RageRed says:
As the player, I was really hoping that the PCs could all gather around the campfire without being confronted with another plethora of legionnaires. Mostly, to do some character bonding and try to sort out Damanandros' ordeal without prying eyes and big ears around to interfere with it.
As the characer, Syrena is simply confused by the whole incident. Damanandros appears to have been lured into the woods from his position, on guard (and without alerting others) by a gang of goblins and a big vulture. But then, he utters something about skulls and SHE, when there's no evidence of a skull that we saw and certainly nothing remotely female in these woods except Syrena, as far as she's seen so far. Except...eeew...maybe the big beetle that ate Culchas.
I hear this, and will open it up.
It's already
Flashback Friday,
here and
here. Plus we're also moving into
Casual Weekend as I write this.
I'm hereby invoking a rarely used method only available to veteran DMs and veteran Players:
Multiple Parallel Threads with Time Warp Allowance (MPT/TWA).
Features of this iteration of
1) Friday through Sunday night: "Old Forest" boards open for any entries related to any of 3 timeline moments...
a) the approximately 1.5 hour of time from early dusk to full nightfall, during which time the group is gathering around a small fire and bonding, before the arrival of the soldiers
b) the moment of interaction with the soldiers
c) the moment after the interaction of the soldiers, when the group takes a private moment of withdrawal to prepare a response to the offer
2) We see where we are Monday morning. MPT/TWA could likely get extended for a partial or full day Monday, because tradition holds that Saturday/Sundays are optional.
3) PCs reset and recover. Players take casual time for small talk or non-gamebreaker Action for PCs. Commentary, CharacterDev, and OOC entries are welcome. Players' Club invited to enjoy the
Champagne Room and
new entry in Ascendancy.
I'll put some connectivity and queue back on the game board to kick it off. I hope this will generate cool entries and allow for plenty of leeway to sandbox through this junction point in a way that everyone feels good about before we move on.
New section thread will be starting early next week - probably Tuesday - so let's close the
f out of "Old Forest" with this
MPT/TWA Weekend Extravaganza.
Thanks, Players' Club.