The Swamp

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Apr 19, 2023 12:09 pm
points again SAFE
Apr 19, 2023 12:24 pm
Elph helps Shmautz with the library doors.
Forgive my silence the past few days ─ my cat has spawned kittens! (Which we were expecting, but it meant more nurse duties than a regular week.)
Apr 19, 2023 3:35 pm
As you begin crossing the library plaza that surrounds it you see a chicken sized bird flutter down from a ledge over the door. It squawks and guards at you. That sounded odd. As your get near you notice it's neck is extended and it has a long tail. The feathers do not cover everywhere and rough scaly skin can be seen beneath. (Think feathered dinosaur chicken to turkey size)

you can make a test roll to see if your character recognizes it, or state a guess, roll with advantage, and I will tell you if your are correct or close.
Apr 20, 2023 3:04 pm
"What sort of mutated dinner is this" said Baruman, racking his brain to see if he had heard tell of such a creature before.

He remembered sleeping in a doss house back home once, next to an inebriated scholar who had fallen on hard times. He had spoken of the Librasarus, a creature that librarians allowed to share their workplace, as they ate the bugs and worms that could otherwise have made a meal of the ancient texts that they guarded. There was a superstition that the creatures could somehow consume some of the knowledge in the books that surrounded them too. He had thought it the ramblings of a drunken and confused old man, but could such things actually exist?
It would seem not :-)
Last edited April 20, 2023 3:06 pm


Baruman: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(323) = 8

Apr 20, 2023 4:06 pm
"Normally I like chicken. For dinner. But this one seems a little odd. Grr", I say.

My index finger scratches my chin, while I look at the creature.


Advantage - guess the creature - (3D6)

(664) = 16

Apr 20, 2023 4:42 pm
As it stalks closer Shmautz recals legends of a Cockatrice. Magical creatures whose touch can petrify.

The Cockatrice gives a squak and rushes forwards

Roll 2d6 initiative


Cocatrice initiative - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Apr 20, 2023 8:11 pm
"KEEP A DISTANCE and don't let it touch you!", I shout and try to make a giant leap back.


Initiative - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Apr 20, 2023 9:23 pm
"I guess this one isn't much of a reader" said Baruman as he heeded schmautz's advice and backed away


Baruman: initiative - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Apr 21, 2023 1:12 am
Moving this to the Libary thread
May 3, 2023 2:52 am
A duo on daily duties out at dawn
Buan and Nekgen set out at first light was just beginning to illuminate the grassy field to the west of the encampment walls. Buan has been here a a couple weeks but this is the first time either have left the base. Luckily their job shouldn't be too hard. Buan had been given a list of needs and suggestions by the local druid on how to fill them.
speaking in a soft and fluid voice the healer complains sleepily It really does seem like made up work. I am sure the druid could find everything on this list much faster than both of us. And probably be safer doing it too. Still it is a beautiful morning. Like many florids Buan feeds heavily on sunlight and is not bothered by the thick heat of the swamp.

The odd pair, a large bovine like minotaur with deep red brown fur and a slight yellow and green florid stroll down the road to the swamp. Reaching the beginning of the mashes and soon the swamp itself they see the guard towers, still shut tight for the night as the guards have yet to come out.

Wll since we have to go the long way we can stop by and see the old grippli shaman. She might be able to help us with finding some of these. Of course she will want something in return. What do you think NNekgen Bludgeboil?
@brathdyn your story starts here. Enjoy!
May 3, 2023 12:24 pm
All work is made up work, Buan. Nekgen offers, with some measure of frustration. He does not mean it as a chastisement however, instead offering it plainly as a statement of fact. Buan knows that the frustration in Nekgen's statement is not dedicated at herself. Rather, Nekgen is furious at the muddy sinkhole that is actively trying to rob him of his boots since he accidentally stepped into it. At this point, Nekgen was frustrated enough to surrender the boots and walk freely on his hooves, as he did in his village. On the other hand, these boots came on commission, and Nekgen was not made out of coin.

