Shmautz takes the lead, with his totem ranging near and far ahead of them, followed by Baruman and then Elph. As you move into the woods the shade gives some welcome relief from the heat. As you follow the trail Baruman and Smautz an assortment of tracks on the trail. Smautz shows the differences to Baruman. These are obviously barefoot, these are wearing soft leather, and these look to be clawed humanoid, but not very big ones. In Shmautz estimation the tracks likely belong to goblins, kobolds, and other humanoids. Though not accustomed to the sights, sounds, and scents of the wilds yet, Baruman has keen senses and alerts the others to anything that might be a danger. Shmautz often then has to educate the young duende. Elph watches for any danger but they leave the woods with no trouble.
After leaving the woods you cut off the trail and head SW, as directed by the Servitor. The tall grass proves as nerve racking to Baruman as the thick woods had. The grass is thick, taller than Baruman at times, and moves with the wind. If not for the comfort of Shmautz totem prowling around them you are not sure what you might have encountered. As it is you are mid way across to the next wooded region when a large herd of the dinosaurs moves into view. Though they do not look aggressing they are heading north beyond you, likely to the river to drink, and their size alone makes them a threat to all of you. increasing your pace you "walk" out of their path.
Safely outside of the path of the large beasts herd you are startled when out of the trees that you just walked through burst a large bipedal dinosaur. (T-rex) The T-rex sprints towards the herd which turns and begins lumbering away from the massive predator in fear. Unfortunately you are now once again the the path of the herd which is moving much faster. If you do not act quickly you are all likely to be trampled beneath their massive feet.