The Swamp

Mar 21, 2023 11:55 pm
The guards at the west gate perfunctally check your passes as you head out after a good breakfast. The sun is rising above the horizon behind you and the sounds of birds and bugs almost hides the river sounds to your north. The road west of the base has been cleared and packed making the walk easy. Tall grass surrounds the road with trees rising further west. After a couple of minutes the trees are closer and the ground around the road is spotted with muds and water puddles as the grassland turns to a marsh. Soon you are among the trees and the road dwindles to a decent wagon track raised a foot above the waters of the swamp that now surround you.
Mar 22, 2023 5:10 am
The road leads to a fork with a simple wooden guard tower and a suspension and pontoon bridge connecting it to another watch tower to the west. A smaller track heads to the south, to the Grippli shamans mound. Greeting you the two guards wave you on through as you continue west and remind you the waters and thick vegetation hide a variety of local wildlife. These threats range from large alligators, swarms of fish that will strip you to the bones in seconds, poisonous snakes, and the ever-present flies.
The road continues on the far side of the second tower, which is taller and of sturdier construction with four guards, however the road dwindles to a simple track just wide enough for a single horse cart. As you travel you see a variety of plant and animal life. Snakes, insects, frogs, lizards, water rats, squirrels, and an occasional larger beast you have learned are referred to as "Dinosaurs". These large beasts are often hunted for meat by many of the intelligent species that moved into the area causing most of them to have learned to not wander too close to the road. Turning north then west you continue on following the path till the far end of the swamp is in sight.
According to the map back at the base the golems house is to the north and off the main path. You begin looking for the correct path and start sloughing through thick mud, semi-solid ground, floating grasses, and a variety of other wonders of nature.
Everyone make a test for how well you move through the swamp and deal with its dangers.
A basic 2d6 unless you have a trait, heritage, or trade that could help in the wilds
Mar 23, 2023 12:15 pm
I do have the "Survivalist" trait.


Travelling in the swamps (with Survivialist - Trait) - (3D6)

(416) = 11

Mar 24, 2023 5:38 pm
The swamp was not Baruman's natural habitat...


Baruman: swamping - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Mar 24, 2023 5:51 pm
Despite being a grassland species, Elph finds the clammy swamp comfortable on his scales. He feels at home but he doesn't pay quite as much attention as the situation demands.


Elph: Check DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Mar 24, 2023 9:53 pm
Baruman find the lack of slid footing a little too similar to the back streets and allies of the impoverished sections of town. And it smells about the same too. Though he strugles to keep up with the others at last he did not bump a wasp nest like Shmautz did. The catkin quickly dashed away from the nest with only a single sting for the blunder.

The rush to escape turned to be a good thing as when Shmautz paused to catch his breath and let the others catch up after swinging wide aroudn the now ajitated hive, he spots what looks like a series of steps carved into trees, like notches for a primmitive log ladder that lead out over eater away from the trail. Pointing out the discovery you quickly move to follow the notches and soon find yourself hpooing from tree to tree to stone over mud and water. The path leads to a small island and after you will be able to reach it in a minute.
Give me a balance,jumping,footing test (ajility/dexterity) to see how well you cross the path
I can roll these basic check or leave them to you let me know. I no one has a problem then I will roll simple checks like this
Ariving on the island You spot a crubling structure and a set of stairs down into a well built basement must be the entrance to Dean's home.
Mar 24, 2023 10:44 pm
Baruman cursed as his foot sank into the mud again. He looked ahead to the others who seemed to be striding along with ease, in fact Shmautz was running ahead for some reason. He heard the buzzing before he saw them, and realised what must have happened, following the others and giving the nest a wide bearth, he realised that Shmautz had found a path, if you could call it that. The swamp had become so wet that it was more of a pond and Baruman was scratched and soaked by the time he eventually made it over to the island and caught up with the others, just as they reached the top of a set of stairs.

"Hello! Is anybody home"
Happy for you to roll any simple rolls if you think it's needed to keep the story rolling
Last edited March 24, 2023 10:52 pm


Baruman: hopping - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Mar 24, 2023 11:53 pm
I'm also always good with you making those sorts of rolls for me! (Hell half the time I've run pbp I've done all rolling myself!)
Last edited March 24, 2023 11:53 pm


Survival - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Mar 27, 2023 6:40 pm
Jumping and balancing feels good to me. I make sure that Baruman and Elph can keep up.

"Everything alright with y'all?"


a balance,jumping,footing test (ajility/dexterity) - with "Acrobat" trait - (3D6)

(516) = 12

Mar 28, 2023 1:40 am
As you move to cross the steping ston and notched tree trail Smautz easily navigates using spots besides those obviously prepared to ease the crossing. unfortunately Baruman has a bit more trouble and mutters something about giants and inconciderate creaftsmen before he falls offf a perch he had just lept too. The splash allerts Shmautz who doubleds back and fishes the small water logged figure of Baruman out of the dirty swamp water. Elph watches teh fiasco and then focuses more on his steps as he is sure he saw a leech clinging to one of Baruman's legs.

