Mar 15, 2023 10:38 am
I'm inviting players to play a short DnD 5e game that would have potential to continue as Tomb Of Annihilation Chapter 3.
Pitch for prelim game: your PC is part of expedition searching the abandoned "forbidden city". It will finish when you finally discover the city (which is beginning of Chapter 3 in ToA). You will discover an abandoned location/town with a pointer to the abandoned city and you will also fight some random encounter or two on your way.
Duration: hope to do this in a month
Character restriction: Most of non PHB races (and non PHB subraces) will not be allowed, but feel free to ask me I may allow some exceptions
Player experience: 5e experience is required. Experience playing lvl 5 or above is recommended. We are beginning with lvl 5 and encounters are brutal - it could be overwhelming for less experienced players.
Game peace: I expect players to be able to post every working day. Fridays included. I do understand that exceptions may happen but I would like players to at least try to visit the game daily.
How to Apply: Post here to get invite or just apply in game page For this prelim game everyone are welcome until I close this thread. I hope to set up a few groups of 2-3 players and run them in parallel threads, but each will face their own unique encounter(s).
Pitch for prelim game: your PC is part of expedition searching the abandoned "forbidden city". It will finish when you finally discover the city (which is beginning of Chapter 3 in ToA). You will discover an abandoned location/town with a pointer to the abandoned city and you will also fight some random encounter or two on your way.
Duration: hope to do this in a month
Character restriction: Most of non PHB races (and non PHB subraces) will not be allowed, but feel free to ask me I may allow some exceptions
Player experience: 5e experience is required. Experience playing lvl 5 or above is recommended. We are beginning with lvl 5 and encounters are brutal - it could be overwhelming for less experienced players.
Game peace: I expect players to be able to post every working day. Fridays included. I do understand that exceptions may happen but I would like players to at least try to visit the game daily.
How to Apply: Post here to get invite or just apply in game page For this prelim game everyone are welcome until I close this thread. I hope to set up a few groups of 2-3 players and run them in parallel threads, but each will face their own unique encounter(s).
Last edited May 3, 2023 3:43 am