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Apr 21, 2023 1:22 am
As you wander back and peer at your options you note the hallway beyond the still closed door "T"'s a short distance away with passages to the left and right. Moi is all too familiar with how subteranian seweres, cellars, and hideouts can form an elaborate maze. This has a similar feel to those she knew growing up. Likely many of these pagageways interconnect though there may well be an ocasional dead end.

Apr 21, 2023 3:41 pm
Let us proceed north. Through the hallway. Shall I take point?
Apr 21, 2023 6:01 pm
"Northward hallway it is."
If the hallway is wide enough for the two of them to go side-by-side, then Blornvid will suggest that they do that.
Apr 22, 2023 10:11 am
As you are discussing things Valpip calls down that he is going for lunch and invites you to join him. You have been looking around and fighting for a couple of hours now and though you do not feel like you have gotten very far you both agree that your first experience at adventuring hasn't turned out to bad. A fight, some loot, and exploring. Yeah, not to bad. You decide to go have lunch at the tavern and see if you can pick up any useful avenging tips there as it casters to the rougher expediting members.
Alrigh, I am highjacking things for a moment to pull the two teams together.
Story will continue in the Base
Apr 25, 2023 1:49 pm
Continuing the adventure after a niche lunch at the Tavern.
A deeper exploration
With Valpip 's bolt castet out and ready for action he and Mord are looking into replacing the 2 flimsy doors and secure the other 2 once all the time beyond are cleared.

Blornvid shows the others what they have explored do far including peeking into the southern room (24) to look at the fungus. Some is recognizable but no one recognizes all of it. The size and dense sore cloud of the fungus makes you all sure that it is likely not safe and should be destroyed. But how?
Yellow eye is the party location
Green diamonds in the east opening in the hat that will be locked till this area is secured
Green diamonds in the wall are secret doors
Castle icon in openings are solid doors
Box in openings are old and flimsy doors
Apr 25, 2023 1:50 pm

The plan was to go east through room 21 and beyond
What do you do?
Apr 25, 2023 4:13 pm
Skeeve says, "I think figuring out where the goblins were coming from is a good idea. I agree with sticking with your original idea."
Apr 25, 2023 4:55 pm
Actually, the original plan was to go north. We wanted to know what was immediately adjacent to 22 before venturing too deep in any other direction.

Also, Blornvid's character sheet doesn't reflect that he got healed. Is that a whoops or did the cleric change her mind about healing Blornvid? At some point, he should make a donation to her church as a way of saying "thank you."
Last edited Apr 25, 2023 4:57 pm
Apr 25, 2023 6:05 pm
you can edit your HP yourself on the sheet. It is a form field. Tap/click the HP number and edit the text
Opening the North door (NE corner of 22) you see a short narrow corridor that dead ends on a T intersection. Moving down the dark hall the light from your lantern showes the floor is damp and moss covers much of it making the surface a bit slippery.

At the intersection you find a door to your left and another corridor to the right with a closed metal bar gate about 20 feet away. There is a room beyond the gate. The door to the left has a smell of decay coming from it.
Apr 25, 2023 6:15 pm
Psybermagi says:
you can edit your HP yourself on the sheet. It is a form field. Tap/click the HP number and edit the text
Ok. I didn't know that I was allowed to do that. I thought that it might've been GM territory.
"Hmmmm, that smell reminds me of what came from behind that sturdy door back in the main room. Considering how far we've gone, it's probably the same room."
Is the door sturdy like the one in 22? And is the metal gate locked? I would think it is.
Apr 25, 2023 7:52 pm
The door to the left is old and rotting. The rusty gate to the right is not latched but could possibly be locked or chained shut.
Most GM, myself involved, have players track we much as possible. Health wealth, grear, etc. I can help if needed.
Apr 25, 2023 8:51 pm
Khaguran pinches his nose and presses his ear to the western door, from which the stench emanates. He listens for several moments for any noise in the room beyond.
Apr 26, 2023 12:09 am
No sounds come form beyond the door except the echos of wind though the tunnesl and ocasional sounds of distant movement.
Apr 26, 2023 12:19 am
Psybermagi says:
Most GM, myself involved, have players track we much as possible. Health wealth, gear, etc. I can help if needed.
OK, now I know. Thanks!
Blornvid turns to the others. "Shall we give it a go?"
Apr 26, 2023 12:35 am
Rotting door or metal gate?

I think we should make sure of whether the metal gate is locked or not first.
Apr 26, 2023 1:09 am
daryen says:
Rotting door or metal gate?
I figured since Khaguran was listening to the rotting door, that was the one.
daryen says:
I think we should make sure of whether the metal gate is locked or not first.
Fair enough. :)
Apr 26, 2023 1:30 am
Heads up, Rikia will not be playing so I am saying she stayed topside with Moli
Skeeve moves over to the metal rod work gate with a bit of conjured light. Though rusty the gate looks sound enough but has no latch. There are rings set into the wall on either side that will allow a large padlock or chain and lock to secure it shut. Beyond the gate is a 15x15 room with some writing on the south wall and a stone dais on the north side of the room. There are a few roots peeking through cracks in the walls and ceiling as well as the persistent lichen and mossy growth scattered around all surfaces.
Apr 26, 2023 1:36 am
Darn. A party of five seemed pretty kick-ass. Now we're down to three. :/
Blornvid strokes his beard. "I'll admit that I'm not keen on the possibility of someone slapping a padlock on the gate while we're in there."
Apr 26, 2023 12:35 pm
Pulling open the gate you poke your head into the room and verify with a quick look that the gate is the only entrance into the room. Other than the writing and small platform the room is unremarkable.
Everyone can roll a test to understand the language on the southe wall but must include a brief reason they might be able to understand it. In this setting all mortal race languages of the are based off a common root language used in the Dawn Age. This is not one of those so you would need some background or trait with exposure to other magical or extraplanar race .
Apr 26, 2023 4:03 pm
Skeeve has his history with the Fey realms and who knows where they might have taken him before eventually releasing him on this world. I'll assume he is focused, but does not have advantage. If you buy that, here's the roll. If you don't buy that, ignore the roll and just say he doesn't understand.
Skeeve wracks his brains trying to see if he can remember seeing anything like that with his travels outside the material plane ...


Skeeve: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)


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