On the far side the other two quicly help Baruman scour his body for the uninvited hitchhikers. This only takes a moment and you walk over to the stairs and Baruman calls down. Shortly therafter clicking sounds are heard aproatching. A 1 foot tall centaur looking figure made of metal appears at the base of the stairs and he calls out, in a rather loud and bass voice despite its diminuative size Enter and be at peace. Master Dean welcomes seekers of knowledge for an exchange of lore and seekers of service for an exhangee or value. The tiny centaur backs up and gestures, waiting for you to follow.
Mar 28, 2023 12:24 pm
"And may your home always be prosperous and peaceful" Baruman responded. He bowed his head in thanks to the tiny creature and started to head down the stairs. Not often I find somebody smaller than me



Mar 28, 2023 1:06 pm
The diminutive creature, construct, golem, whatever, leads you deeper into the underground structure. there are glowing stones set in sconces periodically set into the wall. Not far from the base of the stairs it rears and kicks a door open. The tiny impact of its hooves is barely a knock so you assume the door must have been opened by some other means.
As it swings open you see a large chamber with many small metal creatures scampering about. There are walls of shelves filled with books, a workbench where a larger metal figure is working on something, alcoves are set in the walls around the room, and the entire area is well light by the glowing stones.
A low mellow voice comes from the tall metal figure bent over the table Welcome, how may I assist you? and setting aside some tools it straitens as it turns to face you
Mar 28, 2023 5:05 pm
"Thank you for showing us your home, Deanmasster. We are new to thiss placce and wanted to know about how it tendss to be."
Mar 28, 2023 7:43 pm
All this metal, gems and moving things are quite a difference to the marshes. Although made of metal, all these … creatures seem more alive than the dead bodies we saw moving in the cemetery.

"Hello. Thank you for having us."

I show the palms of my paws as a gesture to indicate, that we come as friends. Baruman seems quite excited by the situation to me. He clearly was gladdened by the thingy that had led us in.



Mar 30, 2023 2:23 am
The tall metal figure cocks its head at Elph's question and nods at Shmautz.
I tae it then that you are from the expedition that recently took up residency at the docks?
After you briefly explain your purpose for coming he continues.
Aw well you are actually the first to accept my employment offer. The older human, Danoll, has stopped by a few times but he is just fishing for information. As it is one of the few things I have in abundance I have refused to give it away for free and most of what you know is currently of little interest to me.

As I understand your expedition is trying to fill in some gaps in their knowledge due to the Shattering and Dawn War, both terms are new to me though I existed to experience both. I in turn require materials and an agent to help me assess the situation outside my domicile. You see I am a household construct. I am bound to a single master or their household. Though I know my master still exists in some fashion his prolonged absence has enabled my certain liberties not available to be while he was in residence.

As to what you can do for me there are 2 options i have decided to offer at this time.
1. Continue your regular activities, carrying with you one of my minor servants, and simply check in with me each week. This wil allow my servant to map the changes outside my home. I have tried sending some on their own but they keep getting destroyed and resources are scarce. My servant may request you to perform specific activities on my behalf but you are free to do these or not. Any activity you preform for me will give you a credit that can be exchanged for knowledge, services, or some of the resources I have access to but do not need.

2. I can give you information about one of the Remnants nearby. This information will greatly increase your chances of entering and securing controll of its facilities. In return you will use one of the Remnant functions on my behalf.

Would you be wiling to perform either of the services for me or do you have questions?
Apr 3, 2023 3:00 pm
"I know well the importancce of mutual benefit. I suggesst both of the tasskss? Elph looks at the others. He's raising his eyebrows quizzically, but the difference is scale-tone is nightmarish to spot in this light.



Apr 4, 2023 3:34 am
This is acceptable to me. If you will wait a moment I will prepare the servitor.. With a gesture one of the tiny automatons is summoned to the table and Dean begins adding components, of metal and gemstone, to it.
The Remnant I will assist you with is to the south west. It has a defensive security system that was triggered by the Shattering and remains active.
My servitor will have information to allow your to bypass some of the more dangerous obstacles. Other defense you will need to overcome on your own. Once you are at a location within it's facilities the servitor will be able to direct you how to reconnect my residence with that facility. This will allow me to assist you more directly in securing the facility for your and my use.

As he speaks he continues working on the tiny figure. When he is complete he holds out to your an odd looking figure. It's body is 4 orbs arranged in a pyramid. Each orb has 3 appendages that look to be able to act as feet, arms, or a head like appendage.
Apr 5, 2023 4:05 pm
"What a gloriouss peculiar creature! Itss shape remindss me of an egg clutch. Do we need anything to keep it optimally operational?"



Apr 6, 2023 1:05 am
I have reinforced it such that it will not break easily and as a servitor it is not subjeect to the requirements of life. I also imbued it with the knowledge and instructions it will require to assist you. I can communicate via the common speach with any individual in contact with it. Though it has knowledge it is not aware or wise. Take it as a you would a book that records what it sees.
Basicly a tiny costruct that does not eat, breath, AC 12, HP:8 Move 20, (10 fly,climb,swim)

He holds it out to you and teh orbs and appendages rearange themselves to form a bracelet with 4 large beads. You may wear it, store it, or attach it to one of your packs. I leve this up to you bu twould ask you not store it while you travel unless there is need. I have managed to map some of the area but the servitors I send out are often destroyed so my updated records are incomplete.
Apr 7, 2023 10:00 pm
"Have you learned what is destroying your deviccess?"



