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Jun 30, 2023 5:20 pm
It's not there

Last edited Jun 30, 2023 5:21 pm
Jun 30, 2023 5:57 pm
I'm the same ...

Jun 30, 2023 6:00 pm
Me too.
Jun 30, 2023 6:23 pm
Its under the tag notes now https://i.imgur.com/hFmfIuh.jpg
Jun 30, 2023 6:29 pm
It was labeled ~notes~ for players but ~Tiny Info~ for me. I changed it so everyone sees ~Tiny Info~ now.

Let me know if there are still any problems
Jun 30, 2023 6:38 pm

So how much have we earned, since Raggy and I joined?
Did we get a split of coins found?
Jun 30, 2023 6:49 pm
DaChiefPI says:

So how much have we earned, since Raggy and I joined?
Did we get a split of coins found?
And do we start with any gold? I know I got 10 for finishing the wagon trail, but that's all I got down
Jun 30, 2023 8:13 pm
Mnrtoler says:

And do we start with any gold? I know I got 10 for finishing the wagon trail, but that's all I got down
Ah, I didn't see that... Which I know is my fault, but didn't notice any payouts yet. May not have applie to me, but ya... Need to record coins somewhere. Sorry GM
Last edited Jun 30, 2023 8:14 pm
Jun 30, 2023 8:16 pm
It also looks like everything's listed as, normal, expensive, or cheap... Which column should we be using? At the base?
Jun 30, 2023 8:24 pm
I Don't see any kind of specialty items either.. So basically looking for potions of healing, maybe other potions in our price range.

maybe low level scrolls that might do fun stuff... Assuming any character can use a scroll. Not being familiar with the system, have no idea what would be affordable...
Jun 30, 2023 9:08 pm
Got it! Thanks!

And 1000GP for a spyglass!? Wow. Khaguran got the most expensive item from that tower! :-D
Jun 30, 2023 9:20 pm
Updated with arcane options, also listed here
details available on request and proof of wealth to purchase
IE. I am borrowing a lot from other systems and making this up as I go so do not have a full set of details at this time but most should be self explanatory, I hope
Normal Cheap Expensive Rural Urban Premium
[ +- ] Artificers Shop (Potions & Scrolls)
Normal Cheap Expensive Rural Urban Premium

Prices listed are in Gold Pieces
1 GP = 10 SP = 100 CP
[ +- ] Scrolls
Jun 30, 2023 9:38 pm
@GM... Did you ever tell us how much coin we have?
Jun 30, 2023 10:03 pm
Besides the loot you found, everyone should have started with 10 GP
The lamp was sold for 200 GP
Both tables were sold for 100 GP
If divided by 4 that is +75 GP each

The only other treasure I recall for after Raggy and Vlax joined was in the water temple that you left alone
Blornvid has been keeping all the treasure but I believe most of that came from before Raggy and Vlax joined
I recommend you figure out a system. Typically groups I am in divides loot equally by the number of characters +1 with the +1 and extra going towards party agreed expenses.
Jun 30, 2023 10:31 pm
I vote we just divide it up equally, and if we all decide to pitch in for a agreed party expense, then we all pay our share..at that time.

If someone doesn't have enough to pitch in, at that time, then someone can offer to cover their debt... and would like owe them an IOU and they pay it back. .
Vlax will buy a bottle of Alchemist fire (50gp), and anotjer belt pouch to put it in so it's handy. (.5). He also wants to put three empty flasks in his backpack (.06 total), one glass bottle (2gp), two vials (2gp total). He rolls them inside his bedroll to cushion them while in his rucksack... (( Is that a backpack ))

85 GP, minus 54.56 = 30.44 left?
Jun 30, 2023 11:28 pm
In Skeeve's defense, he was trying to talk the group into going back to get the trident.
I thought we were dividing it evenly across the players, with no +1. However, all "remainders" were then tossed into the "party pool" that Blornvid is tracking. So, for example, if we find six gems, we'd each get one, then the other two get tossed into the party pool.

At least, that's what I thought we had been doing up to this point.

Skeeve is also going to blow 50 of his newly acquired 75 gp on a healing potion. That way both he and Blornvid will now have a healing potion and an anti-toxin potion for "bail-yer-butt-out" purposes.
Last edited Jun 30, 2023 11:34 pm
Jun 30, 2023 11:33 pm
I'm new, obviously so whatever you guys think... Or whatever you've done in the past is fine with me. I was kind of talking about the coins, and assumed the sale of the other stuff.. Just let me know. You guys may have already had a system.

I'm not a big fan of the plus one, but if that's what y'all want to do that's fine.
Jul 1, 2023 2:36 am
Daryen's correct. We divvy up and then Blornvid has been holding on to the remainder into the "party pool."

Here's what's in the party pool:

Group petty cash: 20 CP, 37 SP, 1 GP
Fine silk sash threaded with copper (25 gp)
Marble rod inlaid with electrum (25 gp)

We can cash it in and divvy it up.

To be honest: Before you guys came along, we were burned through at least 3 PCs and 1 PC turned NPC (IINM). As Blornvid's been the one that's been down here the longest, he was designated the guy that holds onto this stuff. We can sell it now that we're topside.
Jul 1, 2023 3:00 am
I'm good with the existing method. We trust Blornvid lol.
Jul 1, 2023 3:10 am
@DaChiefPI here is the 10 from wagon train https://i.imgur.com/OTG5xfH.jpg
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