ForeverDED / Blornvid

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Feb 28, 2024 10:28 pm
I'll migrate if the rest of my group is willing to go.
Mar 11, 2024 5:47 pm
1) I don't want to clutter up any of the main threads with this discussion, so @daryen, how is the following gatehouse loot being divvied up?

30 pp; 160 gp; 900 sp; Full Plate (1500 gp); 4000 cp; Hourglass (25 gp); Silver Holy Symbol (25 gp)

2) I was planning on taking Weapon Mastery for the crossbow, but the recent discussion about Weapon Adept has me a little confused. Also, that Resolute trait seems really interesting. Thoughts?
Mar 11, 2024 5:54 pm
what do you need clarified for Weapon Savant?
new traits posted here
Mar 11, 2024 6:32 pm
Let's deal with the loot first. :-)

We gave away the Holy Symbol and Hourglass. That was just a calculation to try and put us in a good light with the Lady at a comparatively low price of 50GP. It sounded like everyone was on board, but if not, we can just give them to Skeeve and he'll gladly take the hit. I'm gonna assume we were all good with that.

On to the cash: 30 pp; 160 gp; 900 sp; 4000 cp. Divide that four ways and we get 7.5 pp; 40 gp; 225 sp; 1000 cp. I suggest that we simply round down the pp to 7 for Skeeve, Blornvid, and Ealdwig, and let Kaarik get 9 pp. That makes up for his part of the two items Skeeve gave away since he likely will be somewhere else and not benefit from the gifts. Assuming we convert the cp and sp into gold, we end up with:
7 pp; 72 gp; 5 sp for Ealdwig, Blornvid, and Skeeve
9 pp; 72 gp; 5 sp for Kaarik.

The big thing left here is the plate armor. It's worth an absolute mint at 1500 gp (or 375 per person). I originally recommended just leaving it behind because it probably isn't the easiest thing to smuggle out of there. But leaving it behind "cheats" Kaarik out of his share of the armor. Also, technically, I am not sure how much the Manor has claim over all of the stuff in the outlying buildings. Plus, I am not sure what the Manor's cash situation is. If they're hard up, that 1500 gp will be a huge help. (Particularly if we dump a bunch of refugees on them.)

How about this: let's give all of the pp to Kaarik, but keep the division of the other coins as mentioned above. This does short Kaarik a bit, but the trade off is that we don't have to drag the armor with us or worry about all of those other considerations, and he gets his cash now, no strings. So, I guess my final recommendation is this:
72 gp; 5 sp for Ealdwig, Blornvid, and Skeeve
30pp; 72 gp; 5 sp for Kaarik
plate armor still in gatehouse vault
Holy Symbol and Hourglass given to Sylfir
Mar 11, 2024 6:33 pm
Oh, so Adept is the next level after Mastery?
Mar 11, 2024 6:39 pm
Weapon Mastery -> Weapon Specialization -> Weapon Savant (4 techniques)

Weapon Adept is an technique of weapon savant that lets you have advantage on an entire category of weapons.
Mar 11, 2024 6:55 pm
@Psybermagi: Interesting. But I think I'm going to go with the Resolute trait. The rulebook says that will grant Blornvid Advantage on all saves. Acceptable?
daryen says:
How about this: let's give all of the pp to Kaarik, but keep the division of the other coins as mentioned above. This does short Kaarik a bit, but the trade off is that we don't have to drag the armor with us or worry about all of those other considerations, and he gets his cash now, no strings.

So, I guess my final recommendation is this:
72 gp; 5 sp for Ealdwig, Blornvid, and Skeeve
30pp; 72 gp; 5 sp for Kaarik
plate armor still in gatehouse vault
Holy Symbol and Hourglass given to Sylfir
That works for me. I think we should make sure that Ealdwig/Arkmenos is good with that. That plate mail will likely go to the Manor, maybe as tribute or payment for the Gatehouse (besides our oath of loyalty).
Mar 11, 2024 7:08 pm
Weapon Specialization is how you get entry into the actual Martial prestige traits. However, as far as gateways go, it's pretty cool.

With Specialization, you pick a weapon you have Mastery in. (For Blornvid, that's his axe.) Now, when you use that weapon, you get free focus. So, to hit in combat you get 3d6 *and* you only need to roll 4,5,6 to hit.