Apr 8, 2023 5:13 am
Most i believe are destroyed by the dinosaurs simply because they are too slow, small, and unintelligent to avoid danger.
Apr 8, 2023 8:44 am
"Do you have an informations or recommendations for us regarding those 'Dynnosors'?", I ask; not sure what to expect.
Apr 8, 2023 1:15 pm
Dean explains what he knows which fits with that you have heard. This area has a variety of animals including large lizard like creatures called dinosaurs. They vary is size from tiny to gigantic and like other beasts since eat plants and others eat meat. Some are support while others stay in beards and packs. Treat then as your would any beast. A common one seen elsewhere is the crocodile. Most dangerous ones have been hunted out of the swamp but you noticed a couple as your eagles here.
Besides the dinosaurs there are a number of Faerie creatures nearby that tend to live in pockets. If you see one others are likely nearby. The seem to enjoy playing with Dean's servitors causing him additional problems.
Recently, about the same time as the expedition arriving, several forces have moved into the area including goblin, kobold, hobgoblin, orc, and a few necromancers. There are a few other creatures and monsters as well but they are scattered and harder to predict.
Apr 10, 2023 9:31 am
As Elph already spoke for us as a group to follow both of the tasks and Dean explained the menaces we might face, I'm ready to go.

"The, master Dean, I think we're ready to go to the south-west."
Let's go? Or is there something left/open to do here?
Apr 10, 2023 12:39 pm
Dean gives a rough description of the area and dangers he is aware of, most your were already aware of, and directions to the Remnant. My servitor will help as it may.
Be well.
if you have other questions for Dean then anyone can post them today as ooc and I will answer them
Withdrawing from the basement and Dean's little isle you make your way back to the main trail and out of the swamp.
Beyond the swamp are high grasses with clumps of trees and a few hills. The lush grass must be a common grazing area as your spot a few dinosaur herds. The main trail heads west but you soon find a side trail heading SW through some trees that matches Dean's directions.
Give me a matching order and a activities as you move through trees and/or grass
Apr 10, 2023 7:07 pm
Baruman kept up with the others, eyeing the dinosaurs suspiciously whenever they were in view. Dean had been fascinating, and his intricate creatures were a true marvel. As they walked he daydreamed about being able to fabricate such creatures himself. Every few steps, his hand subconsciously went to the amulet around his neck Don't worry Ember, I'll keep you safe from these dinosaurs

As they found the path to the southwest, the trail became thinner and rougher. As he stumbled for the umpteenth time he thought You never saw the streets at home Ember, they could contain deadly dangers, but at least you could walk along them without landing on your face! It wasn't that he was clumsy, he could be agile when required, but this terrain was still unfamiliar to him. He was getting used to it, but not used enough not to curse as tripping on a root or slipping in the mud caused him to fall to the back of the group,
Apr 10, 2023 7:25 pm
Shmautz could go first. He's got the survivor trait and Eyesight. The cougar totem could also help.
Apr 11, 2023 3:43 am
Shmautz takes the lead, with his totem ranging near and far ahead of them, followed by Baruman and then Elph. As you move into the woods the shade gives some welcome relief from the heat. As you follow the trail Baruman and Smautz an assortment of tracks on the trail. Smautz shows the differences to Baruman. These are obviously barefoot, these are wearing soft leather, and these look to be clawed humanoid, but not very big ones. In Shmautz estimation the tracks likely belong to goblins, kobolds, and other humanoids. Though not accustomed to the sights, sounds, and scents of the wilds yet, Baruman has keen senses and alerts the others to anything that might be a danger. Shmautz often then has to educate the young duende. Elph watches for any danger but they leave the woods with no trouble.

After leaving the woods you cut off the trail and head SW, as directed by the Servitor. The tall grass proves as nerve racking to Baruman as the thick woods had. The grass is thick, taller than Baruman at times, and moves with the wind. If not for the comfort of Shmautz totem prowling around them you are not sure what you might have encountered. As it is you are mid way across to the next wooded region when a large herd of the dinosaurs moves into view. Though they do not look aggressing they are heading north beyond you, likely to the river to drink, and their size alone makes them a threat to all of you. increasing your pace you "walk" out of their path.

Safely outside of the path of the large beasts herd you are startled when out of the trees that you just walked through burst a large bipedal dinosaur. (T-rex) The T-rex sprints towards the herd which turns and begins lumbering away from the massive predator in fear. Unfortunately you are now once again the the path of the herd which is moving much faster. If you do not act quickly you are all likely to be trampled beneath their massive feet.
Apr 12, 2023 12:53 pm
@tergolap,@seanfsmith,@wilsric you're up

You are in the middle of a large grassy area over a quarter mile wide. The herd is NE of you and heading SW. You are not in the middle of their path but they are in the path of several at the edges of the group.
How do you respond.
Apr 12, 2023 5:49 pm
I'd like to have to Cougar Totem act as a distraction for the group of dinos to slightly alter their way, like a shepard dog.
I guess a test is necessary. How should I do this?
Suprised by the sudden appearance of the huge and obviousely dangerous creature and the stampede we're might be part of, I try to find the best option.

"Baruman, where are thou", I scream against the noise around us.
Apr 12, 2023 6:35 pm
when if doubt roll. And roll more just in case. Ignoring rolls is wicket than waiting for them


Shmautz: Test DC: 5 - Adv Survivor - (3d6)

(515) = 11

Apr 12, 2023 6:38 pm
The totem spots a good target and leaps at a young calf causing the mother to lunge to intervene. This shifts the mother and calf and the test follow the flow to avoid the new threat.

The herd thunders past as the large predator, T-Rex, catches one of the slower herd members and begins feasting less than a hundred feet from you.
Apr 13, 2023 1:39 am
Keeping a wary eye on the predator you head for the closes cover quickly without running. Once the t-rex is out of sight you reoritnt yourselves and continue on your way to the Remnant pointed out by Dean. Coming out of the trees you spot a largee walled enclosure ahead of you.

