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Jun 18, 2023 4:18 pm
Before I attack again, did my one success appear to have any affect at all? Well, besides pissing him off. If it did, I'll just keep shooting until it dies, I die, or Valpip bails my butt out of the fire. Otherwise, I'll draw out Stick and start whacking away.

Obviously my question about the crossbow is now irrelevant. I will try to remember for the future, however. Assuming Skeeve has a future ...

Also, I assume the armor is irrelevant to this kind of attack.
Jun 19, 2023 1:39 pm
The compulsion only lasted a moment (1 round) and all characters are free to act as they wish now
After the enemy acts you are free to go, Valpip did act, just not overtly or agressively
The magic blast form Skeeves first attack blasted away a section of it's clothing and the odd leather wrappings and staggered the creature but it was staggering su much already you are unusre how much of an affect it realy had.
Jun 19, 2023 2:46 pm
Is everyone in control of their own bodies now?If so lets do what we do best and take this monstrosity down like a team! Raggy fires his two shots. Ro take him out! But get away if he starts hurting you too much. Blornvid should be right beside you with his axe. Ro rushes and does her two attacks
Last edited Jun 19, 2023 2:46 pm


Raggy: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)


Raggy: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)


Ro - (2d6)


Ro - (2d6)


Jun 19, 2023 3:01 pm
I figure drawing and reshaping Stick would take at least one of the Actions, so Skeeve is gonna risk it and blast the creature two more times. Hopefully he gets a better chance to hit due to being in literal contact with the creature.

Well, I suck ...
Last edited Jun 19, 2023 3:02 pm


Skeeve: Magic Attack #1 - (2d6)


Skeeve: Magic Attack #2 - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Jun 19, 2023 3:22 pm
Vlax unleashes a quick succession of arrows, firing twice at the strange monstrosity. Is it just me, or does this thing look flammable in all those weird wrappings?


1st shot,bow - (2d6)


2nd shot,bow - (2d6)


Jun 19, 2023 4:21 pm
The figure continues siphoning off . . . Whatever that is, out of Skeeve while avoiding most attacks. Only Ro manages to sink it's yarn into the things leg, only to yip and back away whining and snarling.
Blornvid then NPC
Jun 19, 2023 5:08 pm
Blornvid goes after the beast with his axe with both actions.


First attack with axe mastery - (3d6)


Second attack with axe mastery - (3d6)


Jun 20, 2023 1:02 am
Blornvid sinks his ax into the thing feeding on Skeeve.

Having ben struck twice now the man snarls Stop hitting me or I willl kill you all. I just need to finish the transforation! He sounds much stronger than before though he is obviously anoyed and becoming angery. Throwing Skeeve aside he reeches for Blornvid and Raggy. Each is lifted into the air in one of the mans hands.

Skeeve only took 1 damage, as does Blornvid and Raggy now

As the red mist entered the mans mouth from Skeeve he started looking less pale and sickly. Now with twice as much entering his body his skin quickly turns form a dul grey of the dead to a soft tan and his hair and eyes also gain in color and luster.

Right then, Restrain! Valpip commands as he throws a couple of small spheres at the man holding the two scouts. Though the man tried to evade with his superhuman speed one of the small orbs smacks into the man and explodes into a tangle of wires that quickly wrap around the mans body, arms, and legs. The box finally begins firing and due to the tangle of wires lands all 3 attacks on the man, striking his arms and legs.


Grab Blornvid - (3d6)


Grab Raggy - (3d6)


Valpips Attack - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (555)

3d6 : (131)

Box atacks - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (44)

2d6 : (14)

2d6 : (61)

Sahnar : Evade - (1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (3)

1d6 : (2)

Jun 20, 2023 1:12 am
OK, down 2 1 HP. I really hope Valpip finishes whatever he's trying to do before I am drained ...
[ +- ] Previous post
If it isn't doable, then he makes two more attacks using the die rolls below, but this time takes Vlax's comments to heart and does flame attacks instead of force attacks. FWIW, next turn he will be doing the flame attack irrespective of whether the push succeeds or not.
Jun 20, 2023 1:13 am
Vlax is frustrated at his inaccuracies, and yells * I thought y'all said that spider, crossbow box, could throw arrows faster than a person. Has it done anything? Does it not work autonomously? He fores two more arrows.

Shot 3 - (2d6) = (6,5)
Shot 4 - (2d6) = (2,5)
Did you say one of the actions could be used to focus, so the second adds a d6. For future reference, and let's just say... asking for a friend
daryen says:

Focus doesn't add a die. Instead it gives success on 4, 5, or 6 instead of just 5 or 6. When doing something with no time limit, you can automatically claim focus. With time constraints, or combat, you have to spend an Action to Focus.

