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DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 16, 2023 2:39 pm
RageRed says:
I am all about the little things. <3

I found it really neat when random rolling Syrena's birthdate using the calendar I found on the boards at Autarch, that she was born on the new moon and on the traditional day of the week denoted as for traveling or starting an adventure. Perfect for an Explorer.

@DMJ, You may have also noted I have changed my avatar and image on her sheet to fit her being left handed. The original image showed a right-handed carry of the bow.
That IS very neat indeed, Red. Syrena's destiny of adventure is written in the heavens. I've been wondering what to get her for her birthday this year anyway. I just want it to be something special.

And yes I did see that hand switch. She's SOOO cool. But, hey - it's not like I'm fascinated with Syrena or anything though. I mean come on - no favorites like I said...


Alright alright ... this is a serious game, y'all. And always very appropriate - on the straight and narrow. I need to get some business done around here.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 16, 2023 2:45 pm
Constablebrew says:
I uploaded all of the words from the "Classical Auran" vocabulary (Axioms issue 21). The translation is really thin, but you can get some stuff out of it:

So a bard, barbarian, fighter, cleric, and explorer walk into a bar...
Meh a meldëtus, dappakosus, arxus, azenus, et avellaquellus allir ni eldis vandelus dëmë
[ +- ] Spoiler
Dang, bro. You know linguistic commentary is one of my weaknesses. Now you're going to keep tempting me to buy more Auran setting supplements. Death-by-a-thousand-$3.99-cuts.

Seriously though, that language chart at the back of the Auran Empire Primer is PREMIERE. Dig it.

We'll likely be sifting through language and language barrier issues from time to time as we go. I think language topics in a game brings realism, some stress/frustration at times, some excitement at times (knowing an offbeat language), and helps capture some of the ideas of strangeness, foreignness, etc. that are good for encounters.

And I do want Classical Auran to have some presence and meaning in this setting, for ideas of aristocracy, religion, historical culture.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 16, 2023 2:54 pm
Len says:
Languages: Auran and Nicean. Should be just barely literate with an INT of 9.

Looking forward to proficiencies, I'm thinking Xenophon's common proficiency will be Seafaring, which goes along nicely with a Nicean sellsword whose company sailed off to distant lands to fight for foreign gold. Might be helpful if the adventure takes us on the water. His fighter proficiency will probably be Fighting Style - Weapon and Shield.
That's solid. Yeah I too think of Niceans as having a high distribution of historic Seafaring skills among the Folk. Xenophon's mercenary background fits well with that as you say. Weapon Shield. Can it get any more classic? ( ... insert slow-motion spear/shield battle scenes from "300"...) Never gets old.
Looking forward to seeing final.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 16, 2023 3:00 pm
DMJ says:
In a strange turn of events, the ruling above gives an opportunity to some other Players.

Leo was given 1 roll of 3d6 and 1 roll of 6d6 keep highest. From those 2 scores, he took the highest for his Innate Genius score.

So for the fun of it, just this time in first CharGen, everyone will get a chance for a similar 2 rolls.

CB, this is brutal, but you've already rolled twice, here and here. Unfortunately, can't let you roll a 3rd time. Your result of 13 over 12 has to stand as-is.

Required Action for Len, Cowleyc, Red, Robago: Roll 3d6 on Roll Table.
Compare to 3d6 result 6d6 Innate Genius result previously determined. The higher score will become the final score in that original position.

On the statistics, chances are that it won't make a difference. BUT there is a chance it does, so throw dice and let us see the results.

Again, next time around, we'll get this right on First-Time-GO - so this double roll thing is a Santa Claus gift exception for the kick-off.

Let's GO!

J - Audible
I'll have to read back through to be sure, but I think Robago still has option to throw against the odds.

@Robago, if you haven't done so already somewhere, roll 3d6 on Roll Table.

If that score is higher than your original 6d6-keep.highest roll for Innate Genius, you can use it instead as the final.

(or anyone straighten me out if this has already happened somewhere and I missed it).

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 16, 2023 3:11 pm
Party Roster check.
I think this is the party Class/Folk I see (or predict) so far...

Krysean Barbarian (Cowleyc)
Tirenean Explorer (Red)
Tirenean Cleric (Robago)
Nicean Fighter (Len)
Nicean Mage (Leo)
_____ Bard? (CB)

This looks like a hard-hitting crew, Players' Club. LFG!
Mar 16, 2023 3:34 pm

I'm excited to be joining this community and meeting all of you! I've been playing tabletop RPGs for over 40 years, starting with BX/Moldvay Basic D&D, and it has been a lifelong passion of mine. Recently, I've been able to turn my love for GMing into a full-time online profession, which has been a dream come true for me. It's been a journey to build up my clientele, but it's been worth it to do what I love for people who appreciate it.