From what you have heard of these back at the expedition base they are encapsulated in a protctive field or a weakened Border. The effects inside vary. Not detecting any danger in the area you move closer to get a better look. The walls are well over 30 feet high and several hundred feet long. The tops of the wall have odd floating spheres attacked by thin whires floating and bobbing in the breeze. Each wall has a double door set into th e middle. Aroudn the Remant, and along the way, you see ocasional ruble form destroyd structures Only the Remnant appear to have weathered the raveges of the Breaking and time since then.
Apr 13, 2023 1:42 am
You are at the NE corner of the Remnant. According to the instructions given by Dean you will need to enter and be guided by the Servitor to a specific location where it can use some means to establish communication with Dean. Dean can then help you secure the Remnant. Until Dean arrives you will need to avoid or overcome any active defenses or locked doors the has active between you and the location.
How to you wish to proceed?
Apr 13, 2023 3:43 pm
Baruman lay in the cover of the tree's panting from the exertion "Thanks Shmautz! That was quick thinking." After catching his breath,, he eye'd the floating sphere's suspiciously

"I've no idea what those giant balloons are, but I don't like them. I might be able to pick the lock on the main door in the wall there, but I don't think they'll make it that easy.Picking up a stone from the ground near him, Baruman put it into his new sling " Let's see how the react to this"

From the cover of the trees he swirling the sling quickly at the wall, taking aiming to hit it about half way up, directly under one of the sphere's to see if they reacted in any way to the potential threat.
Apr 13, 2023 4:06 pm
The orbs are about 1 foot diameter and bob lazily in the breeze. With no visible limbs (other than their tether to the wall?) and not eyes or ears to speak of you can detect no reaction.

Looking over at the large gates you see they are slightly ajar and should allow you entry
Apr 13, 2023 8:16 pm
Keeping his eyes on the large orbs, Elph heads towards the open gateway. He moves slowly and directly towards it, poking his head full through when he gets there.
Apr 13, 2023 9:06 pm
The orbs float bouncing on their tethers. As you reach the North gate and look inside you see an open area around a single large building that is in even better condition than the wall that surround it. The surrounding courtyard is of paved stones set tight without mortar. The building is made of stone with windows on the top of the first floor and filling much of the second floor. On a large plaque over the main doors directly across from you you read Library of Paphos in large bold lettering. The door is of Bronze and like the walls is decorated with mural like etchings and carvings. The area is quiet, clean, and empty.
Apr 18, 2023 10:54 pm
The small Servitor construct points towards the library doors
Apr 19, 2023 5:37 am
I was just about to ask, if the small creature/device might be able to help here.
"So, it is safe to go there?", I ask, not really expecting an answer. Slowly and cautious, I move towards the Library doors.
There is a moment of hesitation, but then I just try to open the gate.



Apr 19, 2023 12:09 pm
points again SAFE
Apr 19, 2023 12:24 pm
Elph helps Shmautz with the library doors.
Forgive my silence the past few days ─ my cat has spawned kittens! (Which we were expecting, but it meant more nurse duties than a regular week.)
Apr 19, 2023 3:35 pm
As you begin crossing the library plaza that surrounds it you see a chicken sized bird flutter down from a ledge over the door. It squawks and guards at you. That sounded odd. As your get near you notice it's neck is extended and it has a long tail. The feathers do not cover everywhere and rough scaly skin can be seen beneath. (Think feathered dinosaur chicken to turkey size)

you can make a test roll to see if your character recognizes it, or state a guess, roll with advantage, and I will tell you if your are correct or close.
Apr 20, 2023 3:04 pm
"What sort of mutated dinner is this" said Baruman, racking his brain to see if he had heard tell of such a creature before.

He remembered sleeping in a doss house back home once, next to an inebriated scholar who had fallen on hard times. He had spoken of the Librasarus, a creature that librarians allowed to share their workplace, as they ate the bugs and worms that could otherwise have made a meal of the ancient texts that they guarded. There was a superstition that the creatures could somehow consume some of the knowledge in the books that surrounded them too. He had thought it the ramblings of a drunken and confused old man, but could such things actually exist?
It would seem not :-)
Last edited April 20, 2023 3:06 pm


Baruman: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(323) = 8

Apr 20, 2023 4:06 pm
"Normally I like chicken. For dinner. But this one seems a little odd. Grr", I say.

My index finger scratches my chin, while I look at the creature.


Advantage - guess the creature - (3D6)

(664) = 16

Apr 20, 2023 4:42 pm
As it stalks closer Shmautz recals legends of a Cockatrice. Magical creatures whose touch can petrify.

The Cockatrice gives a squak and rushes forwards

Roll 2d6 initiative


Cocatrice initiative - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Apr 20, 2023 8:11 pm
"KEEP A DISTANCE and don't let it touch you!", I shout and try to make a giant leap back.


Initiative - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Apr 20, 2023 9:23 pm
"I guess this one isn't much of a reader" said Baruman as he heeded schmautz's advice and backed away


Baruman: initiative - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Apr 21, 2023 1:12 am
Moving this to the Libary thread
May 3, 2023 2:52 am
A duo on daily duties out at dawn
Buan and Nekgen set out at first light was just beginning to illuminate the grassy field to the west of the encampment walls. Buan has been here a a couple weeks but this is the first time either have left the base. Luckily their job shouldn't be too hard. Buan had been given a list of needs and suggestions by the local druid on how to fill them.
speaking in a soft and fluid voice the healer complains sleepily It really does seem like made up work. I am sure the druid could find everything on this list much faster than both of us. And probably be safer doing it too. Still it is a beautiful morning. Like many florids Buan feeds heavily on sunlight and is not bothered by the thick heat of the swamp.

