As you enter the first thing you note is the smell. There is a light haze filling the inside of the mound. It is slightly thick and sweet with a hint of something that tingles when you inhale
Make a Save Test (2d6 and any roll 5 or higher is a pass)
The fumes enter as you breath and you feel yourself relax and slightly more allert (for now)
the inside of the mound is one large cavernous room. The fire in the middle ias a kettle hung over it wich is bubling slightly. Tables, racks, and shelvs line all the walls and a wide variety of identifiable and unidentifiable items cover every surface.

Oh she will definitely be able to help us. Buan says softly looking around and wandering over to a rack of drying herbs.
Nekgebn is a bit more familiar with animal processing and easily identifies a variety of animal parts in various forms of preservation and processing. Bones, ground bone powder, hides, tanned hides, pickled eyeballs, some other things Nekgen kep in the back room where they wouldn't distub the more sensitive clientel. And there are seveal items he cant identify, or might but the size or color seems wrong..

Off to wone side working on mixing some powders together sits a little old grippli. The shaman eye the odd pair as you enter snd smiles in greeting.
Well, necomers. Sertainly have been alot of new faces lately. Corse some of the new neighbors I could do wthout muttering the last bit with obvious distast.
What can I do for you, eh? Need some healing, preventative, a charm maybe? and blinks her large eyes