23 am
BTW, are we generally glossing over or ignoring Werewolf genetics? Or is that in play?

Asking, because I need an idea of how my character would respond to... well, something.
Apr 7, 2023 3:46 am
I think we’re kinda ignoring it as most of are characters have shown attraction to other werewolf’s

Hell in Alexander’s background his family is completely fine with werewolf on werewolf relationships I mean that’s while most noble family’s dislike the moonshine family for the past couple generations because the moonshine family aren’t assholes to those that want to have a relationship with other werewolf it’s even rumored were offspring of two werewolves.
Last edited April 7, 2023 3:48 am
Apr 7, 2023 4:00 am
I think you don't grasp my real question...

For reference, like twenty years ago, I remember boards where one of the writers spelled it all out.
Werewolf + werewolf is forbidden, as it breeds Metis and only metis. (Werewolf version of inbreeding.)

A newborn's form (Homid or Lupus) is dictated by the mother. A wolf mother breeds lupus, a human mother breeds homids. They are not interchangeable. (That is, a wolf cannot give birth to a human baby or vice versa.)

The two mates also have to be in the same form at time of conception. (If they are different forms, they can't breed. Also, gross.)
This would mean... your dad is the werewolf, and he shifted to breed with a wolf kinfolk.

If your siblings are homid, that would mean he sorta cheated on his human partner.

It's also borderline beastiality to have a homid choose to breed a wolf. 😂🤣

So yeah, I need to know from the ST specifically how we're approaching the whole werewolf genetics thing. It'll have an impact.
Edit: And now I need to know if we're allowing PvP. Which I'm fine with, just remember we're setting a precedent. 😈
Last edited April 7, 2023 4:47 am
Apr 7, 2023 4:50 am
I have to admit I too was confused at hpmod having a Lupus thing as I thought the above was the case, but I just assumed I was a lore newbie (Which is great when I'm playing a character who is meant to know about it, I've been catching up on it)

I'm alright with minor pbp, (we're teenagers, or the wolf equivalent for Alex, we're going to disagree.) but not to be the point we are backstabbing each other! on opposite sides. I have to admit coming from a dnd/pf background I have a dislike against social skills working on other players but if its the rules will accept that.

Such as if Misha (or someone else) does win the vote, Diana is not going to pick a fight and begrudgingly accept it. (Also she's sensible enough to know she's not beating an Ahroun 1v1)

Edit: Also while waiting for Khulod to get better/ Phil to get power do we want to start tossing around names/totems, obviously subject to change when they are able to post and add suggestions/opinions.
Last edited April 7, 2023 4:53 am
Apr 7, 2023 4:58 am
It's more about rolling dice against other PCs. It's often frowned upon, as it can be seen as taking player agency away from said players. (It gets worse when you get into certain gifts, or even Disciplines like Presence or Dominate.)

I don't mind either way, but I do want to know what our game parameters are. Because I have a somewhat socially built punk kid with a big chip on his shoulder and a bigger pistol -- who knows Werewolves regenerate, and there are gifts that heal. 😂
Last edited April 7, 2023 4:59 am
Apr 7, 2023 5:21 am
Oh absolutely. I do tend to dislike that as I come from dnd and pathfinder where its not allowed for the reasons you state. (It's why Diana hasn't been rolling at you guys delspite also being socially built as well) as I do like player agency.

But I realise some games (like Pbta comes to mind) it is very much a thing.