The odd pair, a large bovine like minotaur with deep red brown fur and a slight yellow and green florid stroll down the road to the swamp. Reaching the beginning of the mashes and soon the swamp itself they see the guard towers, still shut tight for the night as the guards have yet to come out.

Wll since we have to go the long way we can stop by and see the old grippli shaman. She might be able to help us with finding some of these. Of course she will want something in return. What do you think NNekgen Bludgeboil?
@brathdyn your story starts here. Enjoy!
May 3, 2023 12:24 pm
All work is made up work, Buan. Nekgen offers, with some measure of frustration. He does not mean it as a chastisement however, instead offering it plainly as a statement of fact. Buan knows that the frustration in Nekgen's statement is not dedicated at herself. Rather, Nekgen is furious at the muddy sinkhole that is actively trying to rob him of his boots since he accidentally stepped into it. At this point, Nekgen was frustrated enough to surrender the boots and walk freely on his hooves, as he did in his village. On the other hand, these boots came on commission, and Nekgen was not made out of coin.

Buan continues to talk, offering a suggestion and finally question to the minotaur. In-between her words, Nekgen lets out a mighty Rrhgharaaagh! as he finally defeats the swampy murk. The effort launches a crescent of brown through the air and sends Nekgen pinwheeling backwards onto his rear. There, said crescent lands on his head.

I think. Nekgen starts, huffing to catch his breath while pulling out a kerchief. That idea is good and sound, Buan.

Now standing, the minotaur catches up to his compatriot. Lead the way and I shall follow closely behind. Point and say the word and I will bring my axe down upon that which does offend. Nekgen hooks a thumb at his double-bit axe, which gleams in the light of this beauteous sun-shining morning. It was, of course, the first thing he wiped the mud off of.
May 3, 2023 12:56 pm
LOL. Usually i make newcomers roll tests to see how well they handle trekking through the swamp but add your are self imposing some of the fun we can do that :)
You head South now off the road but still using a decent trail, for the most part anyway. Buan eyes the large ax and your large muscles I must admit, previously I could not appreciate the excess mass that many other races have. But of her in the wild with savage beasts it is reassuring to have a companion capable of handling things in a way I am ill equipped to do. and she shrugs empty hands out

The trail meanders south then west before a recent side track splits to the south again. Shortly thereafter you face a pontoon bridge. While it normality has guide posts with a rope attached attop each for hand support it appears something large crawled overt it at some point and broke several of the pole. This left the bridge still functional but a bit more precarious to cross.

Shall we try and fix it or simply cross and inform the camp when we return so they can send craftsmen to repair it later? Buan asks Nekgen as she eyes the buoyant bridge, so over 50 feet in length, gently bobbing in the bayou.
May 3, 2023 1:32 pm
:3 awesome, thanks! And cool, this is my first OOC block! We're going with fixing here, for sure.
Nekgen looks to the bridge, sections bobbing gently in the water. Then to himself and his general, weighing-of-several-hundred-pounds-ness. He then hefts his axe and walks over to the nearest tree, to chop up some wood.

Let us leave this place better than we found it, yes?
May 3, 2023 8:20 pm
Sounds good to me! she replies cheerily. She begins pulling in and sorting out what is left of the ropes and poles. Using simple charms she is able to splice the ropes repairing much of the damage.

Give me a test, applying any trait you feel applicable, and as brief or detailed an explanation of your actions/intent as you like. Give me a 2nd test for any work you do out on the pontoon bridge.
Remember if you Focus then you pass on a 4 to 6 on any of the d6
Normally tests are reserved for combat, time critical, or other endeavors that carry some penalty for failure. This test will be to simply see how long and/or how well you execute you plan
May 3, 2023 10:15 pm
I intend to focus here and use my Nimble Fingers trait to gain advantage on the roll. Then, I intend to focus on the pontoons and do a basic roll to work together with Buan to tie off the rope fence we're making together.
Nekgen sets down cross-legged. He takes in the rope Buan has worked and begins to weave complex knots out of them. Tying said rope to the tops and bottoms of sturdy, fresh chopped wood, creating two separate lines of connection. Each rope knot leading into the next length of rope, then another knot in a kind of daisy-chain. In this manner, Buan and Nekgen create a bundle of tied together sticks not unlike a rope-ladder, with far more irregularity.

After this, Nekgen grabs the bundle of sticks and rope and proceeds onto the pontoons with more than necessary caution. 'The bigger they are, the harder they fall.' is not a proverb he wants to validate, today. He sets a stick out on the sides of each pontoon he gingerly steps onto, holding it in place for Buan to tie it tightly with some reeds they had gathered from the shoreline.


Nimble fingers rope-ladder-fence-thing making (focused) - (3d6)

(363) = 12

Pontoon tie-offs (focused) - (2d6)

(21) = 3

May 4, 2023 2:23 am
Taking note of how the pontoon bridge design is set to incorporate the side rail posts Nekgen and Baun work together to repair the side supports. Nekgen begins placing the repaired supports edging further and further out into the water. He gets all the way to the 3rd pontoon, about 10 feet form the shore before leaning too far over and sliding off the tipping bridge. The water proves warmer than expected and does not bear thinking about why this might be. Scrambling out of the water grumbling Nekgen wrings out his cloths to dry while Baun continues the work. Being much lighter she has less difficulty setting the post in the bridge but has to resort to magic at the end to set the far side before Nekgen pulls the rope tight and anchoring the near side.