Buan continues to talk, offering a suggestion and finally question to the minotaur. In-between her words, Nekgen lets out a mighty Rrhgharaaagh! as he finally defeats the swampy murk. The effort launches a crescent of brown through the air and sends Nekgen pinwheeling backwards onto his rear. There, said crescent lands on his head.

I think. Nekgen starts, huffing to catch his breath while pulling out a kerchief. That idea is good and sound, Buan.

Now standing, the minotaur catches up to his compatriot. Lead the way and I shall follow closely behind. Point and say the word and I will bring my axe down upon that which does offend. Nekgen hooks a thumb at his double-bit axe, which gleams in the light of this beauteous sun-shining morning. It was, of course, the first thing he wiped the mud off of.
May 3, 2023 12:56 pm
LOL. Usually i make newcomers roll tests to see how well they handle trekking through the swamp but add your are self imposing some of the fun we can do that :)
You head South now off the road but still using a decent trail, for the most part anyway. Buan eyes the large ax and your large muscles I must admit, previously I could not appreciate the excess mass that many other races have. But of her in the wild with savage beasts it is reassuring to have a companion capable of handling things in a way I am ill equipped to do. and she shrugs empty hands out

The trail meanders south then west before a recent side track splits to the south again. Shortly thereafter you face a pontoon bridge. While it normality has guide posts with a rope attached attop each for hand support it appears something large crawled overt it at some point and broke several of the pole. This left the bridge still functional but a bit more precarious to cross.

Shall we try and fix it or simply cross and inform the camp when we return so they can send craftsmen to repair it later? Buan asks Nekgen as she eyes the buoyant bridge, so over 50 feet in length, gently bobbing in the bayou.
May 3, 2023 1:32 pm
:3 awesome, thanks! And cool, this is my first OOC block! We're going with fixing here, for sure.
Nekgen looks to the bridge, sections bobbing gently in the water. Then to himself and his general, weighing-of-several-hundred-pounds-ness. He then hefts his axe and walks over to the nearest tree, to chop up some wood.

Let us leave this place better than we found it, yes?
May 3, 2023 8:20 pm
Sounds good to me! she replies cheerily. She begins pulling in and sorting out what is left of the ropes and poles. Using simple charms she is able to splice the ropes repairing much of the damage.

Give me a test, applying any trait you feel applicable, and as brief or detailed an explanation of your actions/intent as you like. Give me a 2nd test for any work you do out on the pontoon bridge.
Remember if you Focus then you pass on a 4 to 6 on any of the d6
Normally tests are reserved for combat, time critical, or other endeavors that carry some penalty for failure. This test will be to simply see how long and/or how well you execute you plan
May 3, 2023 10:15 pm
I intend to focus here and use my Nimble Fingers trait to gain advantage on the roll. Then, I intend to focus on the pontoons and do a basic roll to work together with Buan to tie off the rope fence we're making together.
Nekgen sets down cross-legged. He takes in the rope Buan has worked and begins to weave complex knots out of them. Tying said rope to the tops and bottoms of sturdy, fresh chopped wood, creating two separate lines of connection. Each rope knot leading into the next length of rope, then another knot in a kind of daisy-chain. In this manner, Buan and Nekgen create a bundle of tied together sticks not unlike a rope-ladder, with far more irregularity.

After this, Nekgen grabs the bundle of sticks and rope and proceeds onto the pontoons with more than necessary caution. 'The bigger they are, the harder they fall.' is not a proverb he wants to validate, today. He sets a stick out on the sides of each pontoon he gingerly steps onto, holding it in place for Buan to tie it tightly with some reeds they had gathered from the shoreline.


