The Soul of Winter
As you climb down the unsteady ladder to join the others, Izuhn's moonlight illuminates the narrow corridors that connect, from a quick door count, at least four or five different rooms. The entire place is full of salt-smelling sea weeds, forming a wet and cold web that, though too weak to hinder your movements, make seeing anything in the dim light hard. You heard the scuttling of something around you, and even catch a glimpse at a small moving shadow on the wooden walls, but your attention is mostly drawn to the hole on the floor. Another metal grate seems to have stood here, now broken by the weight of the sailor who was searching the corridors. Izuhn's light shines down to the bottom deck to reveal the sailor standing up in a pool of freezing water.
[ +- ] 'map'
1) Main deck
2) Altar
3) Navigator's room
So besides all the doors around (marked in red) you can try all sorts of checks: search, nature, religion, persuasion, etc :D