By this time is is mid morning, the repairs taking a couple of hours, the wildlife of the swamp is well on the move.
Crossing the now repaired bridge they make it to the shamans mound. About 20 feet tall and about 60 feet wide the mound resembles a low hill save the doorway cutting into it and several small "window" holes along with a hole atop the hill out of which rises a thin wisp of smoke.
Baun claps loudly outside the door and call Good morning
From deep within an odd scratching voice returns Come on in! is a welcoming and wavering tone.
May 4, 2023 1:08 pm
The spill into the murk did much to sour the minotaur's mood. Getting soaking wet while wearing leather armor is not ideal. Swallowing some luke-warm (possible piss) water out of shock doubles the misery. Given this mood, the minotaur was found to be silent for the remainder of the trek towards the Grippili hut. Some small grace it was, then, that it took long enough to travel there for him to both dry out and settle down.

Nekgen stands outside of the bent doorframe and follows through with Buan's greeting. Good morning to you, shaman. I am Nekgen and the other who spoke is Buan. We are with the Expedition. With formalities accomplished, Nekgen feels more confident in accepting the invitation inside, commenting as he goes.

I must say, your home is striking, in its oneness with nature.
May 5, 2023 12:31 am
As you enter the first thing you note is the smell. There is a light haze filling the inside of the mound. It is slightly thick and sweet with a hint of something that tingles when you inhale
Make a Save Test (2d6 and any roll 5 or higher is a pass)
The fumes enter as you breath and you feel yourself relax and slightly more allert (for now)
the inside of the mound is one large cavernous room. The fire in the middle ias a kettle hung over it wich is bubling slightly. Tables, racks, and shelvs line all the walls and a wide variety of identifiable and unidentifiable items cover every surface.
Oh she will definitely be able to help us. Buan says softly looking around and wandering over to a rack of drying herbs.

Nekgebn is a bit more familiar with animal processing and easily identifies a variety of animal parts in various forms of preservation and processing. Bones, ground bone powder, hides, tanned hides, pickled eyeballs, some other things Nekgen kep in the back room where they wouldn't distub the more sensitive clientel. And there are seveal items he cant identify, or might but the size or color seems wrong..

Off to wone side working on mixing some powders together sits a little old grippli. The shaman eye the odd pair as you enter snd smiles in greeting. Well, necomers. Sertainly have been alot of new faces lately. Corse some of the new neighbors I could do wthout muttering the last bit with obvious distast.
What can I do for you, eh? Need some healing, preventative, a charm maybe? and blinks her large eyes
May 5, 2023 12:15 pm
Just making the save test, first


Save test - (2d6)

(46) = 10

May 5, 2023 12:44 pm
Nekgen takes a deep inhalation of the sticky-icky and holds it in his lungs, before letting it out in a controlled breath. He does this a few times to acclimate, finding himself relaxed and alert at the same time, somehow. While practicing his breathing, he peruses the goods.

Well, Nekgen turns one of the pickled eye-balls in his palm, I could use a snack from the earlier trek, but first and foremost we have responsibilities to the Expedition. He sets down the eyes and makes his way towards Buan's side.

There is a a list of materials we need acquire from the region. We would appreciate your assistance in both supplying and aiding in finding said items. Nekgen looks to the side and down at his traveling partner, nudging her gently. I believe Buan has the list.
May 5, 2023 1:35 pm
Yes, yes the list. Here it is. and she proffers the list to the grippli who gives her a blnak stare causing Baun to flush, the firt time you have seen a flower blush so quickly. It is only accompanied by a sweet smell with a tinge of bitterness. Baun read the list and explains details about each plant as the grippli woman retuplies with the local name and additional details along with suggestions on where to look for them, which Baun jots down.

They confer for several minutes giving Nekgen time to peruse the room and its contents.

I have somem honnied fruit bits in that pot over there along with a few other victuals and she waves absent mindedly at a small table with an assortment of jars and bowl. Looking over the small collection you have your selection of candided fruits and nuts, dried fruits, nuts, jerkied meats, and candied meats.
While your about remember to look for those thing I asked about. You seem a competent girl so should have no trouble bringing them back in good shape. With all the new neighbors I will need to start a garden to get a better stock Nevre saw the need before but I go through my stock quickly now days. the shaman comments as she and Baun finish their conversation.
May 5, 2023 11:02 pm
There was little reason to remain in the shack now that the grippli and florid had conferred. Little practical reason, rather. The snacks. Well, the snacks were very tempting.

Nekgen catches onto the sudden lull in conversation. He barely has the presence of mind to stop himself from gorging on food, snapping to attention.

Hrhghrm-ahrrhm. Hrrrm! He rumbles, choking down some dried mango and almonds. That sounds like a plan! The now clear-throated minotaur shouts, a loud attempt at faking that he had been paying attention over mindlessly horking down food. It was hardly convincing, what with all the crumbs and saliva he was still wiping off his face.

Nekgen makes his way towards the door, eyeing the jerky longingly.

