The Swamp

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Apr 8, 2023 5:13 am
Most i believe are destroyed by the dinosaurs simply because they are too slow, small, and unintelligent to avoid danger.
Apr 8, 2023 8:44 am
"Do you have an informations or recommendations for us regarding those 'Dynnosors'?", I ask; not sure what to expect.
Apr 8, 2023 1:15 pm
Dean explains what he knows which fits with that you have heard. This area has a variety of animals including large lizard like creatures called dinosaurs. They vary is size from tiny to gigantic and like other beasts since eat plants and others eat meat. Some are support while others stay in beards and packs. Treat then as your would any beast. A common one seen elsewhere is the crocodile. Most dangerous ones have been hunted out of the swamp but you noticed a couple as your eagles here.
Besides the dinosaurs there are a number of Faerie creatures nearby that tend to live in pockets. If you see one others are likely nearby. The seem to enjoy playing with Dean's servitors causing him additional problems.
Recently, about the same time as the expedition arriving, several forces have moved into the area including goblin, kobold, hobgoblin, orc, and a few necromancers. There are a few other creatures and monsters as well but they are scattered and harder to predict.
Apr 10, 2023 9:31 am
As Elph already spoke for us as a group to follow both of the tasks and Dean explained the menaces we might face, I'm ready to go.

"The, master Dean, I think we're ready to go to the south-west."
Let's go? Or is there something left/open to do here?
Apr 10, 2023 12:39 pm
Dean gives a rough description of the area and dangers he is aware of, most your were already aware of, and directions to the Remnant. My servitor will help as it may.
Be well.
if you have other questions for Dean then anyone can post them today as ooc and I will answer them
Withdrawing from the basement and Dean's little isle you make your way back to the main trail and out of the swamp.
Beyond the swamp are high grasses with clumps of trees and a few hills. The lush grass must be a common grazing area as your spot a few dinosaur herds. The main trail heads west but you soon find a side trail heading SW through some trees that matches Dean's directions.
Give me a matching order and a activities as you move through trees and/or grass
Apr 10, 2023 7:07 pm
Baruman kept up with the others, eyeing the dinosaurs suspiciously whenever they were in view. Dean had been fascinating, and his intricate creatures were a true marvel. As they walked he daydreamed about being able to fabricate such creatures himself. Every few steps, his hand subconsciously went to the amulet around his neck Don't worry Ember, I'll keep you safe from these dinosaurs

As they found the path to the southwest, the trail became thinner and rougher. As he stumbled for the umpteenth time he thought You never saw the streets at home Ember, they could contain deadly dangers, but at least you could walk along them without landing on your face! It wasn't that he was clumsy, he could be agile when required, but this terrain was still unfamiliar to him. He was getting used to it, but not used enough not to curse as tripping on a root or slipping in the mud caused him to fall to the back of the group,
Apr 10, 2023 7:25 pm
Shmautz could go first. He's got the survivor trait and Eyesight. The cougar totem could also help.
Apr 11, 2023 3:43 am
Shmautz takes the lead, with his totem ranging near and far ahead of them, followed by Baruman and then Elph. As you move into the woods the shade gives some welcome relief from the heat. As you follow the trail Baruman and Smautz an assortment of tracks on the trail. Smautz shows the differences to Baruman. These are obviously barefoot, these are wearing soft leather, and these look to be clawed humanoid, but not very big ones. In Shmautz estimation the tracks likely belong to goblins, kobolds, and other humanoids. Though not accustomed to the sights, sounds, and scents of the wilds yet, Baruman has keen senses and alerts the others to anything that might be a danger. Shmautz often then has to educate the young duende. Elph watches for any danger but they leave the woods with no trouble.

After leaving the woods you cut off the trail and head SW, as directed by the Servitor. The tall grass proves as nerve racking to Baruman as the thick woods had. The grass is thick, taller than Baruman at times, and moves with the wind. If not for the comfort of Shmautz totem prowling around them you are not sure what you might have encountered. As it is you are mid way across to the next wooded region when a large herd of the dinosaurs moves into view. Though they do not look aggressing they are heading north beyond you, likely to the river to drink, and their size alone makes them a threat to all of you. increasing your pace you "walk" out of their path.

