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Jun 21, 2023 2:54 pm
"As to whether or not we dispatch this fellow to the great beyond, I'll leave the decision to Valpip as he's a smarter and wiser fellow than myself, but I want nothing to do with this selfish wretch. He takes from others without their permission, which shouts to me that his motives are foul. Who is he that he should become immortal? What great and wondrous deeds die he perform for the people? To blazes with him! Didn't we learn enough from the Great War?"
Jun 21, 2023 3:56 pm
Valpip takes the bound man away with a couple of guards he calls down and leaves you to finish securing the dungeon.
Let me know when your have that southern passage checked out. The fact that it and the rarest cavern are both in the man's map indicates they were here before the goblins dug in so we may want to have it to where it goes before deciding whether or not to seal it

[ +- ] map

there are 5 rooms left to clear. 25 27 29 and the one off the hallway where the ooze came from between 23 and 26Jun 21, 2023 4:46 pm
Blornvid has a look at the map. "I think we should check out these two rooms," he points to 25 & 27, "first. This," he points to the room to the left of the ooze hallway, which is the unlabelled corridor between 23 & 26, "is both curious and potentially dangerous. And this," he points to 29, "looks like the last room before descending further beneath the level we're on. What do you all think?"
Last edited Jun 21, 2023 5:12 pm
Jun 21, 2023 4:58 pm
Vlax sighs, glad to have survived the ordeal they just faced, "Sure. Maybe we won't run into any more near immortal elders of the old world" he chuckles l... but you can tell it's the strained, forced variety
Last edited Jun 21, 2023 4:59 pm
Jun 21, 2023 5:13 pm
How badly is everyone hurt? Do we need to get healed before continuing? I think Blornvid only lost one HP during that battle.Jun 21, 2023 7:36 pm
Skeeve likes Blornvid's ordering: 25&27, followed by the unnumbered room with the giant ominous icon, followed by 29. Going down the stairs past room 29 should be saved for another day.
Skeeve says, "There are stairs past room 29. We saw the water/ooze/elemental go through the door to room 29. It must have been wanting to go down those stairs. Looks like some more fun for us when we go down those stairs!"
Skeeve says, "There are stairs past room 29. We saw the water/ooze/elemental go through the door to room 29. It must have been wanting to go down those stairs. Looks like some more fun for us when we go down those stairs!"
Jun 22, 2023 1:06 pm
After looking over the room the man came from, which did contain the other table paired with the one you found earlier, and collecting anything of interst you set out again heading to the last rooms Taking your time you open all the doors, including the stone door, which was trapped with some kind of thunder magic. Both the rooms, 25 and 27, were empty of anything interesting or noteworhy. Moving over to the hallway where there is a hidden door you spend some time trying to get in.
Do you want to go through the simpe doors or theThis door is well hidden and sealed. You need to roll a 6 to open the door. Raggy can roll 3d6 due to trapmaster, and everyone else can help by rolling their own tests. Any 6 indicates you can open the door otherwise you will need to break it down
Do you want to go through the simpe doors or the
Does someone want to take the magic gloves?[ +- ] Gloves of Swiming and Climbing
While wearing these gloves you always have advantage on swiming and climbing and can move with greater speed than normal
Jun 22, 2023 1:37 pm
As they all help Vlax says, "i can see two good uses of those gloves. Maybe they can be shared. I don't know much about magic, but the person wearing could use them to climb to higher vantage points. Being an archer, that can be useful. We may need someone with lockpicking and similar skills to wear them too, so they can reach treasures otherwise difficult to access." He shrugs.
Last edited Jun 22, 2023 1:37 pm
Helping - (2d6)
Jun 22, 2023 2:11 pm
Skeeve says, "I got this spiffy armor earlier, so I figure I'm last in line for the next item. The gloves seem to match you well, Vlax, I think we're all good with you making use of them. Enjoy!"
Skeeve: Helping out - (2d6)
Jun 22, 2023 5:01 pm
Yes I second that. You are very valuable member of this team who underrates his importance.
Door - (3d6)
Jun 22, 2023 5:52 pm
Thank you, Raggy, for being so much more observant on the door than the rest of us!Jun 22, 2023 6:21 pm
Vlax says, "Awesome. Let's nake good use of them." as he puts on the gloves and tries climbing on a few surfaces, if only to get used to them and how they work. Ledges, doors, anywhere he can find along the way. He is ready to proceed when everyone else is.
Last edited Jun 22, 2023 6:22 pm
Jun 23, 2023 12:38 am
Vlax is able to scale some of the walls better than others. All are a bit slick with moisture but those that are shapped better offer litle in the way of hand and feet holds while the more natural walls are more easy to navigate.
Raggy spends a few moment with the other inspecting the area around the door and noting a few holes that he investigates and then tries a few methods before finally opening the door by simpy stopping a couple of holes within easy reach ofthe finger of one hand and pouring water in a larger hole higher up the wall. With a slight click the door is unlocked then swings open noiselessly.
A massive blue marble statue of a merman holding a trident dominates the room. The eyes of the statue are brilliant opals. It surface is slick with moisture that slowly trickles down to the pool it rises from. There are several smaller statues, also in puddles around the room. They are a crab, an eel, an octopus,, a swarm of fish, a clam, and a whale. The walls are faded paint that likely had picures at one time but have since then faded to dull grens, blues, with splotches of red and yellow.
Raggy spends a few moment with the other inspecting the area around the door and noting a few holes that he investigates and then tries a few methods before finally opening the door by simpy stopping a couple of holes within easy reach ofthe finger of one hand and pouring water in a larger hole higher up the wall. With a slight click the door is unlocked then swings open noiselessly.
A massive blue marble statue of a merman holding a trident dominates the room. The eyes of the statue are brilliant opals. It surface is slick with moisture that slowly trickles down to the pool it rises from. There are several smaller statues, also in puddles around the room. They are a crab, an eel, an octopus,, a swarm of fish, a clam, and a whale. The walls are faded paint that likely had picures at one time but have since then faded to dull grens, blues, with splotches of red and yellow.
Jun 23, 2023 2:01 pm
Skeeve tries to detect as requested. Roll included in case it's needed. He also tried to see if there are any hits of elemental activity, given what we found before. So, two rolls included. The second (perception) is at advantage because of the armor.
Skeeve: Detect Magic - (2d6)
Skeeve: Perception - (3d6)
Jun 23, 2023 2:12 pm
Vlax stands back and watches them all work. Actually, he watches the statues, as best he can while behind them and staying out of the way.. If there is a hint of movement he wants to be ready, and if that movement is aggressive then he will react... Bow in hand.
Jun 23, 2023 2:26 pm
Everyone can tell there is something magical to the room and Skeeve localizes it to the pools. Like the hallways outside this chamber has moisture covering all surfaces, as if a waterfall is nearby and the mist is blown over everything. There is in fact, now that you look for it, a slight mist to the entire room and the room is even cooler than the rest of the subterranean area. Nothing is moving and even the water coating all the surfaces does not bead up and roll down it.With the paint faded the only making left in the room are around the pools. You will need to enter the room for a more details inspection.
Detecting magic is still part of the skill so does need a roll. Out of combat you will always get a basic success and be able to detect strong magic or magic filled areas but the more success you roll the more detail you get.load next