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Jun 28, 2023 8:00 pm
Raggy takes it all in with amazement. This is all so strange. Yes lets get to work

Ro will just be sniffing around like a normal dog would do.
Jun 28, 2023 8:02 pm
Before we go any further, I've got two questions:

1) Does the corridor on the other side of the portcullis lead downward?

2) Just in case we find ourselves unable to return, should we report what we've found so far to Valpip?
Jun 28, 2023 8:09 pm
ForeverDED says:

I know this was meant as in-character ignorance. Just playing along. :)
Yes. I find that my character is a little narrow of facet. It's just not a whole lot he can do. He's kind of built for battle and with the exception of his precognition, which is limited usage... He really doesn't have a lot to add so it'll be a lot of commentary I'm sure
Vlax inhalees deeply, readys his bow, and takes his normal stance... Let's do it
Jun 28, 2023 10:41 pm
Eh, don't worry about it too much. I have four Traits now and, not including the completely superfluous conversation with Ro, I have use only one of them thus far. And then only for two things: detecting magic and energy bolts. It's just how things fall. The great thing is that the system is loose enough that everyone can do anything with a decent chance of success. (And as Skeeve demonstrated repeatedly in the water room, even things with advantage can still fail.) Just try things. :)
Skeeve takes Blornvid's concerns to heart and adds a couple notes to the map:
- He notes on the water room that it is magic all around with statues and magic pools. Magic trident.
- He notes the burning rune in room 29.
- He notes they are going to explore the natural tunnel past room 29.
Jun 28, 2023 11:49 pm
Yes I just got lucky I chose trap master then came here. One of my traits is beast speak with just wolves, like when am I going to find a wolf other than ro haha
Jun 28, 2023 11:56 pm
The passage beyond the portculus is a short coridor then stairs that gow down and turn right to the south.

Ro reports that the wind form the passge smells damp and old and burried.

As Skeeve notes things on teh scroll he recieves a short message back
Map works under base. Loose contact if you go beyond.
You are done with the tunnels under the base
Moving to explore the natural caverns but some one actually has to open/break the door first . . .
Jun 29, 2023 12:30 am
Oooh finishedthe tunnels under the base. I know i came in late, but I feel very accomplished!
Jun 29, 2023 2:34 am
I wish you'd been here sooner, so as to save Blornvid from all the trap punctures and firebombs. ;)
"Sounds like if we go any further, we can't expect Valpip to come to our rescue. Is everyone alright with that? Shall we delve further into the caverns?"
Jun 29, 2023 4:54 am
How late in the day is it? If it's still fresh, Skeeve is up for more. If it is getting late, he'd rather wait until tomorrow for the next phase.
Skeeve writes, Explore more, or just collapse corridor?
Jun 29, 2023 5:08 am
It is still a bit before noon. A meal at the in sounds nice before a hard afternoon of spelunking and surviving sinister senarios in the dark
Jun 29, 2023 6:24 am
Maybe a bite at the inn before heading into the great unknown Raggy says with a hand on Skeeve's shoulder.
Jun 29, 2023 10:57 am
Vlax agrees, "Yes. I'm not sure how much coin we've earbed, being new to this task but maybe we cab upgrade our gear. If we're on our own, we should be more sf sufficient." He glances at his companions to judge gheir reaction Does anyone in the base sell stuff that might give us an upper hand. I don't know, artifacts, scrolls, potions, salves, and oddities like that? Maybe Valpip would help equip us at a reduced rate. I imagine he 'wants' us to continue deeper
I'm using medieval fantasy genre references to items im most familiar with but I get subtle hints at times this genre is askew of that, maybe something a but more industrial... Idk
Jun 29, 2023 3:06 pm
The Tiny Info sheet has a Price Guide section. Expand the Stores spoiler to see what is available on base. All weapons in this system are basically the same by type, ranged/light/heavy, as is armor. Everyone is assumed to have some basic armor, no effect. You can get heavy armor that adds 1 HP that has to be repaired by a blacksmith. Magical items exist but most have little effect but can be useful. ex : glowing sword, compass arrow always points north, etc. Some rare items have better effects like self repairing armor, additional damage, etc. Potions are common, scrolls vary in power and scarcity.

Let me know if you are looking for something in particular or have trouble getting to the stores.
Jun 29, 2023 4:26 pm
As an aside, I don't have the ~Tiny Info~ button. The only ones I have are "Skeeve", "~Using GP~", and "~Notes~". I'd love to have the "~Tiny Info~" button, too.

Is there a "water breathing" scroll? Just thinking ...
Skeeve says, "OK, let's go up and get some lunch before ripping this portcullis down and do some exploring! However, first, is anyone interested in trying to grab that trident?"

Not that Skeeve particular wants it or would use it. He's just curious on if it can be retrieved without
Last edited Jun 29, 2023 4:30 pm
Jun 29, 2023 5:43 pm
Good point. I don't see a tiny info button anymore either... I thought it used to be at the bottom right below the die roll section? Wasn't it?
Jun 29, 2023 5:44 pm
Good point. I don't see a tiny info button anymore either... I thought it used to be at the bottom right below the die roll section? Wasn't it?
Jun 29, 2023 6:56 pm
Could it be the TinyD6 link on the Game Details page?
Jun 30, 2023 3:56 pm
Did anyone else find it? I went to the tiny 6 link on the details page and that took you to the tiny six website... But I did not see a store, or spoilers or anything like that... I may have overlooked it
Jun 30, 2023 4:04 pm
Looks like its under notes under the rolls now
Jun 30, 2023 4:56 pm
~Tiny Info~
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