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Jul 1, 2023 3:30 am
Raggy will buy some trap related things.
-2 Pulleys 1gp each
-1 hunter trap 5 gp
-1 grappling hook 2 gp
-100' rope 2gp

Jul 1, 2023 1:03 pm
Thanks MNRTOLER.. I somehow missed it.

Yes, I like the idea of Blorvid keeping the excess, if any... But you two should sell and split that other stuff, unless you are holding onto it for a reason. Sounds like stuff you accumulated before we came along

The only group expense I can think of that we should save up for is probably healing potions. We should try to keep one of those on each person at all times, when and if possible.

But that can be a personal expense too. I just think it's of value to all to keep everyone 'up' ... Conscious and alive.
Jul 1, 2023 1:35 pm
scrolls can also be a group expense as they cost more but also have more affect Egan basic . Skeeve can use them.
Jul 2, 2023 1:53 am
How late is it? How tired are we? It didn't seem like it had been long since we rested... but... Wondering if we should rest before heading back.
Vlax stows his new gear, stuffing most of it in his pack, and says "I'm ready when the rest of you are."
Jul 2, 2023 2:19 am
I do believe Psybermagi said around noon and thats why we came topside. Does this count as an hour rest to heal my one hp?
At the sound of ready Ro's head shoots up. Raggy chuckles, "Looks like we are ready also."
Jul 2, 2023 12:53 pm
Sure, hour rested
Jul 2, 2023 4:37 pm
Ooo. Skeeve also takes the hour rest.
Given the hour taken, how much time do we have before Valpip closes the door for the night?
EDIT: I guess you can just start us down at the rusted portcullis ready to break it down.
Last edited Jul 2, 2023 4:38 pm
Jul 2, 2023 8:46 pm
i am fast curating a bit of the base securing the tunnels to make you use of then a bit easier
By this time Valpip has secured the lower room under the warehouse. They have also added a ladder leading up to the boat house and assigned guards to patrol underground. As long as you get back to the boathouse before dark you can enter and leave freely.(8am to 8pm)
Jul 2, 2023 9:36 pm
Which room number is under the boathouse?

So, assuming we get back down there at around 1:00 or so, that gives us six hours to muck around and still leave time to get out. That should be reasonable.

Jul 2, 2023 10:56 pm
The boathouse is over the water cavern. The added a ladder down and have a guard stationed below at all times of the day but the ladder retracted and door sealed at night. For now.
Jul 3, 2023 12:59 am
Ok. Thanks!
Now that he's feeling better, Skeeve is ready for some tear-down work and some more exploring!
Jul 3, 2023 3:10 am
With all the other passages sealed off Valpip plans to secure that last room and place another door at the bottom of the stairs. Once that is in place the subterranean rooms and passageways will be secure. You walk the guards through the area and then part ways as you look at the rough passage way ahead of you.

Can I get a marching order as well as any standard activities or practices when you explore the caverns.
Jul 3, 2023 3:28 am
Well, Blornvid is short and tough, so he can go first. The rest of you guys should be able to cast spells and shoot arrows over his head. ;)

Any sturdy doors we encounter should be checked for traps and magic before attempting to open them.
Jul 3, 2023 3:51 am
Raggy will check for traps as needed, otherwise Ro and then him will follow behind Blornvid.
Jul 3, 2023 12:47 pm
Skeeve I guess goes third. He will detect for magic as they progress. We will probably have one lit torch, but all other torches will have a magical light instead. It lights just the same, but doesn't consume the torches. If they fail for some reason, we can always use the lit torch to light the others. Failing all of that, we'll have to depend on Blornvid.

Don't forget that Skeeve has the effects of Perception because of the armor when making those secret surprise rolls.
Jul 3, 2023 7:14 pm
Blornvit then Raggy & Ro followed by Skeeve and Vlad move down rough stone tunnel. As you embark on a perilous journey into the depths of a world untouched by sunlight into subterranean caves and labyrinthine tunnels that have remained undisturbed for decades, the possibility of discovering ancient secrets, untold treasures, and lurking horrors flits across your minds.

The deeper you delve into the bowels of the earth, you begin to feel oppressed by the darkness that reigns supreme here. The flicker of your torchlight reveals hints of the passage of people and creatures in these caverns, either hunting, exploring, or preserving their dark and mysterious dominion. Legend tell of grotesque aberrations born from ancient magic to monstrous creatures that have adapted to the perpetual darkness, every step could lead to a harrowing encounter that tests your tactical skills and resourcefulness.

Your journey takes you deeper and deeper underground and you feel as if you are entering a vast underground ecosystems, where bioluminescent flora illuminates the path and reveals glimpses of the breathtaking beauty that lies hidden within the subterranean expanse.


The tunnel winds deeper and deeper until finally opening up to a cavern split by a massive column in the middle of it. A group of draconic faces have been carved into the column wall, and a sundered club lies in the north-east corner of the room along with a pock marked mace and some oddly polished areas of the floor nearby.
[ +- ] map
Jul 3, 2023 7:35 pm
Vlax looks for ledges or areas along the walls that might provide a vantage point from which to circumvent the chamber, and attack from if needed.
Slow focus... Rolling, some kind of perception or search, if needed, to see something nit easily noticed.


Perception - (2d6)


Jul 3, 2023 8:52 pm
Skeeve will move with the group and we enter the large cavern. Once everyone is inside, and nothing happens, he will go over to the column and examine the dragonic faces.


Skeeve: Perception on the draconic faces. - (3d6)


Jul 3, 2023 9:10 pm
Raggy will slowly approach the weapons and polished spots. He is looking for signs of a trap.


Trap search - (3d6)


Jul 3, 2023 10:39 pm
That intro wasn't scary at all. ;-)
Blornvid will examine the mace.


Examine mace for potential salvage - (2d6)


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