After Weapon Specialization, you then can take Weapon Savant. It has several options to choose from, but it boils down to getting four techniques that help you fight. So, for example, with Weapon Savant you can take Light Discipline and take two Martial Techniques. (One of the available Martial Techniques is Weapon Adept.)
Mar 11, 2024 7:11 pm
ForeverDED says:
That works for me. I think we should make sure that Ealdwig/Arkmenos is good with that. That plate mail will likely go to the Manor, maybe as tribute or payment for the Gatehouse (besides our oath of loyalty).
I'll go make a summary post of this on the Base thread. Changed my mind, I'll just do it in his character thread.
Last edited Mar 11, 2024 7:16 pm
Mar 11, 2024 7:17 pm
ForeverDED says:
.. But I think I'm going to go with the Resolute trait. The rulebook says that will grant Blornvid Advantage on all saves. Acceptable?
Your choice so all good. Resolute might not be flashy but it really helps with thinks like not dying and stuff :)
Mar 11, 2024 7:23 pm
Psybermagi says:
ForeverDED says:
.. But I think I'm going to go with the Resolute trait. The rulebook says that will grant Blornvid Advantage on all saves. Acceptable?
Your choice so all good. Resolute might not be flashy but it really helps with thinks like not dying and stuff :)
And not getting poisoned!! It really helps with that, too!
Mar 11, 2024 8:11 pm
what poison, there be no poison nonsense here . . . . at this time . . . . or place . . . . that you know of
Mar 11, 2024 8:50 pm
Yeah, Resolute it is. All those frickin' spiders.
May 2, 2024 2:45 am
@Psybermagi @daryen

Hey guys,

I'm heading up to Maine Friday for my son's college graduation and a short vacation, and next weekend I have to pick up my daughter from her school. Which got me to thinking long term. Looking out for the next two to five months, things are looking a bit busy. I've decided that I should probably scale back my gaming a bit in the interum. Of the five games that I'm a player in, two are coming to end this month and the other two are slow enough that I only need to post once or twice a week. I still have the two games I'm GM-ing. That leaves Tiny Shattered Lands.

Seeing as how we seem to be in-between jobs right now, I think it might be a good time for Blornvid to head out to the Manor and see if he can get that forge working at the gatehouse. Get that place in working order, but off stage.

I've really enjoyed this game and the people I've had the pleasure of gaming with. This was my first GP game. Psybermagi, you've been great. I've learned a lot of PbP GM-ing by watching you. I don't want to quit and leave the game, but I think I should take a break for a while. Would it be ok to push Blornvid off stage for a bit but not retire him? I'd like to come back to it when things settle down on my end. If that doesn't work for what you've got planned, I understand.
May 3, 2024 2:29 pm
Have fun. Blornvid can do as you say. Take a break and feel free to come back when you have time. I have one other long term game and totally understand the need for a break now and then. I doubt I could have keep things going without daryen stepping up. If you have time do an in game post telling the others Blornvids plans.

FYI : if you do not contact us every couple weeks I might remove you from the game (basic game house keeping) and archive Blornvid. If that happens you can still come back by just apply to the game or PM me or daryen.
May 3, 2024 9:42 pm
Oh, I just realized!

Blornvid, at least temporarily, retires to the Gatehouse and sets things up. He can get the forge working and make it his. He can *also* whip out that backpack of his and set up the coolest bar in the area, too. Sylfir sets up a B&B in the main manor, then Blornvid sets up the Gatehouse as a dwarven pub! That is just so cool!

Ooo! Ooo!

You could just flat out turn the Gatehouse into an instance of Tiny Tavern!
May 3, 2024 9:55 pm
Sounds fun!
May 3, 2024 11:12 pm
Sounds good to me!

What sort of bimonthly contact would you like? I can post about what he's doing at the gatehouse here in this thread—I definitely don't want to clutter up any of the active game threads.
Last edited May 3, 2024 11:33 pm
May 4, 2024 2:10 am
You can post here, the chat thread
If you want I can leave the base or manor thread open for you if you want to do it in character
Mostly it is just to remind you and me both that there is an ongoing game that is waiting for a PC
I understand life happens and some times you just need to step back a bit. However most players tha pause end up ghosting which is why I am asking for contact. As I said Blornvid can be archived and you can rejoin whenever but if players dont maintain contact I like to remove them from the game just to lighten the lists of things to track
May 4, 2024 4:06 pm
Totally understand. And I've seen that here. Let's go with the Manor thread, unless you think that you're going to need it in the immediate future. I'll try to kick it off on Thursday. My kindle is better than my phone, but still way short of my keyboard.
Last edited May 4, 2024 4:08 pm
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