In my personal life, I'm happily married to the love of my life and we have a blended family with four children. Our youngest is still in high school, so we're almost empty-nesters!

I'm really looking forward to participating in this play by post game. While I've always been a little intimidated by the technical aspects and my own writing skills, I'm excited to push past those fears and dive into this format with all of you.
Mar 16, 2023 4:05 pm
Welcome Leo!
Leo9sign says:

I've been able to turn my love for GMing into a full-time online profession, which has been a dream come true for me.
Oh man, I'm jealous over here! Congrats on making that happen. I'm sure there was a bit of apprehension making that leap!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 16, 2023 5:07 pm
Leo9sign says:

I'm excited to be joining this community and meeting all of you! I've been playing tabletop RPGs for over 40 years, starting with BX/Moldvay Basic D&D, and it has been a lifelong passion of mine. Recently, I've been able to turn my love for GMing into a full-time online profession, which has been a dream come true for me. It's been a journey to build up my clientele, but it's been worth it to do what I love for people who appreciate it.

In my personal life, I'm happily married to the love of my life and we have a blended family with four children. Our youngest is still in high school, so we're almost empty-nesters!

I'm really looking forward to participating in this play by post game. While I've always been a little intimidated by the technical aspects and my own writing skills, I'm excited to push past those fears and dive into this format with all of you.
Right on, Leo. Very cool. Glad to have an old-head D7D veteran and an experienced creative force onboard! Ha!
We'll see if you agree after a while, but I think GP is a good place to practice and experiment with writing in a fun and casual way.

I'll be building up the workspace here on the game boards this weekend and next week. Thanks for patience as we get set up.
Mar 17, 2023 6:09 am
I iterated a bit on Robago's character sheet. (Thanks Robago for the great start!) My goal is to make it closely match the layout of the character sheet in the book. (Even if that isn't optimal for display on the computer.)

So far I've just updated the top few sections. I'll be working my way through it over time.
[ +- ] ACKS
Last edited March 17, 2023 6:10 am
Mar 18, 2023 10:53 pm

Hey J, Is there a map with better details showing actual names of cities and towns on it somewhere?


Mar 19, 2023 12:06 am

Hey folks, great to see familiar faces and also some new ones! Looking forward to playing with all of you.

As DMJ mentioned, I've played with him and Jabes in a few games. All great experiences, whether he was running the game or playing beside me. Good times!

My RPG history goes back to my friend's older brother's copy of the TMNT and Other Strangeness RPG. We made so many characters without ever knowing how to use them in a game. Later, his brother picked up Heroes Unlimited, also by Palladium Books, and we had a blast with that for a while using it to invent our own cool superhero universe. Instead of playing, we'd just imagine the stories they'd go on.

It wasn't until a young English teacher, Mr. Elliot, showed me how to actually play RPGs with Traveller that I fully grasped the concept. I started running Advaced Fighting Fantasy for my friends (they had copies of all the books at the public library), and once I got the Traveller books I refereed a long-running game even into University with a little AD&D 2e sprinkled throughout. We did so much gaming with just the core rules and some random tables. So fun!

As my gaming group started going their separate ways, I lost touch with the hobby. It wasn't until the tail end of D&D 4e when I started to get back in. I was running a high school gaming club (trying to pay it forward from Mr. Elliot) but we were mostly focused on Magic: the Gathering. Even though it was a ton of fun, I was uncomfortable with how addicting and commercial that game was/is. So, I started running D&D. I always saw those shiny D&D books in hobby stores, but couldn't afford them as a kid. Now I was an adult with a full time job, so I got to live out that childhood fantasy.

I started running a bit of 4th edition, but I found out about the 5e play test. So, we switched over to that and it was so much fun! My love of RPGs was rekindled! I had recently become a father, so I couldn't spend much time on gaming, but my imagination was SO FIRED UP! So I began playing on Gamers Plane to squeeze in some more gaming time in my otherwise complicated schedule. I'm now a moderator on these forums and the GP discord, and I hit the 10,000 posts milestone earlier this year.

I have run and played a lot of 5e here, but I've been transitioning into OSR systems for a while. 5e is great, and I've enjoyed some really fun games with that system. But, I am really interested in the lighter rules systems that are custom-made for telling particular kinds of stories. I listen to a lot of podcasts and read a lot of blogs on the OSR, and it seems so AWESOME. These remind me a lot of the old systems like Traveller and Advanced Fighting Fantasy that I loved so much.

Thanks for reading!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 19, 2023 10:41 am
RageRed says:

Hey J, Is there a map with better details showing actual names of cities and towns on it somewhere?
Ya, Red - I'm looking for the same thing. I haven't had time yet to scour all the resources online yet, but at cursory glance I don't think there is a whole lot that's readily available for the finer detail.

Pretty soon we'll use what we have, but then we'll start making our own way - turning away at some places from the published resources. It will be a blend. I've already started offline framing out locations, local regions, landmarks, etc. I'll start posting some framework over this next week.