Nimble fingers rope-ladder-fence-thing making (focused) - (3d6)

(363) = 12

Pontoon tie-offs (focused) - (2d6)

(21) = 3

May 4, 2023 2:23 am
Taking note of how the pontoon bridge design is set to incorporate the side rail posts Nekgen and Baun work together to repair the side supports. Nekgen begins placing the repaired supports edging further and further out into the water. He gets all the way to the 3rd pontoon, about 10 feet form the shore before leaning too far over and sliding off the tipping bridge. The water proves warmer than expected and does not bear thinking about why this might be. Scrambling out of the water grumbling Nekgen wrings out his cloths to dry while Baun continues the work. Being much lighter she has less difficulty setting the post in the bridge but has to resort to magic at the end to set the far side before Nekgen pulls the rope tight and anchoring the near side.

By this time is is mid morning, the repairs taking a couple of hours, the wildlife of the swamp is well on the move.
Crossing the now repaired bridge they make it to the shamans mound. About 20 feet tall and about 60 feet wide the mound resembles a low hill save the doorway cutting into it and several small "window" holes along with a hole atop the hill out of which rises a thin wisp of smoke.
Baun claps loudly outside the door and call Good morning
From deep within an odd scratching voice returns Come on in! is a welcoming and wavering tone.
May 4, 2023 1:08 pm
The spill into the murk did much to sour the minotaur's mood. Getting soaking wet while wearing leather armor is not ideal. Swallowing some luke-warm (possible piss) water out of shock doubles the misery. Given this mood, the minotaur was found to be silent for the remainder of the trek towards the Grippili hut. Some small grace it was, then, that it took long enough to travel there for him to both dry out and settle down.

Nekgen stands outside of the bent doorframe and follows through with Buan's greeting. Good morning to you, shaman. I am Nekgen and the other who spoke is Buan. We are with the Expedition. With formalities accomplished, Nekgen feels more confident in accepting the invitation inside, commenting as he goes.

I must say, your home is striking, in its oneness with nature.
May 5, 2023 12:31 am
As you enter the first thing you note is the smell. There is a light haze filling the inside of the mound. It is slightly thick and sweet with a hint of something that tingles when you inhale
Make a Save Test (2d6 and any roll 5 or higher is a pass)
The fumes enter as you breath and you feel yourself relax and slightly more allert (for now)
the inside of the mound is one large cavernous room. The fire in the middle ias a kettle hung over it wich is bubling slightly. Tables, racks, and shelvs line all the walls and a wide variety of identifiable and unidentifiable items cover every surface.
Oh she will definitely be able to help us. Buan says softly looking around and wandering over to a rack of drying herbs.

Nekgebn is a bit more familiar with animal processing and easily identifies a variety of animal parts in various forms of preservation and processing. Bones, ground bone powder, hides, tanned hides, pickled eyeballs, some other things Nekgen kep in the back room where they wouldn't distub the more sensitive clientel. And there are seveal items he cant identify, or might but the size or color seems wrong..

Off to wone side working on mixing some powders together sits a little old grippli. The shaman eye the odd pair as you enter snd smiles in greeting. Well, necomers. Sertainly have been alot of new faces lately. Corse some of the new neighbors I could do wthout muttering the last bit with obvious distast.
What can I do for you, eh? Need some healing, preventative, a charm maybe? and blinks her large eyes
May 5, 2023 12:15 pm
Just making the save test, first


Save test - (2d6)

(46) = 10

May 5, 2023 12:44 pm
Nekgen takes a deep inhalation of the sticky-icky and holds it in his lungs, before letting it out in a controlled breath. He does this a few times to acclimate, finding himself relaxed and alert at the same time, somehow. While practicing his breathing, he peruses the goods.

Well, Nekgen turns one of the pickled eye-balls in his palm, I could use a snack from the earlier trek, but first and foremost we have responsibilities to the Expedition. He sets down the eyes and makes his way towards Buan's side.

There is a a list of materials we need acquire from the region. We would appreciate your assistance in both supplying and aiding in finding said items. Nekgen looks to the side and down at his traveling partner, nudging her gently. I believe Buan has the list.
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