Safely outside of the path of the large beasts herd you are startled when out of the trees that you just walked through burst a large bipedal dinosaur. (T-rex) The T-rex sprints towards the herd which turns and begins lumbering away from the massive predator in fear. Unfortunately you are now once again the the path of the herd which is moving much faster. If you do not act quickly you are all likely to be trampled beneath their massive feet.
Apr 12, 2023 12:53 pm
@tergolap,@seanfsmith,@wilsric you're up

You are in the middle of a large grassy area over a quarter mile wide. The herd is NE of you and heading SW. You are not in the middle of their path but they are in the path of several at the edges of the group.
How do you respond.
Apr 12, 2023 5:49 pm
I'd like to have to Cougar Totem act as a distraction for the group of dinos to slightly alter their way, like a shepard dog.
I guess a test is necessary. How should I do this?
Suprised by the sudden appearance of the huge and obviousely dangerous creature and the stampede we're might be part of, I try to find the best option.

"Baruman, where are thou", I scream against the noise around us.
Apr 12, 2023 6:35 pm
when if doubt roll. And roll more just in case. Ignoring rolls is wicket than waiting for them


Shmautz: Test DC: 5 - Adv Survivor - (3d6)

(515) = 11

Apr 12, 2023 6:38 pm
The totem spots a good target and leaps at a young calf causing the mother to lunge to intervene. This shifts the mother and calf and the test follow the flow to avoid the new threat.

The herd thunders past as the large predator, T-Rex, catches one of the slower herd members and begins feasting less than a hundred feet from you.
Apr 13, 2023 1:39 am
Keeping a wary eye on the predator you head for the closes cover quickly without running. Once the t-rex is out of sight you reoritnt yourselves and continue on your way to the Remnant pointed out by Dean. Coming out of the trees you spot a largee walled enclosure ahead of you.

From what you have heard of these back at the expedition base they are encapsulated in a protctive field or a weakened Border. The effects inside vary. Not detecting any danger in the area you move closer to get a better look. The walls are well over 30 feet high and several hundred feet long. The tops of the wall have odd floating spheres attacked by thin whires floating and bobbing in the breeze. Each wall has a double door set into th e middle. Aroudn the Remant, and along the way, you see ocasional ruble form destroyd structures Only the Remnant appear to have weathered the raveges of the Breaking and time since then.
Apr 13, 2023 1:42 am
You are at the NE corner of the Remnant. According to the instructions given by Dean you will need to enter and be guided by the Servitor to a specific location where it can use some means to establish communication with Dean. Dean can then help you secure the Remnant. Until Dean arrives you will need to avoid or overcome any active defenses or locked doors the has active between you and the location.
How to you wish to proceed?
Apr 13, 2023 3:43 pm
Baruman lay in the cover of the tree's panting from the exertion "Thanks Shmautz! That was quick thinking." After catching his breath,, he eye'd the floating sphere's suspiciously

"I've no idea what those giant balloons are, but I don't like them. I might be able to pick the lock on the main door in the wall there, but I don't think they'll make it that easy.Picking up a stone from the ground near him, Baruman put it into his new sling " Let's see how the react to this"

From the cover of the trees he swirling the sling quickly at the wall, taking aiming to hit it about half way up, directly under one of the sphere's to see if they reacted in any way to the potential threat.
Apr 13, 2023 4:06 pm
The orbs are about 1 foot diameter and bob lazily in the breeze. With no visible limbs (other than their tether to the wall?) and not eyes or ears to speak of you can detect no reaction.

Looking over at the large gates you see they are slightly ajar and should allow you entry
Apr 13, 2023 8:16 pm
Keeping his eyes on the large orbs, Elph heads towards the open gateway. He moves slowly and directly towards it, poking his head full through when he gets there.
Apr 13, 2023 9:06 pm
The orbs float bouncing on their tethers. As you reach the North gate and look inside you see an open area around a single large building that is in even better condition than the wall that surround it. The surrounding courtyard is of paved stones set tight without mortar. The building is made of stone with windows on the top of the first floor and filling much of the second floor. On a large plaque over the main doors directly across from you you read Library of Paphos in large bold lettering. The door is of Bronze and like the walls is decorated with mural like etchings and carvings. The area is quiet, clean, and empty.
Apr 18, 2023 10:54 pm
The small Servitor construct points towards the library doors
Apr 19, 2023 5:37 am
I was just about to ask, if the small creature/device might be able to help here.
"So, it is safe to go there?", I ask, not really expecting an answer. Slowly and cautious, I move towards the Library doors.
There is a moment of hesitation, but then I just try to open the gate.
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