Preview: The area we will start the story in is in the south, on the Tirenean border - somewhat of a corner between historic Auran Empire core lands and their early conquered expansion lands Krysea and Nicea.

We won't have too broad of a footprint, so if there are some town / city names elsewhere that you need for background or story references, I'm up for proposals to make them up. Send me any ideas if you need to, here or on PM if it's worth talking out development ideas offline.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 19, 2023 10:53 am
Len says:

Hey folks, great to see familiar faces and also some new ones! Looking forward to playing with all of you.

Thanks, Len. Great stories. Dang! You have experience with a wide variety of games. Every time I read one of these intros I see that I'm surrounded by pro gamers, and I am reminded that my own tour over the broader RPG landscape has always been quite limited. haha! oh well.

I always enjoy your characters and most importantly your efforts building up the story, setting, and themes of whatever game you're playing. Expertise and conscientiousness.

For everyone: these Introductions are fun to read, but they are voluntary only. Don't feel obligated to report in to match the trend if you don't want to. Everyone has different preferences on levels of how "Anon" they want to remain while gaming, and online overall. I get it.
It's casual here, so whatever works is fine.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 19, 2023 11:07 am
Players' Club,

Thanks for patience during Development Phase.

Just wanted to let you know that the previously planned schedule will hold.

Game start date: Monday, 27 March

I'm making headway with preparation work. You'll start seeing gradual buildup of the board structure over the course of the next week.

Contact me here on Admin or on PM if you need anything or have any questions over the next week. And I really enjoy the conversation among the group along the way.

Get characters submitted on the Game page by next weekend if possible. A couple people have already - so thanks for that.

I'm really excited about this game. The PC party is ROCK STAR energy. Dig it.

Will be in touch on the edges of the days for the next few.

Read you soon.


DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 19, 2023 11:08 am
Constablebrew says:
I iterated a bit on Robago's character sheet. (Thanks Robago for the great start!) My goal is to make it closely match the layout of the character sheet in the book. (Even if that isn't optimal for display on the computer.)

So far I've just updated the top few sections. I'll be working my way through it over time.
Thanks for this too, CB! Looks great.

Can you clarify something for me? (thanks for bearing with me - you know I'm low INT on the Programming/Coding skill stats)

Will this sheet be for on-board display by post only?
Or is this something that y'all are going to somehow make into an option for the Custom Character Sheets that are available for submission on the Game page?

Let me know if I should put a Forum or Thread available if it's the former of the two, and we need a space for storage and display for entries.

Thanks again.
Mar 20, 2023 5:14 am

My first exposure to RPGs came early, watching my much-older brother play. When he moved out, I inherited his rulebooks: AD&D 2e and Cyberpunk 2020 (yes DMJ, I also remember this one!) Leafing through those books instilled a lifelong fascination, and over the last twenty-plus years I've played on and off, all kinds of systems and games.

I found GamersPlane in 2016. I was DMing a group of friends through a long campaign using d&d 3.5e and wanted the chance to be a player, and to explore some different games. I soon found that play-by-post has a lot of advantages: it's often more immersive than face-to-face gaming, allows you to play with people in any time zone, has a wide variety of games available, plus a very convenient 'few minutes a day' time commitment. What's not to love?

Aside from roleplaying, my main hobby is playing bagpipes in a pipes and drums band.
Mar 20, 2023 10:37 pm
Party Roster check.
Lending a helping hand...

Culchas the Hunter - Krysean Barbarian (Cowleyc)
Syrena Rachess Drakonis - Tirenean Explorer (Red)
Gundus Tavius - Tirenean Cleric (Robago)
Xenophon Pyrrhosides - Nicean Fighter (Len)
? - Nicean Mage (Leo)
Gennadius Azeni - Tirenean Bard (CB)


Mar 21, 2023 1:59 am
Submitted a work-in-progress character sheet, spent all but 9sp of my paltry starting gold. Still some math to do.

Thinking of going light on the backstory and discovering these things in play (if that's okay). So far, these details are set:

- Nicean sellsword, fights with a weapon and shield.
- Left his company; they didn't pay the wages they promised him.
Last edited March 21, 2023 2:00 am
Mar 22, 2023 10:17 am

Do you have a name for the city on the map below the AN in the NE top of the Auran Empire map? I am thinking it looks probable as where Syrena was born.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Mar 22, 2023 10:34 am
RageRed says:

Do you have a name for the city on the map below the AN in the NE top of the Auran Empire map? I am thinking it looks probable as where Syrena was born.
I don’t.

Can you assign a name, Red?

For a prominent port like that, it would be a very old city. The name would need to be either related to Classical Auran vocabulary or to a Tirenean family name. (So no English-translated "low/common Auran" names like Hawkcrest or Deepharbour or similar).

Thank you.
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