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May 11, 2023 8:58 pm
"Right. This is the sorta thing that Valpip wants to know about. Let's check it out, then report back to him."
May 12, 2023 1:52 am
The ladder heads up to a narrow shaft but the end is shrouded in darkness but Blornvid's eyes easily peirce the gloom and he is able to see a odd looking door at the top of the vertical ladder.
The concealed wooden panel is about 2 feet square and about a foot off of the ground.
The concealed wooden panel is about 2 feet square and about a foot off of the ground.
May 12, 2023 2:31 am
How high up does the ladder go (roughly, best guess by Blornvid)? And at the top of the ladder is a ledge with a two-foot square door a foot above the ledge? Or is the two-foot square door only a foot above the ground where Blornvid is standing, thus making the ladder only a foot high?May 12, 2023 4:16 am
The ladder goes up at least 20 feet, so you guess it stops at about street level on the surface somewhere. The tunnel the ladder rises up through is rough and the door fills the passage about a foot above the last ladder rung.
The small wooden door behind the tapestry on the west wall is about 2' square and the bottom of the door is a foot above the ground. Basically think wall safe at knee height.
The small wooden door behind the tapestry on the west wall is about 2' square and the bottom of the door is a foot above the ground. Basically think wall safe at knee height.
May 12, 2023 6:04 pm
Thanks!Blornvid climbs the ladder to the top and sees if he can open the trapdoor at the top.
May 12, 2023 6:20 pm
As Blornvid grabs the lander and begins ascending he hears a click and suddenly chains with spikes embedded in them whip out of the wall and into him.
Blornvid: save - (2d6)
(21) = 3
Trap attack - (3d6)
(624) = 12
May 12, 2023 6:31 pm
Blornvid takes 2 damage before dropping to the ground. As he does he watches the chains retract into the wall. There are 4 chains that spin out of concealed slots in the wall, each from between different ladder rungs starting 3 feet off the ground.
May 12, 2023 7:09 pm
As Blornvid lies at the base of the ladder, looking up at the spikes and chains, he mutters a curse. He then says, "Right lads, I'm done for the day." As soon as they're done inspecting the panel, which he wonders if it holds some way to turn the trap off, he plans on reporting back to Valpip with what they've found so far.
Last edited May 12, 2023 7:09 pm
May 13, 2023 2:47 am
Khaguran further examines the wooden panel to see if there's any obvious mechanism to open it.
May 13, 2023 4:35 am
Skeeve will wait for Khaguran to open it nicely. Failing that, he'll ask to use Blornvids axe to pry it open.
While waiting, he'll check on Blornvid to see if he can help bind up his wounds if needed.
While waiting, he'll check on Blornvid to see if he can help bind up his wounds if needed.
May 13, 2023 4:43 am
adding rolls
Due to Khagurans warning everyone make a test with advantage,3d6 any 5 is a pass,.
Fail and take 4 due damage, Pass for half damage
Khaguran: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(51) = 6
May 13, 2023 6:51 am
Skeeve: Damage save - (3d6)
(561) = 12
May 13, 2023 4:59 pm
But Blornvid was lying down, feeling sorry for himself at being whacked by the trap.Rolls
Avoid flames - (3d6)
(113) = 5
May 13, 2023 11:44 pm
If I remember right, my background (hermit) should give me some opportunity to help stabilize Blornvid if he's at 0 HP. If he isn't, so much the better.Skeeve rushes over to check on Blornvid and help him as possible. He'll also check on Khaguran, as he's probably burnt, too.
If one or both are at 0 HP, we'll beat as hasty of a retreat as possible. If neither are at 0 HP, we'll be a little more deliberate on the exit so we can guesstimate where both the ladder comes out and where the roof collapse is.
May 14, 2023 12:13 am

Khaguran: Save DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(632) = 11
May 14, 2023 12:26 am
Due to Blornvid's tough nature though burned badly he survives the flames that engulfed you all. As Skeve moves to minister to Blornvid, Khaguran looks into the now open panel. Inside rests a small wooden chest that is still in good quality. After Skeeve checks for more magical traps and Khaguran looks for less arcane dangers you tie a rope to one of its handles and pull it out as you stand in the far doorway.
With the chest in hand you make your way wearily back to Valpip who upon seeing you sends for the healer, again. As you wait for the healer you show Valpip your rough sketch and explain what has happened so far.
Sounds like there are several things goin on. Those tunnels were obviously not part of the city proper but were more likely used by those forced to hide from civic authority.
We know the goblins have been down there but not how long.
The water markings may indicate a water cult. Before and during the Dawn War there were some of the People who worshiped and followed the Incarnations and their Immortal servants.
And the traps indicate that there may have been other underworld elements that used the subterranean facilities for their own purposes. Smugglers or a thieves guild perhaps?
As he talks he examines then opens the wooden chest. Inside you find
Guard Drake Armor: Leather armor tooled with draconic scales. Add 1 HP that requires the armor to be repaired for it to be restored. Grants advantage on perception
With the chest in hand you make your way wearily back to Valpip who upon seeing you sends for the healer, again. As you wait for the healer you show Valpip your rough sketch and explain what has happened so far.

We know the goblins have been down there but not how long.
The water markings may indicate a water cult. Before and during the Dawn War there were some of the People who worshiped and followed the Incarnations and their Immortal servants.
And the traps indicate that there may have been other underworld elements that used the subterranean facilities for their own purposes. Smugglers or a thieves guild perhaps?
As he talks he examines then opens the wooden chest. Inside you find
Chest Contents says:
170 cp, 60 sp, 11 gp, a fine silk sash threaded with copper (25 gp), a marble rod inlaid with electrum (25 gp), a pewter torc set with a single pearl (25 gp), a silver dagger set with a single aquamarine (25 gp)Guard Drake Armor: Leather armor tooled with draconic scales. Add 1 HP that requires the armor to be repaired for it to be restored. Grants advantage on perception
May 14, 2023 12:28 am

May 14, 2023 12:38 am
Story continues at the Base Tavern
May 17, 2023 1:13 pm
Day 2 in the Tunnels
After that, since we'll be back in the first room, Baum can check out the mushroom room.
And after that, Blornvid can pick the direction to go since Skeeve is being so bossy to start the day. :)The collapsed ceiling in room 17 and the ladder in room 19 are both under the warehouse and you give a better map to Valpip after measure things out.
daryen / Skeeve says:
The first thing is to use the measuring rope to map out where the cave-in is and where the stairs are. We can then report back to Valpip where both things are located. We will, of course, be careful to make sure nothing has come back and not assume nothing has changed. After that, since we'll be back in the first room, Baum can check out the mushroom room.
And after that, Blornvid can pick the direction to go since Skeeve is being so bossy to start the day. :)
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