In combat, unless you need a single, successful hit, the odds favor forgetting Focus and just taking both standard shots. Even with disadvantage (only using one die) your odds are better with two rolls trying for 5 or 6 than a single roll trying for a 4, 5 or 6.
Jun 20, 2023 1:15 am
The pervious post was just in reacion to your actions and the NPC had not actual done anything, That was just descriptive narative while waiting for the dwarf. I will avoid adding anything that might look like an action in the future while responding to PC actions.

@daryen Skeve can repost with the old rolls if you want to try the same thing but to help your friends instead of yourself however spell touched lacks the power to move anything as large as a man. Coating his hands with oil or soap so as to mke his targets hard to hols would be possible.

Attacks against Sahnar now have automatic focus due to Valpip's wire contraption.
Jun 20, 2023 1:47 am
Just to be clear, with the creature bound, does he still have Blornvid and Raggy in his grasp?

To bad about the force-push. That'd been cool!
Jun 20, 2023 2:43 am
Well if Blornvid is no longer in Sahnar's grasp, he's certainly going to take a couple of swings at it with his axe.


Swing the axe #1 - (3d6)


Swing the axe #2 - (3d6)


Jun 20, 2023 12:49 pm

Blornvid and Raggy are still in Sahnar's hands but this does not stop them from attacking him. Blornvix swings his ax and though the man is able to evade the fist swing the coiled metal impedes his movement allowing the second to land on his arm causing Blornvid to be dropped.


Sahnar evades - (1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (6)

1d6 : (2)

Jun 20, 2023 2:55 pm
I would try the grease/oil/slime idea, but I don't want to help the creature get out of Valpip's trap. I also don't want to use fire for the same reason. So ... back to force bolts since that seemed to at least be annoying him.
Skeeve lets off two more force bolts using the old rolls (5,1) and (5,5). During the attack he says, As if you don't plan on killing us all anyway!
Jun 20, 2023 3:47 pm
Yes if you aren't evil just talk to us! Raggy yells. He attempts to kick the figure to cause him to release him.

Ro on the other hand sees Raggy being attacked and has no plans to stop attacking. Two more attacks from her


Raggy attempt to break free - (2d6)


Ro attack - (2d6)


Ro attack two - (2d6)


Jun 20, 2023 4:23 pm
Just an observation ...

The thing has taken seven hits thus far, not including Skeeve's last two bolts, Vlax's two arrows, and Ro's hit. (I assume Raggy's kick doesn't damage; just gets him out of the monster's grip.) The last five can be evaded, but still, this thing's taken a lot of damage, and seven hasn't killed it yet. We have two more arrows from the box-spider and two more axe swings to come this round.

Honestly, I'm having a problem thinking of why an undead monstrosity of that power is not an inherent threat by default. Its power level is enough to destabilize the settlement, if not a larger impact.

On the other hand, if it is from the before times, it's too bad Rikia isn't here.
Last edited Jun 20, 2023 4:25 pm
Jun 21, 2023 4:52 am
As you continue you assault on the man(?) Skeeves blasts weaken him and Raggy is able to free himself and Ro gets another bite in and the man collapses.

Collapsing the man moans weakly
I must finish the transformation

Calmly walking over to where his other metal ball fell Valpip picks it up and tosses it at the man. The ball explodes into another set of thin wires and winds tightly around the man securing him.
Well this is a bit of an odd thing Valpip mutters looking the bound form over. Now why don't we have a nice talk

The man if coaxed into talking and he explains he is not an undead but rather on the road to a form of immortality. The process, unfortunately requires more life force than one mortal has, thus he was forced to find ways to obtain it from others.

I only need a bit more. I spread it out. Let me finish the transformation he pleads.
[ +- ] Sahnar's Story
During this time you search the next room and find the following
260 cp, 90 sp, 40 gp, diamond (50 gp), chalcedony (50 gp), onyx (50 gp), quartz (50 gp), 2 x zircon (50 gp), Gloves of Climbing & Swimming.
A map of the tunnels
Jun 21, 2023 11:31 am
Vlax is at first mesmerizing by the intrigue woven into the story but can't help to feel a bit skeptical. This individual had lots of time on his hands to concoct the story. He decides to try and listen from the prospective of the critic, and listens closely for flaws or errors that would indicate he might be lying.


Some kind of insightful observation? - (2d6)


Jun 21, 2023 1:11 pm
The man seems quite desporate to complete the "transformation" and obviously sees you as a way to do so. His words and actions seem a litle clouded as if he is unable to be fully coherent at the moment. He keeps starin at whomever is closest and whinig and mumbling about needing to finish. If he is decieving you it is a good act but his intensity at least seems very genuine.
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