Thank you for your hospitality, shaman. It will be reported and recorded for all to know, this I swear.
I am assuming that this list is ambiguous and Buan and I have some adventuring to do outside, to acquire the goods?
May 5, 2023 11:21 pm
The shaman smiles and waves you off.
As you leave Baun goes over the list she has As I recall form the map on base and from the directions she gave we will need to go to the NE of the swamp, then the west, and finally to the south where our map was woefully blank.
You recall seeing the map on the scout bulletin board (see ~Tiny Info~ Area Map, available as a drop down below the Quick Reply and Rolls section) The map did not have great detail and was not complete but did give a rough idea of passable pathways in the swamp. You confer with Baun and both agree to start close, as you are both unsure of the swamp dangers, and head to the first area you will need to search. As you head north you wind around and eventually make it back to the road, passing the outer guard post which is now manned and open. The guards greet you and you chat a bit before moving on. Unfortunately you must soon veer off the road and back into the soggy animal tracks and thick vegetation or murky waters.

Gulfis said one of these things the base wants us to get only grows in dank, dark, places and suggested checking some ruins up this way. According to her the surface structures have mostly collapsed but many of the subterranean sections is still in tact and make great places to find this herb.
I don't require record keeping for some stuff like this. Just assume there is a record and Baun/you have it. I can type one up but that takes more time than vague hand waving and a few dice rolls to get the same results. There may be times I give you specific information and I leave that to you to keep track of. The site has a search function that helps find stuff if you have a word or two to search on.
Let me know if you need help getting to the area map.
Give me a Test Roll to see how long it takes to find a ruin with an accessible basement
May 7, 2023 12:25 am
One of the advantages of Nekgen's minotaur heritage is height. Being this tall means a real ease of scoping out things well ahead of having to walk into them.
Can I assume I focused on that roll?
Last edited May 7, 2023 12:26 am


Find a ruin with an accessible basement - (2d6)

(41) = 5

May 7, 2023 8:49 pm
FYI : Any time there is no outside pressure, time constraints, combat, etc and do a Test I assume you are focused and/or will auto succeed but rolls will affect how you succeed.
You search the area and after a few minutes get a system where Baun focuses on finding a save path and you focus on searching. The paths wind from isle to isle over floating vegetation or partially submerged plants with many animal tracks indicating the local wildlife is much more at home in the water than you feel comfortable with yourself. After about 10 minutes your find your first ruin, only to discover it never had a basement or it collapsed or was filled long ago. Continuing your search, now a bit mor familiar on what to look for you find a couple other ruins and eventually find one with a basement intact and accessible.

The ruins upper levels, it looks like there were at least 2, have long succumbed to the ravages of the Shattering and swamp. The basement is a dim opening accessible via stairs inside the crumbling structure. The stairs themselves seem sturdy enough and build of stonework that has weathered well though is now partially moss covered with weeds growing from between the stones.
May 8, 2023 12:39 pm
Nekgen considers Buan while he oils his lantern. She appears a gentle florid, but is part of the expedition much the same as him. There is no reason to treat her as a wilting lily.

Would you like to take the lead, or shall I? He asks, taking the first few steps into the ruins, but awaiting her answer before progressing further.
May 8, 2023 1:09 pm
Looking down into the gloom then Nekgen's brawny form Oh, you can go first. I will follow and moves to do so

As you decend into the darkness the light from your lantern reveals a single roomed cellar or basmentt about 20x30. Whatever it may have held orginally has been consumed by time and the swamp. A few piles of thick lush vegitation are scattered near the entry where some light still makes it's way down while other plants have managed to work their way into crack on the walls and ocasionally the ceiling as well. The far side of the room lingers in darkness as you advance slowly into the room

Baun begins examining the plants, looking for what you need while you stand watch. Suddenly a sound from a back corner of the room catches your ear and you see a gleam of light reflect of something you soon realize is an eye opening. As the beast stirs you can now make out a serpent as thick as your arm shift and flick out its tounge. Turnibng its head to you the tongue flicks out again as its body shifts nearly silently as its coils shift and bunch up.
May 8, 2023 3:19 pm
Nekgen gently sets down the lantern. His heart is pounding, yes, but panicked movements mean shattered equipment. Smoothly, from one knee, he rises with the double-bit axe in hand.

Behind me. He says flatly, preoccupied with pulling his weapon back behind shoulder blades, adjusting both hands' grips for a wide swing.

The minotaur holds. Standing primed, like a spring-loaded trap. A snap-swing ready to cut in twain any and all parts of the serpent that are arrogant enough to get within Nekgen's deadly radius.
May 9, 2023 12:26 am
The movement of the lantern seems to distract the large snake momentarily before it refocuses on Nekgen, tongue flicking to taste the air. The snake raises its head slightly maintaining a tense coil with the rest of its body.
Baun softly informs Nekgen I can cure toxins if we are bitten. I say this as I just noticed on of the more rare herbs behind the snake.
If you are confident in dealing with it I can be of some aid with my magic.
and she lightly lays a hand on your back leting you know her location and support What shall we do
May 9, 2023 1:57 pm
The only muscles Nekgen moves are in his throat and mouth. We wait for it to strike. Then, I cut it into pieces before it can reach us.
Last edited May 9, 2023 1:58 pm
May 9, 2023 2:04 pm
Roll initiative (2d6 added together high roll wins).
The snake tenses then springs
see the combat actions in the Tiny Info / Guides / Tiny Dungeon or TinyD6 thread and let me know if your have questions


Snake initiative - (2d6)

(24) = 6

May 9, 2023 2:14 pm
Nekgen exhales.


