Psybermagi says:
The torch flames make quick work of the webs and you as the skull and writing re better exposed you spot a few small forms, spiders, scurry away from the destruction of their homes. The script is old and Skeeve recognizes several as glyphs pertaining to water that are often etched into pottery as a form or simple ritualistic magic to enhance the clays properties to hold and keep water clean. Studying the writing you conclude there are religious connotations focusing on water and imply some form of life after death through the power of the water.
Khaguran will definitely ask Skeeve to copy his notes, as this could be a terrific addition to his repertoire of potter skills.
"Don't trouble yourself, friend. I'll see how soundly they slumber." He then tosses a heavy sling stone at one of the inert skeletons (unless someone would rather him not.)