Don't think Patrick is going to get his point across if he starts shooting though :p

Can see an alternative on Patrick and Diana rolling against the NPCs to sway their votes to their side.
Apr 7, 2023 5:42 am
Alexander just want a cookie that’s what the roll was for not to convince you to vote for his candidate also his mom was a regular wolf and his fathers original mate died long ago his brothers are all like 80 or older with his father being like 130 Alexander doesn’t want to change Patrick’s mind about the alpha he just genuinely want to know what a cookie is and to have one be cause he heard his brother talk about it
Last edited April 7, 2023 5:44 am
Apr 7, 2023 5:48 am
Alexander father is a crazy old man that fell in love with a wolf little more than 2 year ago he is the youngest and has no full siblings,his brothers mother was a full blooded human not even a kinfolk so she died of old age long ago

Also we probably shouldn’t be able to fight each other for many reasons
Last edited April 7, 2023 5:57 am
Apr 7, 2023 5:54 am
And in general I will never roll to force you to change your vote or anything I mostly wanted to play the character who doesn’t know what a cookie is and wants one he is trying to charm you for a cookie unknowingly cute puppy face when they want something he will never try to change manipulate or force anyone except enemies and in general he is shit at social he has 4 points in appearance 1 in per and 1 in manipulation he is very good looking but completely shit in all other aspects of social and he’s completely loyal to the pack he would die for all of you he doesn’t even know how to backstab all his life he’s been taught to be honorable straightforward and fight
Last edited April 7, 2023 6:02 am
Apr 7, 2023 5:58 am
Oh and I have no idea about totems except no spiders Alexander has a phobia. Sorry about rolling against you
Last edited April 7, 2023 6:04 am
Apr 7, 2023 9:18 am
For "pvp" rolls- I think especially for social rolls that it's okay to roll the dice to show how "effective" your arguments are or whatever to give the other player an idea of how they might react, but it definitely doesn't just "work" the way it sometimes does with NPCs- to that is to say even with all 10s on your roll to convince another PC they are going react how they want their character to react.

As for a formal challenge - that's definitely a thing that could happen if it goes there.

For the lupus vs homid thing- I think that it's probably acceptable for a homid werewolf who spends enough time in lupus form to honorably mate with a lupus kinfolk or vice versa- I know this speaks of bestiality for us, but to Garou you ARE both human and wolf so it's natural, if uncommon.

And yes- probably should start throwing out totem ideas while we wait for Misha to return to close up the Alpha discussion. (Paul has also not commented his opinion on that.)

I'll list a range of possible totems later this morning to get your thoughts running.
Apr 7, 2023 1:42 pm
LightOfMidnight says:

Don't think Patrick is going to get his point across if he starts shooting though :p
Oh no, well... ok probably not. I was thinking intimidation. The fetish weapon could count as a situational bonus to the dice pool, or make the target number a little easier. Having a DE in your gut gives most people pause. Lol

The obvious pick for Patrick would be Coyote. Fox would be a solid second.

That said, when you look at bans Griffin simply won't work and... Falcon is a hard no for Patrick. Lol
Apr 7, 2023 3:52 pm
Well Diana would go for Falcon, so thats that out :P

Diana wouldn't be too keen on Coyote or Fox - Definitely not fox as it effects honour, Coyote, or tricksters in general just doesn't really aid her, and she would diagree with tricks.

Definite no to bear for her.

Rat could be decent, but Diana will need to be outvoted.

Unicorn could be of use in the Umbra, and aid with healing, and other gifts and I don't think hard counters any of the packs beliefs?

Owl similar useful in Umbra, not sure Misha or Rat food would approve.
Apr 7, 2023 4:08 pm
I'm working on typing a bunch into the thread there including ones from non-main book sources for reference.
Apr 7, 2023 4:42 pm
Okay Mammoth looks interesting - Diana may be at odds with its ban at times (though her current arguments are she's doing everything for her family, not herself. Whether or not it would agree is different.)
Apr 7, 2023 4:50 pm
Main reason Patrick can't do Falcon is Honor is the renown he is dumping. He's dirty, underhanded, cheating to win, ends over means given form. Lol

Edit: That would also include Unicorn being a no. Werewolves end up fighting werewolves, not a big fan of having that made more difficult.
Last edited April 7, 2023 5:31 pm
Apr 7, 2023 7:10 pm
I think either mammoth or Owl
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