Initiative - (2d6)

(21) = 3



May 9, 2023 2:55 pm
The snake lunges forwards to bite whine twisting it's body to coil around Nekgen


But Nekgen - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Coil around Nekgen - (2d6)

(65) = 11

May 9, 2023 2:59 pm
Nekgen blocks the bite with his ax but the snake wraps around his body and begins constricting
You take no damage at this time but the constriuction will cause damage each round after
May 9, 2023 10:53 pm
It is a damn shame that Nekgen exhaled. He would have loved to inhale right after, but there's a snake crunching his ribs into his lungs right now.

The minotaur struggles mightily, sawing his axe back and forth to cut himself free of the serpent's death-grip!
Using 1 action to focus, the other to attack


Saw that snake off of me! - (2d6)

(33) = 6

May 10, 2023 3:01 am
Nekgen tries to chop at the snake but it's twisting and thrashing throws off his carefully aimed strike.

Psybermagi sent a note to brathdyn
Carefull, I will try to cool it! Baun cries as she holds forth her hands and blasts the snake with a chilly beam of magical energy.


Baun Spell Touched attack Snake - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Baun Spell Touched attack Snake - (2d6)

(12) = 3



May 10, 2023 5:42 pm
the snake continues crushing Nekgen as it that's about


Cherish attack 2 damage - (2d6)

(43) = 7

May 10, 2023 5:44 pm
OK I like to have players track their own health. Your character sheet can be expanded by tapping your character name below the "Roll" section. Then tap the red HP and entry the new value of 4
May 11, 2023 10:43 pm
"Ghrhkghl." Nekgen dutifully responds through his crushed larynx. Through rising blood pressure and limited movement, he tries once again to saw through the snake with either end of his axe.
Focusing and attacking


Please snake, please die - (2d6)

(51) = 6

May 12, 2023 1:54 am
The ax bites deeply into the snake which hisses and tightens its coils in pain and anger as Baun bombards it with magical ice bolts


Baun magic attack vs Snake - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Baun magic attack vs Snake - (2d6)

(55) = 10

May 12, 2023 1:59 am
The ax combined with the icy blasts weaken the snake who releases Nekgen and tries to slither away. It heads for a corner and into a opening barely bigger that it is.

As Nekgen gets to his feet Baun rushes over and lays her hands on him. Nekgen feels energy enter his body the bruises form the snake begin to fade as does the pain. (Healed 2 health)

Voice shaking Baun asks Are you better. Quick let us leave. as she eyes the hole the snake disappeared into.
May 12, 2023 9:40 pm
Not, hhhuhh Nekgen gasps for air as he tries to respond. Not without-- The minotaur stumbles as he to his feet, leveraging his axe to catch himself before falling. What we came for.

Now on one knee, Nekgen catches his breath, then steadies himself to walk over towards the herbs that the snake has so absentmindedly left unprotected. He takes a quick look at the hole the snake fled into, then hustles on over towards the herbs and tears them out by the root indelicately.

Now was not the time for precision!



May 12, 2023 11:10 pm
Moving with you Baun stops Nekgen before the crushes some of the more delicate herbs too badly Let me, you watch that hole. and she quickly harvest things while shaking slightly.

Making your way out of the cellar you find a spot with a bit of sun to rest before moving on. Baun checks over Nekgen to ensure the healing took effect with apologies saying I am not used to healing patients who are still getting hurt. I wasn't sure if I should heal you or blast the snake.

After resting you resume your search with a touch mor caution and find a few other spots that give good returns without all the excitement and danger of the first. Following the main road through the swamp you make side trips as indicated in the directions you received to locate the various medicinal plants. By noon you have spotted a variety of wildlife, mostly snakes, insects, and birds but you also come upon a herd or large beast that are new to you. These large lizard like beast appear to be grazing out in the water unconcerned with the alligators, likely due to their size which is somewhere between a wagon and a house
May 14, 2023 12:38 am
Continuing your activities till mid afternoon you then retrace you steps and return to the base. Tire, and dirty, but with a decent collection, a fraction of which Baun drops off at the Shamans house, not bad for your first day.

Story continues at the Base Tavern
Mar 26, 2024 1:52 am
A stroll into the Swamps
Please stay on the path at all times unless you wish to donate body parts to the local ecosystem. The expedition takes no responsibility for any discomfort, injury, or loss of limb, liberty, time, or sould. Have a nice day!!!! :)

Heading west you move through a grass field just outside the expedition camp walls. After a short walk down the well worn road you reach the beginning of the mashes and soon the swamp itself. Ahead you see a guard tower. A couple of guards lounge at the base with another couple up in the lookout.

The guards warn you that though there is a road and it is much safer than before the swamp is still a dangerous place. They point out the waters and thick vegetation hide a variety of local wildlife. These threats range from large alligators, swarms of fish that will strip you to the bones in seconds, poisonous snakes, and the ever-present flies.

To the Shaman Mound
The guards inform you that foot traffic can bypass a loop of the trail that heads south, passing near to the mound where you can find Gulfis. Gulfis is the grippli, frog people, shaman. She is well known and respected by the adventurers and other common base workers for her inexpensive and effective remedies.

If you take the southern loop it meanders south then west before a side track splits to the south again. You can see a pontoon bridge at the end of the southern spur and were told this leads to the shamans hut. About 20 feet tall and about 60 feet wide the mound resembles a low hill save the doorway cutting into it and several small "window" holes along with a hole atop the hill out of which rises a thin wisp of smoke.

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