DMJ says:
Leo9sign says:
Can we get this location marked on a map, if we make it out alive, I am sure Damanandros will want to revisit this place one day.
Ya, bro. If only we had a DM who would lay down a high-def 6-mile hex grid map for this Area of Operation (AO).
I might need to call up the team at Dungeon Delvers Muldurdark - submit a Project Request Form (PRF).
Party will know where it is though. It's not really that far from the known reference point of the lumber yard shelter.
Haha, wasn't trying to be a dick, I guess I was just succeeding.
I only wanted to be sure that he could get back to this area if he needed to, character memory is good enough.
Didn't you get the memo? Just be sure to have those TPS reports on my desk by morning. That would be great...