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Jun 1, 2023 2:45 am
"The room to the south is filled with broken glass. We don't know what's behind this door," Blornivd indicates the west door. "Broken glass could mean spilled potions, which should be harmless after all this time, but who knows. What are you up for?"
Jun 1, 2023 2:46 am
We're in room 10 currently, correct?
The room on the other side of the portcullis is not the explosion room, it is one potentially north of it. As long as the glass shards don't quickly come together to make a glass golem or something, Skeeve thinks it would be good to complete that part of the tunnels so we know how that fits together.

We both have sturdy boots, so we should otherwise be safe from the glass. And if there were gaseous effects, we'd been hit through the portcullis. (I would think.)

Then we can come back and hit the west door.
Last edited Jun 1, 2023 2:48 am
Jun 1, 2023 2:49 am
daryen says:
We're in room 10 currently, correct?
daryen says:
The room on the other side of the portcullis is not the explosion room, it is one potentially north of it. As long as the glass shards don't quickly come together to make a glass golem or something, Skeeve thinks it would be good to complete that part of the tunnels so we know how that fits together.

Then we can come back and hit the west door.
"Alright, lad, we'll enter the room with the broken glass. Hopefully our boots will be thick enough."
Jun 2, 2023 8:06 pm
One roll to unlock the portcullis. Both roll to lift it manually as there is no functional mechanism to lift it.
Blornvid manages to free the portcullis mechanism and together you barely lift the heavy iron bars before wedging the door pieces to securely hold it up a couple of feet. Crawling under you look around the room. Other that the shattered glass, shattered bottles(?), there is nothing of note. You check the far door before opening it and verify your location. You take a few moments to measure and update the map.

You return to Valpip with the news of another ladder and he sets off to secure the top of it with some guards.


Blornvid: Test DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)


Team Effort DC 4 - (1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (4)

1d6 : (3)

Jun 2, 2023 8:12 pm
[ +- ] map
Jun 2, 2023 9:30 pm
Sorry. Forgot about the portcullis being there.
To Skeeve: "Right, shall we hit that west door in the spear hole room?"
Jun 2, 2023 10:03 pm
Yes, let's. After that we can start with the northern doors.

We crawl back under the portcullis and check the door. If all seems clear, we open the door.

In case we need a roll for the check, here we go ...

Well that sucked. It sucked so bad, maybe Skeeve accidentally created a new trap just so he could trigger it with his bad luck ...
Last edited Jun 2, 2023 10:05 pm


Skeeve: Check west door in room 10. - (2d6)


Jun 3, 2023 12:05 am
Room 7
You check the door but by now have come to assume these older basic doors are not usually the problem.
After a cursory look you open the door to the next room. A forge with a few smoldering embers in it and an anvil sit in the North-East corner of the room. Someone has scrawled "Beware the light" on the North wall.
Jun 3, 2023 12:38 am
daryen says:
Well that sucked. It sucked so bad, maybe Skeeve accidentally created a new trap just so he could trigger it with his bad luck ...
Psybermagi says:
A forge with a few smoldering embers in it and an anvil sit in the North-East corner of the room.
Blornvid keeps his voice down as he states the obvious to Skeeve, "This room was used recently. Be on your guard." Blornvid slowly advances into the room for a better look.
Jun 3, 2023 12:44 am
Blornvid recognizes signs of this once having been a workshop. Other than the forge and anvil everything else has rotten, rusted, or been taken away.
Give me some rolls or specific directions.
If I keep rolling for you I might accidentally start rolling 1d3 :p :)
Jun 3, 2023 2:26 am
Sorry. Should I be rolling for every single room we enter?
Blornvid walks over towards the forge to gauge when the last time it was used.


Really focused on searching forge and/or room - (2d6)


Jun 3, 2023 3:16 am
I will explain anything in plain sight and will clarify if asked about specifics. A comment like "advances into the room for a better look." doesn't give me much to work with but can respond based on a specific roll. The "gauge when the last time it was used" is a good example. Without a roll you will get basic info but with a success you get ...
Blornvid looks at the forge and wonders why the embers are still warm. The forge is cold and even the ash was been blown out over time. Only a few nuggets with traces of a slow burn somehow remain. It is definitely unusual and beyond his experience as a smith. He instantly assumes magic, spirits, or gods must be involved.
Jun 3, 2023 3:36 pm
Skeeve attempts to discern if the hearth or anvil detect as magic and, if so, how strong the "aura" is.


Skeeve: Detect magic - (2d6)


Jun 3, 2023 3:40 pm
BTW, Skeeve has still been taking notes on the scrawlings we find on the walls as we find them. That way they can ask Valpip (and whomever else) about them later.

Also, are there any doors or other openings in the room?
Last edited Jun 3, 2023 3:41 pm
Jun 3, 2023 3:54 pm
The forge has a magical aura to it though weak
Jun 3, 2023 6:12 pm
Thanks for the clarification on searching, Psybermagi.
"No ordinary forge." Blornvid then heads over to check out the anvil.


Focused on examining the anvil - (2d6)


Jun 3, 2023 6:24 pm
The anvil is finely crafted but you can not discern any special properties. Still, perhaps Mord, the smith, will better be able to tell. He might also have an interest in the forge.
Jun 4, 2023 1:28 am
Well, since we can't move the forge or the anvil, and there are no other openings in this room, I guess we're done here.

Skeeve says, Let's head back to the north west room [Room 4] and try one of the regular doors. We have three doors in that room to check out.
Jun 4, 2023 2:30 am
Alert, alert! incoming transmission.. yeah I forgot to mention the southern doors
To the south of the room is a porticus and sturdy door. Beyond the porticus is a hallway that opens to the east.
Jun 4, 2023 4:59 am
Well then, we have more to explore here, then!
Maybe I should have asked for Trap Master instead of Spell Reader ...
Anyway, checking the sturdy door for any shenanigans ...


Skeeve: Checking sturdy door - (2d6)


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